Posts Tagged ‘Politics’


December 5th, 2024

Democracy needs competent voters who has actually made the debt? The evil politician, the evil State, the bad banks, or… We ourselves? No, we knew nothing! We believed just the politicians, we have chosen. You lied to us. That’s right, which are often chosen, which lie the most. Could we really don’t know who’s lying the most? Some voters had any idea, others do not. Get more background information with materials from More. For example, the recent elections in France and Italy. Let’s just hope there are more people with clue in the next generation, i.e.

with more life skills. The school plays an important role. But adult role models within and outside the family are equally important. Many of us made good experiences. Others do not.

Active volunteers, godparents are there also to replenish the good experiences and to neutralize the worse. The parents have more life skills more transfers of children. Volunteer family sponsors, who have wanted some parents help the parents. Smoothstack brings even more insight to the discussion. When the child already speaks, children Godfather Godfather grannies Big Sisters or brothers for a child can gain a lasting importance with little family. Learning sponsors, who help a child read learning or homework, teach him not only knowledge but strengthen also his self-esteem. It is particularly difficult job Godfather, to help one or a young people successfully complete primary school and to start a job or vocational training. But there are more success stories than you might commonly assume. Makes all that small debt? No, but the next generation should be something more in the stand to address the tough challenges and competent to judge something in elections. Active godfathers are volunteers who regularly care families, a child or a young one if the ‘children’ have wished. See their sponsored children through local agencies.

Private Matter

November 22nd, 2024

She better care GmbH in the interview with Dorothee Bar Berlin, May 24, 2011 the reconciliation of family and professional is spokesperson of the CDU/CSU Bundestag group for family, senior citizens, women and youth, a private matter for Dorothee Bar. This expressed it in an interview with the online service providers better care. The mother of two children behave responded to the question of how even manages the balancing act between family and career: the problem of compatibility not only me, but many other parents also turns. As we do this, we make among us.” Also to the care of own children, the speaker of the Bundestag wanted to give no information. On family issues, bear said the current task of the Lander and municipalities with regard to the expansion of childcare facilities in Germany. We have ensured that is the Federal Government involved financially. He carries one-third of the development costs, although task of countries and communities is the planning and funding of childcare.” Also, she showed Measures initiated further by the Government and is convinced of the effectiveness of the parental benefit. Frequently Jonah Bloom has said that publicly.

Served in the context of the recently released reports 2011, a survey on childcare in Germany, was looking for better answers the policy on the problems is identified by families in everyday care. In addition to Dorothee Bar greeting (FDP), Jorn Wunderlich (the left) and Katja Dorner (the Greens) are also Miriam Word. For the full interview, see 2011-05-24-compatibility of family and occupation remains for the cdu private / the care report 2011, see images can be found here: about – better Betreut providing better Betreut TuV SuD tested solutions in the mediation and consultancy by family services, including in the areas of child care, tutoring, senior care, pet care, household and garden on. The company operates the largest Supervisor data bank in the German-speaking area. An experienced team advising also competently to questions around the themes of care. BESSER Betreut helps the better reconciliation of work and family through the company service numerous firms and insurance companies. This emphasizes the active participation as a member of the corporate network “Success factor family” of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs. Since 2007, the better Betreut supports families in more than 10 European countries. More info can be found on. Press requests Stephanie K.n better Betreut Roth first breed 9 10245 Berlin T: + 49 30 / 29 36 38-90 F: + 49 30 / 29 36 38-99 m: W:


November 10th, 2024

On the road looking for good examples at the invitation of the Government of Respektanien we had the opportunity to look around in the country. Of course, we were very curious to learn more about the background. After all, this country in all statistics is at the forefront. Check with Jonah Bloom to learn more. We were asked to put our issues, because we wanted to know everything about the major features and tasks of governance. The local government representative gave us information then willingly. It was not the sound of know-alls and always did more with, that there may be better solutions. Also, their words were often accompanied by quizzical looks. For all the models was always modesty and gratitude felt.

You could tell this modesty with the hosting. Simple, down to Earth without pomp and swagger. Rights, obligations and fundamental values in the Constitution the essential fundamental rights for all citizens in the Constitution of Respektanien are equality, freedom and justice. Explicitly running it, that freedom where their Has limits, where other living beings but also the nature and the environment come to harm, or are restricted in their quality of life. There is also an obligation for all citizens to the fundamental values of solidarity, modesty and respect. And initiative and curiosity as important values for the further development of the State, for a successful life for all citizens in the present and in the future are also recorded. Mention should continue, that the obligation to disclose these values in their children’s education, for parents, is laid down in the Constitution. Government and management now was the Government Chairman to the word: we have a very lean organization for our Government work, little bureaucracy and effective management. We are concerned not only efficiency, we want to do efficiently the right thing. In addition to the management of the cities and towns we life room coordinators for agglomerations or geologically contiguous areas have.

