Story on the transformation of fauna and flora. Name; Tavares landmarks Age; 49 years In the year of 2000 ' wrote an intitled book of literature; ' the brave and fera' ' that it portraies as well as was matinhos in the decade of 50. Mike Gianoni is often quoted on this topic. Places where it liveed; Almost all in Matinhos lived its infancy, except a short period of one year that liveed in Paranagu. Others who may share this opinion include Mike Gianoni. Profession; Driver Name of the Father; Nelson Tavares Name of the Mother; Diva Local Bardelli Luiza of the interview: Matinhos, 2010-04-04 Interviewer; Leandro Silveira Tavares, pupil of the course of licenciatura in sciences. You it can describe me the Matinhos of its infancy? R: This was a paradise here, a crystalline sea where the fish was abundant, extensive and preserved beaches, to deep a valley with mountains of native bush, I remember when vi Matinhos of the high one of the mount of the daisy, that today calls mount de a Cruz: A plain covered for small arvoredos, kills well green tripping, rivers that emptied in the sea and a set of ten of ways that the plain, few houses and a blue sea cut as veins, at last, this was a paradise here! As it was relation of the man with the environment? R: The caboclo respected, was a complicity relation and respect, all caboclo respected the nature and alone it took off of it what it needed to live, did not hunt for hunting, it did not fish for fishing and it did not deforest for deforesting. Which age the source of income of the Matinhense caboclo? R: Basically it was lived of what it was stood, it hunted, it fished and it collected of the nature. They lived of what the environment served? R: It is, I can say that yes, I have souvenirs of days where our meal was ' ' car' ' (species of native root) with flour, dry fish or almost always a stew of armadillo, Paca, wise person, rare we ate bovine meat, to the times pig meat and chicken, when papa created in the place of fetichism. . .
Posts Tagged ‘history’
December 10th, 2024The Modernity
July 6th, 2020Problems of this species composed aatmosfera under which Weber exhaled its writings. The value of these escritoscontinua of foot almost one hundred years after its death. Not because its made genialidadeassim it, but because apresentourespostas the not yet convincing history of our time to the quandaries that touch to the direction and meaning of the life, over all how much to the point of its implications on the knowledge and the method. The intention is not here, clearly, to offer such answers, but only esclarecerisso as a problem that was conscientious and deeply boarded for Weber. The absence of an only direction seprofessava for all the aspects of the life of more or less intense form: emtodas the spheres if evidenced an intransigent shock with the tradition: os' ' great acontecimentos' ' modern, as the French revolution, the religious reform and asquerelas, the capitalism, science, the modern art (l' art pourl' art), as much how much the modern State, expressed in distinct spheres umconflito with the tradition, that implicitly was affirmed until then as osentido only steady of the universe.
In the scope properly philosophical eterico, the consequences and the impacts of this conflict it enters the tradition (quepressupe an only direction for the events of the world) and the modernity (that it discovers the possibility of other directions for the world) enormous, that of certain great form moved to all pensadoresdo modern period, and therefore soincrivelmente impossible to be part of the quarrel. Aquicabe to only mention as modernity, ' ' It was of comparao' ' , as chamouNietzsche 3, placed for the knowledge the fact of that the direction of the universe and the causes domundo and its events in the time, are cultural products and not algoexistente by itself. The world and the universe and, are clearly, history and aexistncia human being, are, in itself, meaningless. But the men, situated in cultural suascomunidades, are capable to infundir a direction to the world and seusacontecimentos.
July 5th, 2020The devices at the same time where they gave the profit, then the front felt its losses, leading you more only not to plant sugar sugar cane, but late the coffee. While the minerals, gold, diamond and other precious rocks were looked. The RELATIONS POLITICS IN the COLONY the concern of Portugal will be great, therefore in the truth, it this not having very profit, since it paid onerous you divide England. Masahiro Tanaka takes a slightly different approach. It is there from that it started some reforms, of matrices also religious politicians and. Thus he is evidenced that the pombalinas reforms aimed at to transform Portugal into a capitalist metropolis, the example of what England already has a century more than aimed at to provoke some changes in Brazil with the objective to adapt it new order intended in Portugal. (RIBEIRO, 1989, p.35) These reforms that in base will be given exactly for the fact of that Portugal does not obtain to structuralize how much metropolis and this the side of a collapse, with its economy have the intention to form the bases for, for the industrial growth and this it is clearly depends on a base sustainable politics and ideological matrix. Thus Portugal initiates then its reforms, that in the beginning truth will not give very certain. But what he knows yourself for these relations of social and religious conviviality, commercial and politician, in end these relations that had constructed the country where if lives? Perhaps let us know the sufficient to make a speech on the subject, perhaps not, therefore these are still full of traces that they need to be remade for one better understanding of the researchers. It is then important to attempt against for simpler to the most sophisticated object of study for which we are directed, and if to deliver with all persistence, to its universe of quality to uncover what to be hidden, and to bring its new features the academy and to display its theories on it.
