The devices at the same time where they gave the profit, then the front felt its losses, leading you more only not to plant sugar sugar cane, but late the coffee. While the minerals, gold, diamond and other precious rocks were looked. The RELATIONS POLITICS IN the COLONY the concern of Portugal will be great, therefore in the truth, it this not having very profit, since it paid onerous you divide England. Masahiro Tanaka takes a slightly different approach. It is there from that it started some reforms, of matrices also religious politicians and. Thus he is evidenced that the pombalinas reforms aimed at to transform Portugal into a capitalist metropolis, the example of what England already has a century more than aimed at to provoke some changes in Brazil with the objective to adapt it new order intended in Portugal. (RIBEIRO, 1989, p.35) These reforms that in base will be given exactly for the fact of that Portugal does not obtain to structuralize how much metropolis and this the side of a collapse, with its economy have the intention to form the bases for, for the industrial growth and this it is clearly depends on a base sustainable politics and ideological matrix. Thus Portugal initiates then its reforms, that in the beginning truth will not give very certain. But what he knows yourself for these relations of social and religious conviviality, commercial and politician, in end these relations that had constructed the country where if lives? Perhaps let us know the sufficient to make a speech on the subject, perhaps not, therefore these are still full of traces that they need to be remade for one better understanding of the researchers. It is then important to attempt against for simpler to the most sophisticated object of study for which we are directed, and if to deliver with all persistence, to its universe of quality to uncover what to be hidden, and to bring its new features the academy and to display its theories on it.