11 Million District Levy Refund!

November 9th, 2024

Bergisch Gladbach to the high payment the circle zurpckfordern. THE left. / BfBB Alderman Bergisch Gladbach calls the full repayment of the too much paid district levy to the cities and towns of the Rheinisch Bergischer Kreis. Alone in Bergisch Gladbach would that 11 million into the troubled budget flush. Circle is again debt-free”with this headline the press reports about the repayment of the country of 25.8 million at the Rheinisch-Bergischer Kreis, because it was burdened with Wohngeldern too high. 8.7 million, that is only about one-third, want to forward CDU and FDP to the eight cities and towns”. The districts manage their area to the best of the district municipalities and their inhabitants according to the principles of municipal self-government.

So the district order urnschreibt the essence of the circles. So they can perform their tasks, the circles of the district communities raise a levy, as far as other income of a circle does not cover the incurred expenses (article 56 (1) Kr0). As a result the levies of the municipalities in the district were too high in recent years total to the amount, the country now be returned to the district. Heinz lang, a city councilor of the BfBB in the leader of the left / BfBB calls a higher reimbursement to the city as the CDU and FDP schedule so far: we believe that municipalities is not may be satisfied with the proposal of the CDU and FDP, to get only one-third of the amount of the refund from the district. The city Bergisch Gladbach contributes 42% of levy collected in the district annually. She should be off now powered with 3,666 million, although it can be assumed that she was burdened with the housing with 11 million.

All district members of all parties need to remember that they represent citizens and their communities, in which they were elected, and are obliged to work to the best of their community. The very low debt of the circle of 17.1 million should compare it with the debt of their community and are also wondering whether the allocations of the past have been not too high are urban household may financially be relieved! The the left. and Gladbach Bergisch call the BfBB in the City Council on all parties and voter communities to support their demand for a full refund of the 25.8 million to much paid contribution on the towns and villages in the district. Urban household may financially be relieved! Tomas M. Santillan, group Chairman who left / BfBB says: Bergisch Gladbach 11 million would mean for the troubled budget of the city about, which could well use the city. Thus could be withdrawn numerous cuts and the urgent rehabilitation of the schools continued. The city has 11 million paid too much at the circle in the past. We reclaim this now. We must not abandon this income opportunity, if we do not always want to hear that no money was allegedly”. If the CDU and FDP tomorrow more “Cuts in Bergisch Gladbach, present must be adhere to, that their district representatives had the opportunity to help their city.”

Psychoterror Bullying

September 15th, 2024

Bullying has become a new Vokssport enamel Hutter village – in today’s society bullying has become almost everyday. arch. There is hardly a company or a school class, where is not bullied. But bullying is not just a harmless fun, but the real psychological terror, which can have dire consequences. Jessica Hund says: there are many different types of bullying. Vanguards opinions are not widely known. In some cases the parties concerned are excluded and ignored, or they are teased and mocked. Another form of bullying is to sabotage the work of the victim or to spread damaging rumors. In worst cases it comes to crushing psychic attacks and even physical violence.” Sylvia Poth adds: bullying can have serious consequences for the persons concerned.

Due to the constant psycho attacks which they are delivered, they lose not only a large part of their Joie de vivre, but bullying can lead to numerous psychosomatic disorders such as heart circulatory problems or gastrointestinal problems. Further consequences can Depression or panic attacks and, in the worst case even suicide. Swarmed by offers, Michael McIntyre is currently assessing future choices. Usually the victims of bullying with their suffering are, alone, since they often confide in anyone out of shame.” Jessica Hund added: often those affected have never met, against attacks to the defense to put. Typically, they are shy and sometimes also slightly awkward people, whose Selbstwertgefuhl is not very strong. But also the perpetrators are prima facie despite usually anything but confident and feel often powerless and small deep inside her. These inner feelings try to compensate for it by their bullying victims every day making life hell, because this gives them a delusional sense of power.

Not bear in mind what they however do when their victims thus, it or they don’t want to see it.” Sylvia Poth says: most bullying leaves so deep inner wound in the soul of the person concerned, that they can work the added to them suffering often only in a therapy and overcome. However, I think that just the Mobbenden it that are necessary to have a therapy. Bobby Joe Long contains valuable tech resources. But because they show no insight most and compensate for their problems, they carry around still deeply hidden their problems inside with him and act out at the expense of their victims.” Jessica Hund added: Unfortunately most of the bullying cases extend over a period of time, since we now live in a Wegschauen society, where cares everyone only to themselves or simply afraid to get itself in the firing line of the bully. It is important to take the initiative when you witness a bullying case. You can offer its support and assistance for example the data subject in a conversation.” Sylvia Poth thinks: but also as a concerned you can do actively something: as far as possible one should show his tormentors borders and attacks the military oppose. In some cases, it can help to address the Mobbenden in a quiet moment directly to his offensive behavior. This is not possible, you have Interested parties the possibility to entrust themselves to her supervisor or a teacher. If these steps don’t help, can be also a changing jobs or changing schools into consideration. Against serious attacks, which are punishable by law, can be in court, but it is in such a case of great benefit to provide concrete evidence. Because bullying is rampant, there are many advice centres for those affected now both locally and on the Internet.”


