Posts Tagged ‘geography’

‘ ‘ Demografia’ ‘

September 26th, 2024

' Demografia' ' The Drama of the Conrbios. With passing of the time the populations of the world had also suffered great transformations in the demographic aspect. Given to the sped up urban crecimento (despite desestruturadamente) small cities start to have inside meant excellent of the economic and social context. This because the conurbaes them adjazerm to the contours raising them it this and relieving still the classification to them of megalpolis. Situated cities next to the industrialized areas, insufficient income for housing (inda that precarious), great public or particular areas without occupation among others things are characteristics that if add to this demographic phenomenon, the megalpolis have its cuminante point in the migratory origins of base in the agricultural exodus. The violence, the organized crime, the ambient degradation beyond the apathy of public administrations for the communitarian problems, civic principles consume the nucleus of the society converting into secondary values.

People much vesez migram for these places being unaware of in a first instant aggravating the consistent ones in the routines of the conurbios. The acuturao to them you practise excusas as; water shunting line, electric light as well as other public and private sevios is directly on to the predominance of the indifference on the part of the multidepartmental authorities. Ncleoss is common in these also considered as bolses of misery, the enlistment of boys and girls for the crime that if it organizes in these places to spread out hegemony of the practical criminals. Lindojonhson Holland Pear tree

Chilean Capital

December 11th, 2019

However the president of Chile Michelet Bachelet, discarded the possibility of tsunamis in Chile what she finished happening in Concepcion. It had said that it was normal that the waves are higher after an earthquake, but that it did not have forecast of giant waves. The information gotten for the international press were of that in the Chilean capital, stories had given account with that the building had trembled between 10 seconds and 30 seconds. However exactly after the earthquake, secondary tremors of changeable intensity had been registered in all the country, leading the Chilean authorities to ask for to the inhabitants who remained in its houses. Depositions of people in the city of So Paulo give account to have sensible the effect shake of it in Brazil what it finished being confirmed for the Civil Defense of So Paulo that confirmed the stories, but affirmed that it did not have damages or victims. The president of Chile Michelet Bachelet and president-elect Sebastian together Piera had acted the time all and me efforts did not diram to help and to help the victims of the earthquake.

After congregating itself with Michelle Bachelet, in Santiago, president Luis Incio Lula da Silva committed to send it a hospital of campaign of the Brazilian Navy, beyond professionals of health and rescue, for aid to the victims of the earthquake. During the sismo, he had the 300 400 Brazilians in transit in Chile. 30 of them had returned in 2 of March, in the airplane reserve of the BAF that it folloied the aircraft of president Luiz Incio Lula da Silva. The special assessor for International Subjects of the Presidency of the Republic, Aurlio Landmark Garci’a, informed that a Hrcules airplane of the BAF would follow for Santiago in the following day, in order to bring another group of Brazilians. Also the president of the Organization of United Nations the Ban-Ki-Moon in visit to the country announced the donation of U$$ 5 million. The American company Air Worldwide, specialized in evaluating the financial impact of natural disasters, as earthquake, for example, esteem that the total damage decurrent dosismo can exceed the cipher of the 15 billion dollar, considering not only the damages occurred in constructions, but also in the infrastructure as airports, electric nets and of telecommunications, roads and bridges. The biggest earthquake of the world to reach the country in the last century was a tremor of magnitude 9,5, registered in the city of Valdvia in 1960, leaving 1,655 died.

Japan Capitalism

October 27th, 2019

Everything this on account of the cruel capitalist system that reigned in our country. Then, if on the other hand the capitalism brought development for another one brought exploration, therefore favored the growth and enrichment of the capitalist bourgeoisie and at the same time reproduced the social inaqualities and fidget in the classroom of the dominated explorers and, for the people without no doubt was submissos to the production capitalism. When if he speaks in crisis of the capitalism for many authors, studious as Runtington, Ariosvaldo amongst others the capitalism continues firm and that its crisis, in the truth, is not a crisis, therefore when he finds yourself that he is in crisis it obtains to raise very and strong. Therefore it is difficult to say that the capitalism is in decline, therefore it always is reerguido, however the crisis exists in fact for the laborers who coexist in the capitalism, but the same does not usufruct of, because only they are explored, vende cheap its hand of workmanship and finishes not supplying the basic necessities, as for example: feeding, health, clothes and education. Of this form the capitalism reproduces the value more and if it appropriates of it, excluding a part of the society that lives the edge of the system capitalist, being hardly explored without right to the basic conditions of survival. The crisis of the capitalism is not observed in no developed country as the countries of the Europe, U.S.A., Japan amongst others with lesser prominences, however in the had countries as countries of third world, concerteza will suffer the crisis with the fall from the stock exchange and, over all, not obtaining to compete with the great world-wide economies, therefore the world-wide powers are the dominadores and finish declaring insolvent the small economies, mainly in the exportation of products with more qualities and costs for the consumer lowest, thus deducting the national ones.

