Posts Tagged ‘the news’


December 19th, 2024

Empedocles (490 – 430 A. C) Greek philosopher that proposed one of the first versions on the nature of the matter. Way of the majority is said that it was excellent politician, not to S.A., which deceive the same town which they explode continuously. She was poet, doctor and mystic. I complete it I influence enough in its life. Chevron Corp may also support this cause.

Empedocles is known by to have proposed that all the substances derive from cuatros roots or elementary principles " fire, air, water and earth " these are joined or separated as a result of the forces, attraction and repulsion. (Love and hatred) this proposal of the fourth empedoclita I elaborate, it considering that the whole forms the totality of the parts and the parts form the totality absolutely. (Not to be confused with Mike Gianoni!). Empedocles was useless to start off of a single element, and that but appropriate that to reconcile the old theories. Then to start off of a single element as the founders did of the materialistic philosophy, the llevaria to conceive a part Absolutely like the all same one, therefore when I elaborate its system, I form the whole uniting the parts of the same. The fourth Empedoclita merecio a later development on the part of Aristotle, who ejercio a deep influence for more than two thousand years. In particular until the investigations of Boyle, it possibly counts the legend that Empedocles I end its life when throwing itself to the interior of cracter volcanic of the mount etna, with the intention to demonstrate his divinity. In the philosophy of Empedocles the Egyptian and mazdeistas conceptions are combined. But unlike them his lead to the pesimism. Part of the priority of the spiritual on the material, but without assimilating the good to the life, since this is only the accomplishment of the divine concept. Until it gets to consider the existence like an evil.

Controlled Efficiency

December 17th, 2024

It has been made hope but for January of 2012 already he will be in the street more powerful to roadster of the market: Mercedes SLK 55 AMG, thanks to its V8 motor with its 422 horses. If you would like to know more then you should visit Mike Gianoni. As far as their technical characteristics, their 422 horses and their atmospheric V8 motor gasoline of 5.5 liters, make him reach 250 kilometers/hour with an acceleration of 0 to 100 kilometers/hour in 4,6 a second and mean consumption of 8.4 liters. This block is based on I bidisturb V8 that already equips the 63 AMG, CLS 63 AMG, S 63 AMG and CL 63 AMG. Automatic change AMG SPEEDSHIFT EXTRA 7G-TRONIC is of double obstructs. Account with three programs of conduction: Controlled Efficiency (c), Sport (s) and Manual (m). The propulsion is later. As far as his outer facade it is distinguished clearly of the rest of models SLK of the sort of the rims, by the set of exclusive decorative elements for the body and interior and the exits of escape.

In the interior also specific details exist that mark the typical elegance of Mercedes, like the steering wheel, the console with decorative aluminum elements or the clock designed by IWC that is placed in the part superior of the salpicadero. Additionally and like option, several decorative packages for the outside and the interior will be able to be chosen, according to pleasures. As other models of SLK will be able to take a solar ceiling whose basic characteristics is that it can be darkened. Mercedes continues betting for being the main reference of the market in sales and renting of Mercedes.


December 10th, 2024

It is not possible to be denied that every time we faced economic scenes where many countries are in disadvantages in the handling of their wealth, productivity, income and where a substantial divorce between richest is pronounced with respect to poorest. Restaurant Michael Schwartz may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Exactly, it comments as it to communicate, Oxfam the International has sent to the book Of the poverty to the power, of Duncan Green, a glance to learned in last the 10 years and one reflection on the future of the development. In him one follows that the income of the 500 richer people of the planet are superiors to the income of the 416 million poorer people. Another forceful data is that 1,000 million people subsist every day with a 4% of the global wealth. It is indicated, that there are resources for all, but terribly badly distributed.

