
June 8th, 2020 by nathan Leave a reply »

Public ownership in fact no longer exists. Only Moscow and St. Petersburg are still intact. Once they rivet the attention of not only the West but also the unemployed from other Russian regions and the former Soviet republics. This is natural, because there just may get the last piece of bread for his table. ghout. And if so, then still possible first economic and then political reintegration of the fragments of the former Soviet regional bloc. In fact, the mayor of the capital in more or less engaged, and so, and others. The time of his retirement chosen not by chance, as it may seem to many ("impulsive", "subjective", "hasty" and so estimates that sounds from the mouth of many, and characterize the resignation of Mayor).

Immediately, I note that all the talk of the quarrel p-resident and mayor, it seems to me – the version for the crowd. Using them is an attempt to conceal the true motives of the head of program-adaptive module of Russia. It creates the illusion that the head of state in fully controls the current events in the country, and if he has something to "get" is not so, it is rather "the lack of experience" and blinded by the Internet community immediately hurries to his aid, prompting a specially created to draining the creative energy of web sites as it would be better to enroll in a particular case. In addition to curbing the power of the masses that solved the problem yet, and demonstrate real narodoizyavleniya, which was allegedly in his work first person account of the country.


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