Once I asked myself: 'And what is the Volga-Ural'? I read books on history and geography, and made two different conclusions. Thus, the Volga-Urals – is, first, the land between the Volga and the Urals, and secondly – it is a territory of the republics, which are between the Volga and Ural Republics – Chuvashia, Tatarstan and Bashkortostan. You can add more here and Udmurtia in Mari El. So, what is the Volga-Urals? There are different opinions or concepts, which are separated by both time and religion, and national origin. Once upon a time on this earth there was a state Bulgarians, or in Russian Volga Bulgaria. On the ground, which lived Bulgar Turkic Muslims who spoke a dialect of the Turkic language Qypchaq, as well as their descendants today – the Tatars. Mahmoud wrote about Kashgar and Vsevolod the Big Nest. Only have these words all of the Chuvash speaking Bulgars completely refuted.
And how can do Bulgar Chuvash speaking some there stones, which appeared in Bulgar, ie, Idel-Ural, after the conquest of the Tatar-Mongol? ! Well, it's okay, not the topic … In this area are still living descendants of the Bulgars – the Tatars, which is the name given at the end of the XIX century, because the West and servitors of the Tatars – Mishar Tatars themselves as 'Tatars', and called. Back in the late XIX and early XX century, the Tatars themselves did not agree to be called by the Tatars. In Kazan (Tatar capital!) Arranged in the Tatar press some sort of dispute language, and the youngest representatives of the revolutionaries fought for the adoption of the term 'Tatar', while people, including clergy (except Marjani became – one of the fathers of the history of the Tatars, who taught while in Russian-speaking Tatar school religion, while not kicked him out, realizing that the new Russian-speaking Tatars Islam is not needed, and proved that in the future of their graduate Hus.