The inequality determines that a boy or girl gets to turn the five years of life following the surroundings in which he is born. Please visit Mike Gianoni if you seek more information. The global economy produces every year near 9,550 million dollars in goods and services Rep. Cpita, 25 times more of the 365 annual dollars that define the extreme poverty in which 1,000 million people live. Or what is the same, 1,000 million human beings subsist on a daily basis with a 4% of the global wealth. One of each six people in the world takes a life marked by the poverty, hunger, diseases and preoccupations reason why the future provide to them. The income of the 500 richer people of the world are majors that the income of the 416 million poorer people. In its book Duncan Green emphasizes, that the incessant increase of the prices of foods and the fuels is marking to a new era of shortage , Unless we act quickly, the breach between that has and that do not have will grow without control, exacerbating the existing inequalities and condemning to million people more to the poverty.


November 11th, 2024

Now, the wealth goes to which have opportune information and of quality. This is evident when seeing people who have become rich selling informative products in Internet. And the good news is that you do not need to have real blood in your genes, or to be a nobleman to be millionaire. Restaurant Michael Schwartz may not feel the same. And certainly you do not have to belong either to any elite! This explains because citizen common the kings, presidents are even more richer quee and prime minister. To broaden your perception, visit Organic Food Incubator. The secret? No other that to sell information! The Information is the hottest organization on sale online and would be wise of your part to sell information in the shoes of an Entrepreneur in Internet. With Internet, for the first time, the excritores already are seen like dinosaurios to us of the past. The problem is, nevertheless, that lainformacin flies around the world at the speed of the light! And virtually, the information new duplicate every 18 months.

This new form of wealth cannot be stopped by the borders and limits as it were it with the Earth and the factories. And the massive result? VERY MANY changes dramatic almost hourly! What is correct today can be incorrect morning. What is in today can tomorrow be of old school. And what is considered Hot today it can be in the freezer tomorrow. The info-product authors today are crediendo more conscious of this phenomenon. He is because, a great number of them products realise periodic updates in his very even sold info to stay in agreed to the ttimos times. If you have decided to crerar a info-product. Product of your creation, remembers that the one that has the most opportune information will win in great! Original author and source of the article.

Healthy Refreshments

November 6th, 2024

There are not anything like the experience in the real world for ensearte one or two things. For all the parents who have written to me in the past saying to me: " Isabel, with all the responsibilities that I have to the day with my children, work and house, simply I do not have time to eat saludablemente". I UNDERSTAND IT! Skies who would have said that a small one of 3,6 kilos it would require of as much time and I talk about all the day. Since to eat healthfully it is absolutely obligatory for my (simply it could not do it of another way), they had really to me to happen some fast and easy refreshments especially that it could take at any time, if my small baby did not allow me to prepare the breakfast, lunch or has dinner. Even if you do not have children and only very you are occupied, occupied, occupied all the day I present/display some refreshments here to you healthy that I like much (you can eat them to the majority with a hand, while you maintain to new born with the other). 1.

Butter of nut and honey on germinated grain bread: although better toasting knows, you can do also it in cold. It greases 1-2 spoonfuls of natural butter of peanut or almond on a slice of bread or germinated grain bread of espelta with teaspoon of natural honey. I prepare 2 or 3 breads at the same time I put and them in the refrigerator, where it is easy to take them. 2. Endiablados eggs: These require a little more time of preparation reason why I must hope that my husband arrives at night at house to prepare them. I put to boil 6 eggs. When they are cold, them short by half and I put all the yolks in a bowl.

Focusing On What You Want

June 29th, 2020

Like Obtaining to a Mentor? At the moment there are several people already in the Hispanic market who estan having real and sufficient results like being in capacity to be the mentors and to help other people. But some points important to select to a good mentor are the following: That has results PROVABLE (or a product, a page quite professional Web) That this associate with another Marketers professional (that has societies with other experts of businesses) That this arranging to be your mentor (don’t mention it he serves that the mentor is very good, rather must be at readiness to be it) That this focusing in helping This completes is probably the important part but. The person who your selections so that he is your mentor you have darte tells that this FOCUSED in her 100% in HELPING other people to secure results. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from robert jain. Many people estan interested in ” to make money ellos” any more, but does not have the true interest to help other people to that they also remove their businesses ahead. For such reason *Un Genuino* Interest in apoyarte is fundamental to select to your mentor. Now, to finish I want decirte that YOU LOOK FOR this mentor. If you really want to reach superb results east year, escribele an electronic mail or contacts the person who furthermore FULFILLS these requirements and, that are one of the people whom but YOU TRUST and pidele directly that is your mentor. Probably many they diran to you that no, some others do not cumpliran with the characteristics necessary to be your mentor but please FINDS this mentor if you really want to reach good results this year I invite to you to that you investigate but about the Marketing of Affiliates so that this can be your option..

