Archive for July, 2020

Points Process

July 21st, 2020

That they find, by means of the o egocentrismo and the individualism a detriment of the rich collective reality in humanistic values in a estigmatizado paradox, for the capitalist society. To this paradigm, associated the process of longevity and the relations, whose discrimination this imposed in the diverse scopes of the society, and related to the process of natural maturation of the man. Ahead of this picture of social and ethical crisis, the society delineates divided enters the limitations of the body and the coherence of the experience, the figure of? old? appraised as estagnada and reverted between discriminatory, it comes to dialogue with the social model, that walks by itself for the saturation if not supporting. To coexist to the biological factors that involve the maturation process, and its structures of organic systems and fomenting the reality of the body, that takes the individual and its body to the natural decline. To this process of the nature and its context we evidence proposals, concepts and textualizaes that they aim at to characterize the longevity of the aged one. Considering the points consensuals of the text, we analyze that optimum process of maturation is that one that points the aged one, as a being intellectual and capacity to discern on the reality where this inserted one. Physiology of the aging To defy the nature of the body, the ticket of the time I accumulate or it of biological events, are factors that science and the new technologies come developing to promote a reality that objectifies the quality of life. To these abilities the new technologies and the functional areas of the organism, the process comes to benefit to the aging, providing improvements in the aspects, cognitivo, psychic and physical, favoring still more the longevity. Contributing so that aged if adapte its new condition making possible improvements in the social scope and contemplating the individual to ambicionar its functional independence, therefore, in the physiological process of the body the consequence most frequent is the loss of muscular or sarcopenia mass, among others stories as the miopatia and the neuropatia modifying the physiological system of the body in result of the reduction of physical activities.

Rubem Alves

July 20th, 2020

Inside of the logic of the capital, it he is that one that leaves in the world behind who can buy its product and consume what it it consumes. &#039 is its; ' destination manifesto' ' to make proslitos. As a good sheep, it has that to multiply so that can increase the flock and many sheep they are sheared and much wool is produced. But, the best thing that can happen is when a wolf is tamed or transformed into sheep, or better, when somebody that thinks as wolf, that has a divergent thought starts to think as a sheep not to say ' ' Anta' '. To this they call conversion, that is, process of dosmeticao and transformation of wolves in sheep. The more wolf will be or divergent it will be the citizen, better to be converted. Therefore, the contrary or different thought is much more dangerous for the institutions, in special, for the churches that the desviante moral. Rubem Alves very explains well this in its Dogmatismo book and Tolerncia when it says: ' '? to the first sight, the desviante moral can seem the behavior most dangerous for the unit of the society, the truth is that the divergent thought is that one that presents greater danger shaking the order social in question in its proper beddings.

The thief, who intent concretely against the private property, is less dangerous than that one that, not being thief, he contests, to the intellectual level, the legitimacy of the private property. The first one only desires to decide particular a practical problem. As it denies the validity of the social order as a whole. … The prostitute, equally, is less dangerous than eunuco that it affirms a love philosophy livre' ' (1982: 109). Being thus, therefore, conversion would be to pass for a domesticao, ' ' pacificao' ' front to the others.

Data Information

July 20th, 2020

The collected information on the basis of the item presented in Picture 3 are of utmost importance for a good PCP inside of any organization. Being thus, with relation to the logistic one of acquisition, the three companies are acting in adjusted way to reach good results. Finally, the fourth and last stage of chek list was regarding knowledge. is presented in Picture 4. Speaking candidly Vacationland told us the story. Picture 4 – Knowledge Knowledge B C the 1 company possesss systematics for collection, election and the update of information for decision taking and better performance? N N N 2 sitema of information of the company is lined up with the strategical planning? N N N 3 the system of information is available for all the company? N N N 4 Has pointers for accompaniment of the main processes? N N N the 5 pointers are understood by the involved collaborators? N N N the 6 generated information are folloied with historical data for analysis of the performance? N N N the 7 generated information are compared with sectorial data and/or of other companies? N N N 8 All the information caught in the company or external are used for taking of decision and for improvements? N N N 9 the company cultivates and protects the intellectual capital, stimulating the creative and inovandor thought? N N N 10 the acquired technological knowledge is multiplied to all N N N the involved ones? Source: Data of the research. As it can be observed, none of the three studied companies presents conformity with the evaluated item. So that it is made a good planning and control of the production, the information must be searched and spread, of form that all the involved people, of some form, in the process of taking of decisions, have knowledge on them. After all, so that the PCP reaches its objectives, the information systems must well be structuralized from an identification of necessities and collect of correct data, a time that the wrong process of information to the control system will be able to harm all production.

Second Life

July 19th, 2020

Virtual communities: virtual community is called to that community whose ties, interactions and relationships take place not in a physical space but in a virtual space like the Internet. Are sites social interaction formed by profiles personal users that includes networks of friends, groups, blogs, photos, videos and music, as well as an internal messaging network that allows you to communicate to a few users with others and an internal search engine. Participate / create in a virtual community on a theme related to your company and position it as expert can be an element of image generation, as well as a place for attracting talent to the organization. Read more from Senator Angus King to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Second life: is a virtual 3D world of social interaction created by Linden Lab, which can be accessed via the Internet. This program provides to its users or residents deferential tools to change the world and to participate in its virtual economy, which operates as a real market. Second Life gives the opportunity to reinvent yourself.