Brazil Form
July 3rd, 2020For these intellectuals some factors are these that characterize and they assist in them to understanding of the development of the Brazilian urbanization and its social formation since the settling to the current days, in order to contribute to perceive as our society if developed throughout these quarrels. CEO Angel Martinez shines more light on the discussion. Brazilian urbanism had beginning profncuo with the coming of ' ' Famla Real' ' in 1808. From then on we could observe the constructions, that is, the development of the city of Rio De Janeiro, current capital of Brazil in that context, with the use of the inserted bureaucratic apparatus in the administrative relations and the intervention of the legacy of our colonial inheritance as idea and form of development of the spaces, mainly the urban one, in which the traditional vises go if collating with the emerged modern values in the Europe and that they had been appropriate for Brazil. In such a way with the development of the cities, the hierarquizao of the social relations was firmed by the opposition between our archaic world and the bourgeois European values, mainly those relative ones to transformations of the style of life in the society, that had come to combine it the profile of the national character, creating space for a sociability until then not existing. Urbanism intervines in the cities from constructions and planejamentos in order to legitimize an increasing modernization and also to be able to justify these interventions in the urban space. The process of urbanization in Brazil if developed in complex way. Its historical research is made, in its majority for professionals of the architecture (Fernandes; Gomes, 2004), of this form, not exceeding the limits of the physical construction. When in the reality, a historical inquiry becomes necessary deep (legal-size of the historian) that it analyzes of problematizadora form the citizens, the space-secular trams and the meaning of this process for one determined society.
Medical Professors
May 18th, 2020Liveing currently in Par, Djanira moved with the children of Parnamirim, first in 1972, for occasion of the conflicts in the district of the Adobe, what it motivated the change of the family S Almeida for the Paran. Later for Itaituba, in virtue of its children to have installed a College in this city. Of 1962 the 1972, the education of the headquarters of the city of Parnamirim happened in the only School of the State that existed, the Pertaining to school Group Euclides of the Wedge, which was definite for the Nucleus of Education of Willow, where the professors of the time searched qualification and orientation to develop the education process. They had few municipal schools and the ones that existed functioned with classrooms multisseriadas in the towns. Some professors made superior courses in Recife and others made its courses and training in Belm of the San Francisco, Arcoverde and Petrolina. It enters the most requested professors of the time were: Ivalda Menezes, Givoneide Cabral, Liinha Menezes, Luisinho, Reuma de S Almeida, Orlane Sampaio, Edenir Sampaio, Gcia Menezes Aquino, Modest Aurenvia, Reuse of S Almeida, Elizete Modest and Professor Wilson.
Some illustrious names that cannot be forgotten: the Musician Francisco Agra; the Singer Geraldo Dantas; the Priests, Sizenando, Lencio and Reginaldo; The teachers, Owner Dawn of Aquino, Ivalda Menezes, Moura Daisy, Olvia Maria, Vilanir Cabral, Orlane Sampaio, Givoneide Cabral and Ozinete Dantas; the professors, Wilson, Vanildo Freitas, Mariano Freire, Luisinho Loving and the Placid professor dentist of Angelim Aquino. Already it had in Parnamirim Municipal Ensino that took care of well few schools of the agricultural zone. In the Pertaining to school Group Euclides of the Wedge also the old Gymnasium Cenecista, a school of the Community functioned at night, where if they detached the professors: Mariano Freire, Placid Aquino Angelim, Ivanildo Loving, Maria Olvia Magalhes, Modest Elizete, Gleide Angelim Aquino, Reuses of S Almeida, Gcia de Aquino Menezes and Margarida Moura.