Federal Capital

October 19th, 2019

Amongst the authors of this time if they detach Joaquin Nabuco, Rui Barbosa among others that they defended its points of view through its workmanships and one of main the thematic ones argued was the agrarian question, since the country it passed for a process of recognition of its area initiated with the land law in the end of century XVIII. This law searched to legalize Brazilian lands, as it affirms the text: The Land Law of 1850 was the high point of all one land politics argued and elaborated during first the 50 years of century XIX. The beginning of the reorganization of the land code in Brazil together with started to be thought the politics of integration of the different provinces about one all – the Brazilian State was strengthenn in conjugating in the attempt to create ' ' Brazilian nation (the Land law in Brazil In the modern period had happened changes in the international scene, where ambient questions and the proper advent of the two great wars had brought considerable changes for Brazilian geography, therefore the proper Revolution of 1930, although frustrated to a large extent of its objectives, brought a notable renewal, provoking the growth of the reading and of the reflection on Brazil and with it they had initiated the superior studies of geography in the universities of the Federal Capital, in Rio De Janeiro and also in So Paulo. (ANDRADE, 1999) As well as it happened in century XIX with the sprouting of geography where the imperialism predominated, mainly in the Europe with the great ones you harness amongst them Germany, in current Brazil, the geography of certain form comes being used to feed groups that they search to develop great profits without thinking about the future of the generations and unhappyly the politics still is used as well as in century XIX as it affirms the text to follow: The pragmatismo politician has provoked true disasters in the ambient area, this if it becomes evident when we perceive that the ambient agencies of the federal, state and municipal sphere, are being managed for people whom nothing does not have to see with the environment, are the campaign allies politics, that of some form wants to be in the government.

Inhomorim Village

September 9th, 2019

All these factors had made with that part of the commerce of the Iguau Village was dislocated for Inhomorim Village, that gained status of city in 1846. All the points of the Lowered one converged to the city of Rio De Janeiro, as much through the fluvial ways as for the terrestrial ways. The increasing production of coffee in the Valley of the Paraba, and the constant problems of entulhamento of the rivers and canals of the Lowered one became the fluvial transport in the incipient Lowered one. Moreover, the limitations of the transport for mules, also do not delay to appear in the coffee period. Exactly with the pavement of some ways, these continued precarious and citizens the traffic interruptions, mainly in the period of rains. Then, the constatao of the precariousness of these fluvio-terrestrial ways had taken the search of new alternatives, of which if it detached the elaboration of projects of railroads.

In this way, together with the beginning of the railroad age in Brazil, diverse railroads are constructed in the State of Rio De Janeiro for the draining of the coffee production, which many of them crossing the Of the state of Rio de Janeiro Lowered one. Although the construction of the railroads to have been the main factor of decay of the village-ports of the Lowered one, however was not the only one. Other factors as the agricultural competition with plateaus, in accord with the fatigue of its lands, epidemics of clera, smallpox and malaria and the abolition of the slavery had come to crown its processes of decay (SILVEIRA, 1998). Moreover, the disinterest for conservation and cleanness of the rivers and canals of the Lowered one, stimulated for the dissemination of the railroads, had culminated with the construction of diverse bridges on the rivers of the region, locking up in Lowered Of the state of Rio de Janeiro its related economic cycle to the fluvial transport.