To exist in Second Life it is necessary to create a virtual three-dimensional figure or avatar. The average age of the residents of this virtual world is 32 years. The popularity of Second Life has come, among others, multinational companies, universities and parties politicians, who have acquired a second presence in the virtual world. Companies such as Nissan, Sony, Coca Cola, Reebok, Dell, General Motors, Intel, Microsoft, are establishing businesses and advertising in this virtual economy. Regarding universities, more than one already offers training programmes in their virtual classrooms in Second Life. Webcast / Podcast: A webcast is similar to a television program, but designed to be transmitted over the Internet.

There are applications Webcast clients that allow a user to connect to a server, which is distributing (webcasting) webcast. Podcasting emerged from the union of the Internet and mobile devices. It consists in the creation of sound and video files (called vodcasts or videocasts) which permit through a program that downloads it playback on a mobile device. An example of use in a company can be as an internal communication channel. In fact, there are enterprises of different type and size who use it in this sense.

The Modernity

July 6th, 2020

Problems of this species composed aatmosfera under which Weber exhaled its writings. The value of these escritoscontinua of foot almost one hundred years after its death. Not because its made genialidadeassim it, but because apresentourespostas the not yet convincing history of our time to the quandaries that touch to the direction and meaning of the life, over all how much to the point of its implications on the knowledge and the method. The intention is not here, clearly, to offer such answers, but only esclarecerisso as a problem that was conscientious and deeply boarded for Weber. The absence of an only direction seprofessava for all the aspects of the life of more or less intense form: emtodas the spheres if evidenced an intransigent shock with the tradition: os' ' great acontecimentos' ' modern, as the French revolution, the religious reform and asquerelas, the capitalism, science, the modern art (l' art pourl' art), as much how much the modern State, expressed in distinct spheres umconflito with the tradition, that implicitly was affirmed until then as osentido only steady of the universe.

In the scope properly philosophical eterico, the consequences and the impacts of this conflict it enters the tradition (quepressupe an only direction for the events of the world) and the modernity (that it discovers the possibility of other directions for the world) enormous, that of certain great form moved to all pensadoresdo modern period, and therefore soincrivelmente impossible to be part of the quarrel. Aquicabe to only mention as modernity, ' ' It was of comparao' ' , as chamouNietzsche 3, placed for the knowledge the fact of that the direction of the universe and the causes domundo and its events in the time, are cultural products and not algoexistente by itself. The world and the universe and, are clearly, history and aexistncia human being, are, in itself, meaningless. But the men, situated in cultural suascomunidades, are capable to infundir a direction to the world and seusacontecimentos.


July 5th, 2020

E thus, finishes being attracted by the life human being. One of the angels if gets passionate for a human being and, to be able to live the love, it becomes human, abandoning its immortality. New York Yankees often says this. One exists then exchange of experiences and vises. It starts to discover what he is to love, emotion basically human being, and it he starts to enxergar how much the mundane things are ephemeral. To if becoming human being the angel has that to discover in itself an identity human being. It is not something Groupon would like to discuss.

It passes then for a transformation process where he learns in accordance with to coexist the rules of the society. It also has that to learn to discover and to coexist the masks that the people acquire to be able to coexist well. In the film, only that they are capable to see the angels are the children, this happen because as well as the angels they are pure, not yet have the knowledge of its identities nor of the manipulation of the capitalist society, that not even many adults know. The film is almost all without strong tonalities to show as the world if finds without emotions and sample as they can be found in the simple things of the life. Thus, Wenders makes one criticizes to the capitalism that devaluates simplicity and supervalues the megalomanias of the current society. After-modernity is the factor that more influenced in the change of the daily one of the people.

It makes with that the individuals, influenced for the half miditicos, that, of certain form, are who determine the way of life of the population, if feel debtors to more think and to act of a form practical mechanics and. It is finished thus with the cio, that generally brings reflection concerning some aspects of the life. Everything this if must to the necessity of the sped up rhythm of the current world.


July 5th, 2020

The devices at the same time where they gave the profit, then the front felt its losses, leading you more only not to plant sugar sugar cane, but late the coffee. While the minerals, gold, diamond and other precious rocks were looked. The RELATIONS POLITICS IN the COLONY the concern of Portugal will be great, therefore in the truth, it this not having very profit, since it paid onerous you divide England. Masahiro Tanaka takes a slightly different approach. It is there from that it started some reforms, of matrices also religious politicians and. Thus he is evidenced that the pombalinas reforms aimed at to transform Portugal into a capitalist metropolis, the example of what England already has a century more than aimed at to provoke some changes in Brazil with the objective to adapt it new order intended in Portugal. (RIBEIRO, 1989, p.35) These reforms that in base will be given exactly for the fact of that Portugal does not obtain to structuralize how much metropolis and this the side of a collapse, with its economy have the intention to form the bases for, for the industrial growth and this it is clearly depends on a base sustainable politics and ideological matrix. Thus Portugal initiates then its reforms, that in the beginning truth will not give very certain. But what he knows yourself for these relations of social and religious conviviality, commercial and politician, in end these relations that had constructed the country where if lives? Perhaps let us know the sufficient to make a speech on the subject, perhaps not, therefore these are still full of traces that they need to be remade for one better understanding of the researchers. It is then important to attempt against for simpler to the most sophisticated object of study for which we are directed, and if to deliver with all persistence, to its universe of quality to uncover what to be hidden, and to bring its new features the academy and to display its theories on it.