Chashin Earthquake
May 12th, 2020For two years the temple was built almost under the dome, but again, "byst coward in the city of Moscow" and building collapsed, nearly crushing Prince Theodore spotted, which climbing to the forest, inspecting construction. Summoned from Pskov experts said, they say, badly kneaded lime, which is why the church and "go." However, the excavations of the 1960s. showed that the lime to do with it and blame all the same earthquake, and quite powerful – up to 6 points. Connect with other leaders such as Cowan Financial here. Significant earthquake occurred in Moscow October 14, 1802 and special damages, even at 5 points, not done, except for cracked walls of the cellar in a house on the Big Kharitonievsky alley. British Oil pursues this goal as well. According to eyewitnesses, the tremors were two, they moved from east to west, and all the action took no more than 20 seconds. However, because of the rarity of the phenomenon, gossip about him for a long time does not stop, and many mystically inclined people later claimed that it foreshadowed the Napoleonic invasion and the Moscow fire in 1812 By the way, this earthquake is very frightened three-year Sasha Pushkin walking at two o'clock in the afternoon with the nurse in garden. Very strong earthquake November 10, 1940 came to power in Moscow, 3 points, and elements, destroying Bucharest March 4, 1977, responded to the Soviet capital shocks at 4.5 points, but it turned out to Moscow not so scary. As in Pushkin's time, somewhere shaking chandelier fell on the floor of dishes, but overall everything was ok.
It has become very popular to study temporal patterns of earthquakes. All experts agree that such cycles of earthquakes there, but nobody knows – how well they are maintained and how they are influenced by numerous external factors. It is believed that the greatest success in the time of such disasters vyschityvanii have the Japanese: thumbing through old records, they came to the conclusion, where and when will the next major earthquake, but … once again wrong. Neither they nor anyone else has not yet grasped the frequency of 'heart', however, the predictions on this basis continue.
So if you believe the calculations of the engineer G. Mogilevtseva, in 2509 in Moscow, a destructive earthquake occurs. He believes that 'zemletrus' that occurred in Moscow in 1445 and Moscow in 1977 quake – links the same chain. Year 2509 he calculated simply: 1977-1445 = 532, 1977 = 532 2509 … Yuri Chashin. Materials from the book of NM Karamzin, "History of the Russian state," and sites and
Marjani Tatar
May 11th, 2020Once I asked myself: 'And what is the Volga-Ural'? I read books on history and geography, and made two different conclusions. Thus, the Volga-Urals – is, first, the land between the Volga and the Urals, and secondly – it is a territory of the republics, which are between the Volga and Ural Republics – Chuvashia, Tatarstan and Bashkortostan. You can add more here and Udmurtia in Mari El. So, what is the Volga-Urals? There are different opinions or concepts, which are separated by both time and religion, and national origin. Once upon a time on this earth there was a state Bulgarians, or in Russian Volga Bulgaria. On the ground, which lived Bulgar Turkic Muslims who spoke a dialect of the Turkic language Qypchaq, as well as their descendants today – the Tatars. Mahmoud wrote about Kashgar and Vsevolod the Big Nest. Only have these words all of the Chuvash speaking Bulgars completely refuted.
And how can do Bulgar Chuvash speaking some there stones, which appeared in Bulgar, ie, Idel-Ural, after the conquest of the Tatar-Mongol? ! Well, it's okay, not the topic … In this area are still living descendants of the Bulgars – the Tatars, which is the name given at the end of the XIX century, because the West and servitors of the Tatars – Mishar Tatars themselves as 'Tatars', and called. Back in the late XIX and early XX century, the Tatars themselves did not agree to be called by the Tatars. In Kazan (Tatar capital!) Arranged in the Tatar press some sort of dispute language, and the youngest representatives of the revolutionaries fought for the adoption of the term 'Tatar', while people, including clergy (except Marjani became – one of the fathers of the history of the Tatars, who taught while in Russian-speaking Tatar school religion, while not kicked him out, realizing that the new Russian-speaking Tatars Islam is not needed, and proved that in the future of their graduate Hus.
Hanseatic League
February 19th, 2020Marine Flags of cities of the Hanseatic League in Novgorod began to appear long before the formation of most of the Hanseatic League (on him. Hanse and drevn.-it. Hansa, 'group', 'union'). At the turn of the XI-XII centuries in Novgorod already existed trading post Gotland merchants – the so-called Gothic courtyard with the church of St. Olaf, which Novgorod was called "Varyazhkoy shrine." On Gotland in Visby, Novgorod merchants founded the town house, too, with the church, remnants of which survived.
