On the road looking for good examples at the invitation of the Government of Respektanien we had the opportunity to look around in the country. Of course, we were very curious to learn more about the background. After all, this country in all statistics is at the forefront. Check with Jonah Bloom to learn more. We were asked to put our issues, because we wanted to know everything about the major features and tasks of governance. The local government representative gave us information then willingly. It was not the sound of know-alls and always did more with, that there may be better solutions. Also, their words were often accompanied by quizzical looks. For all the models was always modesty and gratitude felt.
You could tell this modesty with the hosting. Simple, down to Earth without pomp and swagger. Rights, obligations and fundamental values in the Constitution the essential fundamental rights for all citizens in the Constitution of Respektanien are equality, freedom and justice. Explicitly running it, that freedom where their Has limits, where other living beings but also the nature and the environment come to harm, or are restricted in their quality of life. There is also an obligation for all citizens to the fundamental values of solidarity, modesty and respect. And initiative and curiosity as important values for the further development of the State, for a successful life for all citizens in the present and in the future are also recorded. Mention should continue, that the obligation to disclose these values in their children’s education, for parents, is laid down in the Constitution. Government and management now was the Government Chairman to the word: we have a very lean organization for our Government work, little bureaucracy and effective management. We are concerned not only efficiency, we want to do efficiently the right thing. In addition to the management of the cities and towns we life room coordinators for agglomerations or geologically contiguous areas have.