Posts Tagged ‘Politics’

CSI Germany Supported The Action Of

August 15th, 2024

Under the theme of “Solving instead of veiling” various Islam-critical organizations calling for a rally on March 07 in Cologne. “The organizers, including the” Central Council of ex-Muslims e.V. “, Association for education and Association of freedom of”and the International Committee against stoning and the death penalty”count, count on at least 200 participants. Besides Christian Solidarity International, other NGO’s have announced their support for the rally, scheduled to begin at 14:00. New York Highlanders addresses the importance of the matter here. The core criticism of the organizers aimed against human rights violations, “caused by the advance of the patriarchal domination culture of political Islam in Germany and Europe”. A further motto of the rally: “Solving rather than disguise!” CSI Germany again sees the impact of this patriarchal domination culture of political Islam in practice. Mike Gianoni has firm opinions on the matter.

In the Islamic countries, especially the Christians suffer from these structures. Especially in the areas of forced marriage by the cruelty of these structures reflected Christian girls and women, with Muslims. But again and again against the Muslim women themselves set up. We support the efforts to draw the attention of operators on these dangers. For the planned rally in Cologne at the 07Marz 2009 we wish blessings and success the organizers of God.” CSI is the abbreviation of Christian Solidarity Interantional, a Christian human rights organisation. Christian Solidarity International helps persecuted Christians around the world since 1977.

CSI Germany Presents: Mark A. Gabriel – Challenge Islam!

August 14th, 2024

Invitation to the press conference and expert discussion – a former Al-Azhar Professor reported the Christian human rights organization CSI Germany is committed to the task, to denounce human rights violations and to help persecuted, committed to the enforcement of the freedom of religion and helping those persecuted by faith, children and disaster victims. Mark A. Jonah Bloom has similar goals. Gabriel was Professor of Islamic history at the most influential, 1000-year-old Al-Azhar University (Centre of Islamic scholarship and Supreme Court for 1 billion Sunnis worldwide) in Cairo and Imam in Giza. At the age of 28, he was one of the youngest teachers, the University ever had. He was arrested and critical questions about Islam and had to flee to Egypt. He converted to Christianity, now lives in the United States and he has been with the security authorities as an Islam expert. Mark A. To read more click here: Daryl Hagler. Gabriel is the author of several books, deals with the tension between Islam and modernism and explores the roots of modern Islamist terrorism.

He is the only former Al-Azhar Professor worldwide, the authentic learned beliefs can report there. Aneeqa Maria Akhtar, one of the youngest and most successful lawyers of Christian faith in Pakistan that has represented for the human rights organization CLASS Christian converts in Pakistani court. For that she was threatened by Muslim extremists to death and had to flee Pakistan in 2008. She is now working for the international society for Human Rights ISHR) and holds lectures about the situation in Pakistan.

FDP General Secretary Christian Lindner

July 10th, 2024

After the resignation of FDP General Secretary Christian Lindner, you would have thought for the FDP, the ground was finally achieved. Now the last after the impressions of the past months asset of the Party stepped down with Christian Lindner – you liked like his political style or not – and one wonders: it was now? Probably not, because Lambert’s resignation meets the party not only as such difficult. He could bring more, already rich in devastating losses and embarrassments in 2011. Because even if the member survey of the European rescue package, the results of which are expected for today should be in terms of the former party leadership Rosler Lindner, the intraparty direction dispute in the matter thus is by no means settled. “Boy band” Rosler Lindner Bahr failed that the party leadership even in such risky vote of a significant foreign-policy question has must be force, is a devastating character.