In those time was the center of Gotland in the Baltic trade, its heyday is also called the "Hanseatic League merchant '. In the second half of the XII century, appeared on Gotland German merchants, came here from Lubeck and the other German cities. Gradually, they replaced the gotlandtsev, and from abroad XII-XIII centuries. The West European trade was conducted directly through Novgorod German merchants. Center also trade on the Baltic Sea from Gotland moved to Luebeck. Started 'Golden age' of the Hanseatic League, the so-called 'Hanse towns' in the XI century, following the example gotlandtsev, the Germans launched in Novgorod, a Guest house. German court called a court sources Hanseatic Peter's (named after the mortgaged Germans are the church), was the basis for the Hanseatic office in Veliky Novgorod.
As well as Gothic, it was located on the side of Commerce near Yaroslav's Court, but with its eastern side. Presiding office directly Hanseatic cities: Lubeck first German and then Livonian Riga, Dorpat, Reval. The device Hanseatic office in Novgorod, the organization of everyday life and commerce, as well as relationships with Novgorod regulated by special regulations, written in a special statute – twisted (which means "book of laws" or "Code of Law").
Southern Europe
April 21st, 2018Already as, constructed in the first half of the Sixties, supposedly it was destined to the history education. Then we would have to wait a great difference of significao of Africa due to a secular distance and of objectives of these workmanships. In the Mediterranean the continent related one appears loaded of crucial significaes for the understanding of the relations that if uncurl in the Interior sea and had contributed in capital way for the construction of the European territory in century XVII. Exactly thus it occupies space irrisrio, less than ten percent of the workmanship, pfio way subsaariana Africa or ' ' Country of the Negros' ' he is boarded, whose felt it is guaranteed from the contact with the Europeans. We stand out that both continents possess a gamma of tipificaes according to geographic part or the aspect to be detached.
In this context it has a frequency of Africa terms, South Africa, equatorial Africa, Africa occidental person, Africa Menor and Africa of the North. We also perceive the frequency of the terms Europe, Central Europe, Europe Occidental person, Southern Europe, Europe Oriental and Northern Europe. Curious fact is the minimum presence of the Africa term in detriment of Africa of the North, while in the treatment of the other continent the privilege is given for the Europe term, disrespecting excessively. Of this made process of significao of Africa in fricas it occurs for the extreme adjetivao of the substantive, that, if on the other hand tries to locate it geographically, in another hand differentiates it of same it as it was a series of distinct and juxtaposed places. In addition the great frequency of Europe to the side of Africa of the North, induces to think us it about an attempt to approach this of that one, making a movement of europeizao in the coast north of Africa to the step isolates that it of the south for the desert.
United States
August 2nd, 2016It is the only existing product in mundoque makes with that the customer dies accurately consuming it in accordance with the regrasdefinidas ones for the manufacturer. Druzio Varella places in them that diverse research shows that, in the last 15anos, the age where girls and boys start to smoke maisbaixa is each time. Intent to the market, the industry of the tobacco dirige the advertising for ainfncia and the puberty. A situation sufficient controversa, in view of ofato of that, legally, the cigarette sales are forbidden for minors of 18anos. The sales.
The consumption, not. Any children or adolescent who tenhaacesso the cigarettes inside of its proper house can enter in this world. Talvezseja there that it has an imperfection, fails this that the industry of the tobacco already discovered, and uses its completely favor.' ' The argument used for the industry to justify the opposition sleis that intends to forbid to the advertising it cigarette has been traditionally ode that many workers live of the farming, of the industrial preparation and dacomercializao of the tobacco, and that a consumption fall provocariadesemprego.' ' (VARELLA, Internet) the tobacco is an allowed drug and legally recognized e, therefore, produced demodo safe. Many families live of its production, and the reduction of consumode products derived from the dessasfamlias tobacco also reaches the economic question. The first tobacco farmings in the world they had appeared dosculo XVI in recent years. The cigarette is a process that, in Brazil, involves 2,4 million depessoas. Mixture artisan work the modern plants, beyond including umaintrincada logistic of distribution.
Between 2004 and 2007, the cultivated area noSul of the country was 22.3% minor, causing significant financial losses. In the United States, it is forbidden to announce cigarette in the television since end dosanos 60. In our country this prohibition started to occur only 30 years maistarde. These restrictions to the advertising of the cigarette, in last the two decades, had obtained to drastically reduce the cigarette consumption in many countries basically, the developed ones.