United States

August 2nd, 2016 by nathan Leave a reply »

It is the only existing product in mundoque makes with that the customer dies accurately consuming it in accordance with the regrasdefinidas ones for the manufacturer. Druzio Varella places in them that diverse research shows that, in the last 15anos, the age where girls and boys start to smoke maisbaixa is each time. Intent to the market, the industry of the tobacco dirige the advertising for ainfncia and the puberty. A situation sufficient controversa, in view of ofato of that, legally, the cigarette sales are forbidden for minors of 18anos. The sales.

The consumption, not. Any children or adolescent who tenhaacesso the cigarettes inside of its proper house can enter in this world. Talvezseja there that it has an imperfection, fails this that the industry of the tobacco already discovered, and uses its completely favor.' ' The argument used for the industry to justify the opposition sleis that intends to forbid to the advertising it cigarette has been traditionally ode that many workers live of the farming, of the industrial preparation and dacomercializao of the tobacco, and that a consumption fall provocariadesemprego.' ' (VARELLA, Internet) the tobacco is an allowed drug and legally recognized e, therefore, produced demodo safe. Many families live of its production, and the reduction of consumode products derived from the dessasfamlias tobacco also reaches the economic question. The first tobacco farmings in the world they had appeared dosculo XVI in recent years. The cigarette is a process that, in Brazil, involves 2,4 million depessoas. Mixture artisan work the modern plants, beyond including umaintrincada logistic of distribution.

Between 2004 and 2007, the cultivated area noSul of the country was 22.3% minor, causing significant financial losses. In the United States, it is forbidden to announce cigarette in the television since end dosanos 60. In our country this prohibition started to occur only 30 years maistarde. These restrictions to the advertising of the cigarette, in last the two decades, had obtained to drastically reduce the cigarette consumption in many countries basically, the developed ones.


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