Inside of the logic of the capital, it he is that one that leaves in the world behind who can buy its product and consume what it it consumes. ' is its; ' destination manifesto' ' to make proslitos. As a good sheep, it has that to multiply so that can increase the flock and many sheep they are sheared and much wool is produced. But, the best thing that can happen is when a wolf is tamed or transformed into sheep, or better, when somebody that thinks as wolf, that has a divergent thought starts to think as a sheep not to say ' ' Anta' '. To this they call conversion, that is, process of dosmeticao and transformation of wolves in sheep. The more wolf will be or divergent it will be the citizen, better to be converted. Therefore, the contrary or different thought is much more dangerous for the institutions, in special, for the churches that the desviante moral. Rubem Alves very explains well this in its Dogmatismo book and Tolerncia when it says: ' '? to the first sight, the desviante moral can seem the behavior most dangerous for the unit of the society, the truth is that the divergent thought is that one that presents greater danger shaking the order social in question in its proper beddings.
The thief, who intent concretely against the private property, is less dangerous than that one that, not being thief, he contests, to the intellectual level, the legitimacy of the private property. The first one only desires to decide particular a practical problem. As it denies the validity of the social order as a whole. … The prostitute, equally, is less dangerous than eunuco that it affirms a love philosophy livre' ' (1982: 109). Being thus, therefore, conversion would be to pass for a domesticao, ' ' pacificao' ' front to the others.