The remaining approximately 100 tons of the deficit may be covered only for through the introduction of new refrigeration facilities – is about 4-5 today . The Moscow City Government target program by linking the growth of food consumption and development of warehouse infrastructure. In the capital, as in Russia as a whole, reconstruction and construction of new warehouses, refrigerators are maintained jointly by government and business through public-private partnership. ppp for low skladovKak explained in Managing the development of wholesale trade facilities of the Department, the Moscow government has engaged in several joint projects. In accordance with the order of the Government of Moscow dated 09.06.2006 1004-RP 6 horticultural enterprises in the city (JSC "Victoria", cjsc "Demeter", cjsc "Kuzminskoye", cjsc ", oao OPK" Zelenograd ", OJSC" Cooper ") in October 2006 opened distribution centers, including low-temperature tanks.
In July 2006, commissioned a wholesale distribution center at the Saltykov street. Investor – ooo "Krona-Market" – conducted with the use of budget funds placed at form of the loan. Until the end of 2006 it is planned for commissioning industrial-warehouse complex in the industrial area "Kuryanovo, investor-client is" Refrigerator number 18. " The Moscow government plans to expand their participation in the projects of reconstruction and construction of new enterprises of wholesale trade in food. Thus, based on the existing wholesale businesses expected to be commissioned in 2006, 3 properties wholesale, trade food in 2007 – 6 objects. Due to construction on the new land will be put into operation in 2006 2 objects wholesale food trade, in 2007 – an object.