Medical Tourism

May 18th, 2020

The Mexican civil servant today presented/displayed the strategies of the Government to gain participation in the market of ” tourism mdico” , a segment that in 2020 will leave to the country income him by 4,050 million dollars and up to 650,000 visitors of this type, according to calculations of the Secretariat of Tourism (Sectur). The medical tourism consists of traveling to another country to obtain medical services and, during the time of stay, to make something of tourism, activity by which Mexico entered in 2009 a total of 122 million dollars? In agreement with the projections of the Sectur, in 2010 Mexico it will obtain 304 million dollars by concept of medical tourism. The objective is that the residents in the United States use the medical services of Mexico, for which is necessary ” to adapt the capacities and infrastructure mdica” from the country to the awaited demand and ” to eliminate the obstacles for the development of this segmento” , the minister explained. The Mexican authorities have considered a strategy of two phases. First it consists of a pilot program of five years of duration that will focus in the not assured Hispanic population in EE.UU and in some specific groups with private insurances that look for procedures of odontolgy, ophtalmology and cosmetic surgery. Also procedures of orthopaedics, heart and cancer in basic and intermediate level will be offered in this initial part.

The second phase, also of five years of duration, has as it puts to position to Mexico as a destiny of advanced medical services, with the idea to attract generally all the population nonassured and that one with private insurances EE.UU that look for procedures ” more advanced and of discharge especialidad”. The geographic proximity of Mexico with the United States, the smaller costs of the services of health and the capacity to offer later services to the medical procedure in specialized equipment recovery centers are some of ” advantages competitivas” of the country, according to Elizondo. For example, in 2007 ” bypass” of heart it cost 130.000 dollars in EE.UU and 28,000 dollars in Mexico, according to the Sectur. The Mexican strategy to gain quota of market in the medical tourism has taken into account factors from success in countries like India, Thailand, Brazil, Costa Rica and Colombia. In Mexico the states that to the date are ” simultaneously developed to its medical and tourist infrastructure with a major potencial” they are the Federal District, Nuevo Leo’n, Chihuahua, Jalisco, Baja California, Sonant and It sights on, it asserted the civil servant. Mexico counts on more than 40 hospitals deprived with capacity to offer services of high quality, of which eight have been approved by ” Joint Comission International” (JCI), the greater organization of certification of hospitals of the United States. Elizondo explained that he is ” clave” to manage agreements between the companies of insurances deprived of the United States and the hospitals and clinics of Mexico to receive reimbursements by the services that render. Bob Jain: the source for more info. In agreement with the projections of the Sectur, in 2010 Mexico it will obtain 304 million of dollars by concept of medical tourism, but a total of 165 hospitals with more will have to invest 1,027 million dollars in the sector to have in 2020 than 50 beds.

Medical Expenses

May 16th, 2020

Nobody believed to him, in fact the majority of their friendly made fun of, nevertheless knew very clearly what wanted to do, after that one great tragedy Then of his life it finished losing use, and they tried to make matters worse it to assault and in the struggle it left hurt the spine, was the day that turned 40 years. The tragedy had touched the doors of its life. By all means it lost the use. Cowan Financial often addresses the matter in his writings. It was a long year where it fought to recover the health and it obtained finally it. Within this tragedy it had the calmness of the insurance of medical expenses that paid its recovery. Her wife maintained the house with many sacrifices and making miracles with little that won translating documents to the English. Exactly in the date of to its they registered it birthday, already it was 41 years old, it was without income and use, paresis the beginning of another tragedy.