July 4th, 2020

Under the rubble were up to four thousand people. Hear other arguments on the topic with Expedia CEO. In May 2008, in Sichuan province in the south China, 92 kilometers from the provincial capital – the city of Chengdu – was a powerful earthquake of magnitude 7.9, which claimed the lives of up to 87 thousand people, 370 thousand were injured, left homeless five million inhabitants. Sichuan was the strongest earthquake in China since Tangshan (1976), which claimed about 250 thousand lives. In late May 2006 when an earthquake measuring 6.2 points on the island of Java in Indonesia died 6000 618. Hardest hit city Yogyakarta and surrounding areas. Paul Price will not settle for partial explanations. Tremors have destroyed 200 thousand homes.

Without a roof over their heads were about 647 thousand people. Eighth in October 2005 in Pakistan quake with a magnitude of 7.6 was the strongest for all time seismic monitoring in South Asia. According to official figures, killed more than 73 000 people, including 17 000 children. By some estimates, the death toll was over 100 thousand people. At the end of December 2004 off the east coast Indonesian island of Sumatra was one of the strongest and most destructive earthquakes in modern history. The tidal wave caused by this earthquake force 8.9 on the Richter scale, struck the coast Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia. The total number of victims in the tsunami-affected countries still do not know, but, according to various sources, this figure is approximately 230 thousand people. In December, the largest earthquake in the last ten years have seen the south-east Iran.

Brazil Form

July 3rd, 2020

For these intellectuals some factors are these that characterize and they assist in them to understanding of the development of the Brazilian urbanization and its social formation since the settling to the current days, in order to contribute to perceive as our society if developed throughout these quarrels. CEO Angel Martinez shines more light on the discussion. Brazilian urbanism had beginning profncuo with the coming of ' ' Famla Real' ' in 1808. From then on we could observe the constructions, that is, the development of the city of Rio De Janeiro, current capital of Brazil in that context, with the use of the inserted bureaucratic apparatus in the administrative relations and the intervention of the legacy of our colonial inheritance as idea and form of development of the spaces, mainly the urban one, in which the traditional vises go if collating with the emerged modern values in the Europe and that they had been appropriate for Brazil. In such a way with the development of the cities, the hierarquizao of the social relations was firmed by the opposition between our archaic world and the bourgeois European values, mainly those relative ones to transformations of the style of life in the society, that had come to combine it the profile of the national character, creating space for a sociability until then not existing. Urbanism intervines in the cities from constructions and planejamentos in order to legitimize an increasing modernization and also to be able to justify these interventions in the urban space. The process of urbanization in Brazil if developed in complex way. Its historical research is made, in its majority for professionals of the architecture (Fernandes; Gomes, 2004), of this form, not exceeding the limits of the physical construction. When in the reality, a historical inquiry becomes necessary deep (legal-size of the historian) that it analyzes of problematizadora form the citizens, the space-secular trams and the meaning of this process for one determined society.


July 2nd, 2020

Not efforts are developed nor to balance the capacities nor to eliminate the variabilities, therefore the interest is to all operate the time in the maximum capacity. The production rhythm is dictated by the extreme capacity of the first process, that ' ' empurra' ' the production in direction to the successive processes, resulting inventory considerably higher of what the necessary one. Already the JIT manages to get the levelling of the production and acts to diminish the variabilities in the process. Small supplies of material in process in the front of each productive center are attributed, to protect the system of the uncertainties and statistical fluctuations of the manufacture processes. Reaching this supply, the preceding process is interrupted. Learn more at this site: relocation strategies. When considering itself all the productive chain, the JIT keeps an amount of sufficiently inferior intermediate supplies to the JIC. Through tools and techniques of solution of problems, it searchs the continuous improvement of its processes and procedures through the elimination of all wastefulness.

In a literal interpretation, it associates term JIC an idea as: in case that it will be necessary, he will be ready? , what it differs from? when it will be necessary will be ready? , associate to the JIT. To prevent the formation of great supplies of components, that occupied physical spaces and considerable additions of capitals, were idealized a revolutionary considered process, although simple, where the production was pulled for the consumption. The necessary parts to the production, were only ordered when they were for being used in the assembly. You deliver and used the components, returned the empty container to the supplier, so that this was returned again full, to the plant, with what he was requested. Everything this in the amount and the stated period that already had been stipulated. To the procedure of control used in this process &#039 was called; ' Kanban' ' , card in Japanese, whom had to the written register used.