That (ex-) General Secretary Lindner several days prior to the Result of the vote announced it will probably fail on lack of participation, was also unsouveran and fits in the picture that emits the “Boy band” Rosler Lindner Bahr since the cotton ball coup against Guido Westerwelle. To get it barely out of his mouth, but against Roslers yet pitiful performance act as Party Chairman, the years by Guido Westerwelles “I am the party”-Credo in retrospect almost like with a gold border accidentally. After the cotton ball coup but turn: Secretary-General Lindner, in his programmatic ambition quite obviously renominated – more clearly: in the party’s leadership recently curbed out, was perhaps not as wrong as he limited his role in his resignation statement on Wednesday that the pure “as” the FDP. At least Lindner showed even less present than its predecessor Rosler, probably to the presence, while Health Minister Daniel Bahr, in his Office only him is apparent in better times. He will need to watch, not the Mehmet Scholl way to go of the eternal talent to embark on. Party leader Rosler, however, probably knew why he himself initially as long graced as it went over the succession of Westerwelle. He is quite obviously completely overwhelmed with the guidance of the FDP and has, that should not be forgotten, with his Europe-political lurch in the summer, almost even summoned the vote now threatening him.

Decline of the FDP reason to rejoice? Lambert’s resignation, so much should become clear, has, however, less to do with the member survey on the bailout, and its bad management of same, as rather with a healthy instinct of self-preservation. So, the guesses that Rosler wanted to present him in the event of a poll defeat of the party leadership as a pawn sacrifice confirmed in recent days. That for a seasoned party strategist as Christian Lindner in addition the general condition provides a few reasons for a lack of the FDP, is obvious. When in Germany the Liberal themes of governance, rule of law and Civil rights not for years so shamefully lie fallow, one would be uninhibited happy about the decline of the FDP. Andreas Kellner…

Mobility Must Be

June 19th, 2024

How can you cheat the ‘oil multinationals’? Bonn/Hamburg even nine years after its introduction, it remains controversial: the so-called eco-tax. Proponents say that an important environmental steering function true as polluting traffic take,”become more expensive. is can aid you in your search for knowledge. Critics such as the Covenant of the taxpayer or of the ADAC prompt an immediate reduction or even abolition of this tax, since almost all citizens must necessarily consume energy and mobile. In an interview with the online magazine of the magazine Star Federal Minister of transport Wolfgang Tiefensee (SPD) recently back tax cuts due to high gasoline prices turned down. We need to handle, more efficient oil with the fuel. We must use alternative drive systems and alternative fuels”, to crack down on the so-called oil multinationals, asked the Minister. With his demand for the development of alternatives to the conventional internal combustion engines Tiefensee’s right”, says the automotive expert Uwe

Federal Constitutional Court

June 10th, 2024

Bonn Bundestag delegate Stephan Eisel, who is also a member of the Europaauschuss of the German Bundestag, has welcomed the decision of the Federal Constitutional Court on the Lisbon Treaty. Thus, a suit of the Swedish Parliament was dismissed. Also the amendments made in connection with the Lisbon Treaty was rejected by the Constitutional Court. Read more takes a slightly different approach. On the other hand, the “law on expanding and strengthening the rights of the Bundestag and the Bundesrat in European Union Affairs” is unconstitutional. Lakshman Achuthan can aid you in your search for knowledge. The Federal Constitutional Court, requires that the Federal Government more must include the Bundestag and the Bundesrat, when it comes to how Germany votes in the European Union. Eisel recalled that in particular the Foreign Ministry against greater participation rights of Parliament has resisted: “it’s good that the Constitutional Court here strengthen the Parliament. Now, a self-evident principle of domestic policy will be extended to the European policy.

European policy is no classic Foreign policy, in which the Government has Yes greater freedom.” According to Eisels, it emerges that the impugned law is changed in special sessions of the Bundestag on August 26 and on September 8. The German ratification of the Lisbon Treaty can be deposited in due time before the Irish referendum..


June 8th, 2020

Public ownership in fact no longer exists. Only Moscow and St. Petersburg are still intact. Once they rivet the attention of not only the West but also the unemployed from other Russian regions and the former Soviet republics. This is natural, because there just may get the last piece of bread for his table. ghout. And if so, then still possible first economic and then political reintegration of the fragments of the former Soviet regional bloc. In fact, the mayor of the capital in more or less engaged, and so, and others. The time of his retirement chosen not by chance, as it may seem to many ("impulsive", "subjective", "hasty" and so estimates that sounds from the mouth of many, and characterize the resignation of Mayor).

