Archive for January, 2019

Education Changes

January 21st, 2019

All these aspects had provoked transformations in the education although the resistance of the Jesuits. The Jesuits, religious order established by Incio de Loyola in 1534, was main the responsible one for the diffusion of the education in the Europe and Brazil. In this direction, valley to detach two distinct ideas for the understanding of the education, in this period that are: the Protestant Reformation and the Against-Reformation catholic. (MOSER, 2008, P. 74) 3. CONCLUSION the renaissance brought many changes for the man.

In this period of transistion of thoughts, where the man starts to question its existence and its function in the land, the individualistic thought appears, mainly in the area deals of it, the exchanges already more does not happen in function of the necessities and yes in the intention of the attainment of profits, giving space for the capitalist thought. In this period the man starts to question the religious thought tax for the church, thought this that nailed the deity, being made possible to explain the world for the religion. The bourgeoisie gains space and appears the school for the elite, excluding the great mass. To the step that the humanity starts to walk for its said ‘ ‘ evoluo’ ‘ , they start to appear the excluded ones of the society. Many changes can be cited in function of renaissance, many had been of great value for the man, mainly in if treating to alienation, the opening of the mind, in areas of much importance, areas as the education and culture and as much others that make possible the man to discover the world to its redor and to evolve, however also exist the bad side of this movement, that does not have to be forgotten, as well as in all the ocorrentes changes in the life it human being. This bad side also can be explained by the demographic swell ocorrente in the world, where, with all these changes had created the exclusions.

Cidade Dos Reis

January 15th, 2019

We can analyze, the displayed one in accordance with, that the Christmas is a rich party in symbolic elements and meanings and its repetition creates a connection with the past involving mannering values. 5 SYMBOLISMS, MEANINGS, SPECTACLE, DECORATION, NEW INFRASTRUCTURE AND COMMERCE: The CHRISTMAS IN CHRISTMAS the symbols set in motion in the period of the Christmas start to integrate the diversified set of symbolic and cultural goods of different natures (Greenwood, 1989 apud Steil, 1998). This does not occur differently in Christmas, capital of the state of the River Great of the Brazilian north-eastern North, famous as the City of the Sun for presenting three hundred days of sun approximately? the biggest number in the country? he is palco of commemorations and a gorgeous ornamentao related to the natalinos festejos. By its main icon to be the Fort Dos Reis Magos, also is known by City Prespio or Cidade Dos Reis. We know that the city received this name, according to one of the versions of its history, for possessing connection with the date of the landmark of the primitive small farm of the city in day 25 of December of 1599 that it coincides with the natalinas festividades. This that already is repleta of beautiful landscapes and of an intense beginning of summer, in the December month still receives all a infrastructure, that to each year is improved, in the main ways, beaches and referring squares of its territory to the ornamentao of the natalinas parties. According to article published in day 11 of October of 2008, in the periodical Tribune of on-line North, gave beginning in the month of October of 2008, … the assembly of natalina ornamentao in the main ways of access of the city, in beaches and the squares. Beyond the habitual decoration of the avenues Engineer Robert Freire, Salty Filho and Hermes of the Fonseca, the Cautious one of Moral, Ayrton Senna, Mor Gouveia and Itapetinga the trees and seedbeds will be contemplated luminous ornaments in central offices.

Felix Miranda Quesada

January 9th, 2019

Knowledge of the aspects mentioned above will serve as a starting point to increase your commissions and improve your profits as well. As regards the conversion rate and the value of each of your sales, mentioned above, are aspects that should be considered from the beginning of the research of the product that will be to promote. Many times when working with affiliate products, focuses attention on directing traffic to the affiliate offers and neglected related to conversion rate and the price of the product or sale, which are two very important factors when it comes to generating profits. I will give an example. Suppose that you have a physical business selling typical foods.

You want many people to visit your business, or take traffic to your business and then contracts to an expert in traffic generation who promise to pay a Commission equivalent to a certain percentage of the sales you make. The expert, using some techniques achieved many people to visit your business. For example, implemented a corner for children’s games, an exhibition of paintings, etc. Within a few days, the business is full of people, attracted by the innovations. But the expert did not receive commissions on your part.

Before your claim not to receive commissions, you must inform him that is not having conversion. People who visit the business do not buy. This means that it has worked in traffic generation, but not in the aspect of conversion. The traffic without conversion does not generate commissions. When related to the sales price, could well be that the expert has succeeded in generating traffic and promote sales, but note that your commissions are low and do not meet their expectations of income. In this case, it may be that you are promoting a product of very low-priced, that does not generate high percentages of commissions. Therefore this aspect must be considered also when doing research the products you are going to promote. The use of free tools that exist to find products in great demand and reasonable prices is necessary to do so. Then, if you’re working with affiliate programs or are planning to enter this market, worry about these three aspects: send enough traffic to the product that is promoted, work on techniques that increase conversion rates and search for programs that pay good commissions. ** For limited time I willing to give you the wonderful world of Blogging eBook, download it now. It will only be on the network for a limited time, for my readers and subscribers.

Generic Drug

January 8th, 2019

A generic drug is that specialty with the same pharmaceutical form and equal qualitative and quantitative composition in medicinal substances to another specialty of reference, whose effectiveness and safety profile is sufficiently established by its ongoing clinical use.A generic must offer us the same efficacy and safety than a brand name drug. Generic drugs are cheaper, due to lower costs for research and development of the drug. This is what lets commercialize it at a lower price, without any degradation of quality of the medicinal product. A generic is permitted only if it meets the rules of correct manufacture of medicinal products and it has been proven that it acts identically to the brand. Therefore, the quality of generic requirements are the same as those required for any other specialty pharmaceutical. In this regard it should be pointed out that the lowest final price the generic does not indicate a decline in quality of the product, but that only reflects the circumstance that did not have to repay a few research expenses, that Yes had to endure, in due course, the original. Generic drugs are recognized for having in its container the Spanish official name (DOE) or, in its absence, by the international common denomination (DCI), followed by the name or brand of the owner or manufacturer and abbreviations EFG (specialty pharmaceutical generic). The presence of abbreviations EFG on the outer packages, becomes a crucial aspect to be able to identify a generic. Confusion can come with the existence of certain trademarks that appear to be generic without being, since its name consists of the name of the active princicio (DOE or DCI) plus the name of the manufacturing laboratory, but without abbreviations EFG. Generics represent a saving both for the consumer and for the Spanish sanitary system.