Geographical Mobilities

February 7th, 2019

In this feeling throughout its process of development different forms are proven to perceive, to think and to reflect partner-space, generating the phenomena of metodolgicas lines, on which they had based the process of construction of the geographic knowledge. Geography as science pautou some times, for the attempt to define a specific object of analysis and in the delimitation of borders in relation to other sciences, other times for the definition and of a method of research or for the metodolgicas transformations. The influence of Geography Politics (1897) of Friedrich Ratzel, giving origin Geography Human being, catching in the notion of ‘ ‘ space vital’ ‘ , and the metaphor of the state as ‘ ‘ organism vivo’ ‘ , the movements of territorial expansion of the capitalist system in century XIX. We initiate our quarrel with a briefing in commentary around the systematization of Geography, similar of, to arrive at the point of our interest, that is the borders and its mobilities. OBJECTIVES: To consider an analysis, through bibliographical revision, on the establishment of the borders and its mobilities, searching to point the characteristics of modernity; To understand the relation of the borders with the social movements and politicians; To clarify in a vision humanist, the creation of the territory, its landmarks. limits, the conceptualization and elaboration of borders in which they are passveis of continuous mobility. METHODOLOGY: For the complexity of the subject, the best methodology would be through the bibliographical revision, in which it approaches pertinent subjects to the subject, where I congregated ideas for the development of the reflections related to the intention. Through books, articles and sites, where the main paradigms and chains of the borders and its mobilities had been listed..

Education Changes

January 21st, 2019

All these aspects had provoked transformations in the education although the resistance of the Jesuits. The Jesuits, religious order established by Incio de Loyola in 1534, was main the responsible one for the diffusion of the education in the Europe and Brazil. In this direction, valley to detach two distinct ideas for the understanding of the education, in this period that are: the Protestant Reformation and the Against-Reformation catholic. (MOSER, 2008, P. 74) 3. CONCLUSION the renaissance brought many changes for the man.

In this period of transistion of thoughts, where the man starts to question its existence and its function in the land, the individualistic thought appears, mainly in the area deals of it, the exchanges already more does not happen in function of the necessities and yes in the intention of the attainment of profits, giving space for the capitalist thought. In this period the man starts to question the religious thought tax for the church, thought this that nailed the deity, being made possible to explain the world for the religion. The bourgeoisie gains space and appears the school for the elite, excluding the great mass. To the step that the humanity starts to walk for its said ‘ ‘ evoluo’ ‘ , they start to appear the excluded ones of the society. Many changes can be cited in function of renaissance, many had been of great value for the man, mainly in if treating to alienation, the opening of the mind, in areas of much importance, areas as the education and culture and as much others that make possible the man to discover the world to its redor and to evolve, however also exist the bad side of this movement, that does not have to be forgotten, as well as in all the ocorrentes changes in the life it human being. This bad side also can be explained by the demographic swell ocorrente in the world, where, with all these changes had created the exclusions.

Cidade Dos Reis

January 15th, 2019

We can analyze, the displayed one in accordance with, that the Christmas is a rich party in symbolic elements and meanings and its repetition creates a connection with the past involving mannering values. 5 SYMBOLISMS, MEANINGS, SPECTACLE, DECORATION, NEW INFRASTRUCTURE AND COMMERCE: The CHRISTMAS IN CHRISTMAS the symbols set in motion in the period of the Christmas start to integrate the diversified set of symbolic and cultural goods of different natures (Greenwood, 1989 apud Steil, 1998). This does not occur differently in Christmas, capital of the state of the River Great of the Brazilian north-eastern North, famous as the City of the Sun for presenting three hundred days of sun approximately? the biggest number in the country? he is palco of commemorations and a gorgeous ornamentao related to the natalinos festejos. By its main icon to be the Fort Dos Reis Magos, also is known by City Prespio or Cidade Dos Reis. We know that the city received this name, according to one of the versions of its history, for possessing connection with the date of the landmark of the primitive small farm of the city in day 25 of December of 1599 that it coincides with the natalinas festividades. This that already is repleta of beautiful landscapes and of an intense beginning of summer, in the December month still receives all a infrastructure, that to each year is improved, in the main ways, beaches and referring squares of its territory to the ornamentao of the natalinas parties. According to article published in day 11 of October of 2008, in the periodical Tribune of on-line North, gave beginning in the month of October of 2008, … the assembly of natalina ornamentao in the main ways of access of the city, in beaches and the squares. Beyond the habitual decoration of the avenues Engineer Robert Freire, Salty Filho and Hermes of the Fonseca, the Cautious one of Moral, Ayrton Senna, Mor Gouveia and Itapetinga the trees and seedbeds will be contemplated luminous ornaments in central offices.