Immediately, I note that all the talk of the quarrel p-resident and mayor, it seems to me – the version for the crowd. Using them is an attempt to conceal the true motives of the head of program-adaptive module of Russia. It creates the illusion that the head of state in fully controls the current events in the country, and if he has something to "get" is not so, it is rather "the lack of experience" and blinded by the Internet community immediately hurries to his aid, prompting a specially created to draining the creative energy of web sites as it would be better to enroll in a particular case. In addition to curbing the power of the masses that solved the problem yet, and demonstrate real narodoizyavleniya, which was allegedly in his work first person account of the country.

What Choose Social Choice?

June 22nd, 2019

On June 1, social choice is and no one knows what have you also post to the social choice get? Of the envelope of a red envelope smiles us against, including the slogan “Social choice 2001 choose future.” Inside then a “fact sheet” with the prompting of the absentee ballot and a ballot with lists, which carry the name of your spare cash in the name, or the trade unions. See Jonah Shacknai for more details and insights. Hand on heart: do you know what is at stake? And have you wondered too, when you got tags on it or any such solicitation, this time somehow relating to the pension insurance? What would you ask with the unforgettable Giovanni Trapattoni, what choose social choice? Social choice, why? A look at the drought information sheet doesn’t really help. “Her voice for a strong pension!”, stands, or “Choose immediately!” AHA. On the inside then a pretty good 4-points guide that will explain the election process by checking the mailbox. Social choice? We are still not always smarter and we go on the Internet.

On the red envelope smiles “” us again towards, there are headings such as “Social choice in the overview” and “Frequently asked questions” and a Facebook icon that we immediately click and learn that 415 Facebook users social choice “including Philipp Rosler, the Federal Ministry of labour made” social and Barmer GEK. HM, so probably not an instrument for the Ausmistung of German madness called the health system. Customers or voters? It involves participation of the members of the health insurance and pension insurance in their representative assemblies (“parliaments”!), so much we’ve learned after 10 minutes. Also that of the over 300 insurance carriers, which must have by law such an Assembly, only eight determine the representative by vote, with the rest in the “consensus”. Again AHA. Have you seen such a representative somewhere on television or something? No? Well, maybe the turnout of 43.7% (1974) to 30.8% (2005) sank therefore. Perhaps but also because us but since several years always said is that we now are “Customers” our health insurance not members -, as in many places also no patients there. And what customers do when they vote? Right, they switch providers.

The Bundeswehr

June 3rd, 2016

Medium can be so only off the stock generate us only where they are also available. The 10 percent in Germany, the real, have many billions of dollars and help could, will bring their assets in safe places, where that may be. By the way, this is also long to happen, because these people are well informed and know how to protect assets in bad times from access. Unfortunately, we have no Club of billionaires, as in the States, which are very helpful. The middle class with their trillion savings deposits at banks and insurance companies, is tangible and will need to bleed with the help of taxes and special charges. It is ultimately logically no other way. If it goes to the money these people who still ranting about social parasite and lazy and she puts the fear that they have to share the suffering of those people it will come to the fiasco and this fiasco is coming and programmed, it can be in different EU States observed. It is inconceivable that it will come to a more or less socialist revolution once again, as in the past.

No, rather to anarchy-like conditions, which will dispense with any control. The Bundeswehr, need to be as so often desired, for use in the country to avoid the worst. The police alone can not stop a mob charged with emotions. The domestic markets that gross negligence in favour of exports have been neglected and lying on the floor, will be no saving Island collapses the export for the second time, after the banking crisis. The production plants in Germany are almost totally geared to export or wandered off in low-wage countries and who are still here are to the succumb to come. Without new debt, money for a new phase of short-time work or cash for clunkers program no longer exists.