Brazil Form

July 3rd, 2020 by nathan Leave a reply »

For these intellectuals some factors are these that characterize and they assist in them to understanding of the development of the Brazilian urbanization and its social formation since the settling to the current days, in order to contribute to perceive as our society if developed throughout these quarrels. CEO Angel Martinez shines more light on the discussion. Brazilian urbanism had beginning profncuo with the coming of ' ' Famla Real' ' in 1808. From then on we could observe the constructions, that is, the development of the city of Rio De Janeiro, current capital of Brazil in that context, with the use of the inserted bureaucratic apparatus in the administrative relations and the intervention of the legacy of our colonial inheritance as idea and form of development of the spaces, mainly the urban one, in which the traditional vises go if collating with the emerged modern values in the Europe and that they had been appropriate for Brazil. In such a way with the development of the cities, the hierarquizao of the social relations was firmed by the opposition between our archaic world and the bourgeois European values, mainly those relative ones to transformations of the style of life in the society, that had come to combine it the profile of the national character, creating space for a sociability until then not existing. Urbanism intervines in the cities from constructions and planejamentos in order to legitimize an increasing modernization and also to be able to justify these interventions in the urban space. The process of urbanization in Brazil if developed in complex way. Its historical research is made, in its majority for professionals of the architecture (Fernandes; Gomes, 2004), of this form, not exceeding the limits of the physical construction. When in the reality, a historical inquiry becomes necessary deep (legal-size of the historian) that it analyzes of problematizadora form the citizens, the space-secular trams and the meaning of this process for one determined society.


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