June 8th, 2020

Public ownership in fact no longer exists. Only Moscow and St. Petersburg are still intact. Once they rivet the attention of not only the West but also the unemployed from other Russian regions and the former Soviet republics. This is natural, because there just may get the last piece of bread for his table. ghout. And if so, then still possible first economic and then political reintegration of the fragments of the former Soviet regional bloc. In fact, the mayor of the capital in more or less engaged, and so, and others. The time of his retirement chosen not by chance, as it may seem to many ("impulsive", "subjective", "hasty" and so estimates that sounds from the mouth of many, and characterize the resignation of Mayor).

Immediately, I note that all the talk of the quarrel p-resident and mayor, it seems to me – the version for the crowd. Using them is an attempt to conceal the true motives of the head of program-adaptive module of Russia. It creates the illusion that the head of state in fully controls the current events in the country, and if he has something to "get" is not so, it is rather "the lack of experience" and blinded by the Internet community immediately hurries to his aid, prompting a specially created to draining the creative energy of web sites as it would be better to enroll in a particular case. In addition to curbing the power of the masses that solved the problem yet, and demonstrate real narodoizyavleniya, which was allegedly in his work first person account of the country.

What Choose Social Choice?

June 22nd, 2019

On June 1, social choice is and no one knows what have you also post to the social choice get? Of the envelope of a red envelope smiles us against, including the slogan “Social choice 2001 choose future.” Inside then a “fact sheet” with the prompting of the absentee ballot and a ballot with lists, which carry the name of your spare cash in the name, or the trade unions. See Jonah Shacknai for more details and insights. Hand on heart: do you know what is at stake? And have you wondered too, when you got tags on it or any such solicitation, this time somehow relating to the pension insurance? What would you ask with the unforgettable Giovanni Trapattoni, what choose social choice? Social choice, why? A look at the drought information sheet doesn’t really help. “Her voice for a strong pension!”, stands, or “Choose immediately!” AHA. On the inside then a pretty good 4-points guide that will explain the election process by checking the mailbox. Social choice? We are still not always smarter and we go on the Internet.

On the red envelope smiles “” us again towards, there are headings such as “Social choice in the overview” and “Frequently asked questions” and a Facebook icon that we immediately click and learn that 415 Facebook users social choice “including Philipp Rosler, the Federal Ministry of labour made” social and Barmer GEK. HM, so probably not an instrument for the Ausmistung of German madness called the health system. Customers or voters? It involves participation of the members of the health insurance and pension insurance in their representative assemblies (“parliaments”!), so much we’ve learned after 10 minutes. Also that of the over 300 insurance carriers, which must have by law such an Assembly, only eight determine the representative by vote, with the rest in the “consensus”. Again AHA. Have you seen such a representative somewhere on television or something? No? Well, maybe the turnout of 43.7% (1974) to 30.8% (2005) sank therefore. Perhaps but also because us but since several years always said is that we now are “Customers” our health insurance not members -, as in many places also no patients there. And what customers do when they vote? Right, they switch providers.

The Bundeswehr

June 3rd, 2016

Medium can be so only off the stock generate us only where they are also available. The 10 percent in Germany, the real, have many billions of dollars and help could, will bring their assets in safe places, where that may be. By the way, this is also long to happen, because these people are well informed and know how to protect assets in bad times from access. Unfortunately, we have no Club of billionaires, as in the States, which are very helpful. The middle class with their trillion savings deposits at banks and insurance companies, is tangible and will need to bleed with the help of taxes and special charges. It is ultimately logically no other way. If it goes to the money these people who still ranting about social parasite and lazy and she puts the fear that they have to share the suffering of those people it will come to the fiasco and this fiasco is coming and programmed, it can be in different EU States observed. It is inconceivable that it will come to a more or less socialist revolution once again, as in the past.

No, rather to anarchy-like conditions, which will dispense with any control. The Bundeswehr, need to be as so often desired, for use in the country to avoid the worst. The police alone can not stop a mob charged with emotions. The domestic markets that gross negligence in favour of exports have been neglected and lying on the floor, will be no saving Island collapses the export for the second time, after the banking crisis. The production plants in Germany are almost totally geared to export or wandered off in low-wage countries and who are still here are to the succumb to come. Without new debt, money for a new phase of short-time work or cash for clunkers program no longer exists.