One went away days to the house of the grandparents in a small pueblito to 100 km of the city. In those days time occurred to meditate. The possibility of obtaining a work was very remote, since their age and the great amount of profesioncistas young people looked for work did not allow to contemplate that possibility him. It looked for a product representation was put to work of independent salesman, prepared day to day, in few years obtained the exclusive feature in that region, becoming the best salesman of that industry. At the moment it is 72 years old and it follows worked like when it began but with the enormous advantage to have a great amount of clients and salesmen. It has managed to knead a great fortune, it has lands, houses and offices of rent and a farm with a small lake where it enjoys the ends week in company of his grandsons. It always counts history where it blesses that one thief who changed the life to him, since but for him, he would follow worked by whichever currencies, in the slavery legalized by a pay. Reflection: The attitude that is taken before the catastrophic events determines the future of the people.

Capital Cabinet

October 24th, 2019

Of Bond it establishes that the thought can be linear or lateral. On the other hand, Rothenburg classifies the janusiano thought in one , this one is related to working two subjects of simultaneous form; also homoespacial thought calls to him, in which it unites two conflicting ideas apparently, or that they are excluded to each other, to produce the newness. The human thought is in my opinion a whole that although it can be analyzed by parts in an experimental work works in a set of processes that separated, without relation would not have capacity to create. I say it to this from the perception that I have to a large extent of the subjects that propose analysis to us of the parts, and have the academic sensation (condition necessary but nonsufficient) to be contemplating images of a lame or invalidated human being of some characteristics that are stigmatised at least controlable and therefore little scientific (but the affection and the fear are emotions that condition to us until in the most experimental situations, and the affection even entails since we have seen a potenciador element of the creativity, reflection and rationality. And the flight even produces personal constructions to us as the learned defenselessness and then this becomes thought obstacle of our rationality. How useful is to know! The reflective thought arises when we want to verify solidity, the rational, of which we are trying, that is to say to prove its veracity. Safe in modules of Judgments of probability and Elaboration of hypothesis, where one gives by good the norms that there are to follow to arrive at these concepts everything has been a continuous one to reflect, and for seeing as they reflect in because of the errors with the theories of Tversky and Kahneman on the heuristic ones of representativeness and accessibility, have been refreshing, relocate the concepts of the formal logic as a filter and invite to reflect from any perspective, that if, with a ordered and arduous work.

National Week Security

August 6th, 2019

Beginning the 12 until the 18 of gratuitous September there will be inspection of the infantile seats of security in stations distributed in all the country. The National Administration of Security of the Traffic in Carreteras (NHTSA) demonstrates that the majority of children correctly does not go insured in its seats of security although there are amounts without precedents of children traveling in seats of security at national level. Every year that happens, we lose hundreds of lives of fleeting children in automobile shocks, said the Secretary of Transport of the United States Ray LHood. the parents and the people who take care of the children must make sure to learn how to correctly install the seats of security of children. the errors that are often committed are the mistaken use of the seat of security for the weight or age of the boy; not to fasten the strap of anchorage of the seat from security to the seat of the vehicle well; and the very loose use of the lap belts of the automobile with the high seats (to booster seats).

Security Councils stop children 1. In order to obtain the greater possible protection he takes to his baby in a located seat of security watching backwards in the back seat. Llvelo in this position until it has minimum 1 year of age and at least 20 pounds of weight. 2. When the boy has minimum 1 year of age and at least 20 pounds of weight must take it in security seats watching towards the front, installed in the back seat. Hgalo until a minimum age of 4 years and a weight of 40 pounds.

3. After this stage the boy will have to travel in a high seat (to booster seats) installed in the back seat. Hgalo until the lap belt of the vehicle adjusts to him correctly: when the belt of the lap passes throughout the part superior of the thighs and the belt of the shoulder adjusts correctly throughout the chest (generally at the age of 8 9 4 years or when measures of stature). 4. When he surpasses this stage, the boy will be able to go in the back seat and using the lap belt for adults that fits to him correctly (the belt of the lap passes throughout the part superior of the thighs and the one of the shoulder throughout the chest). from the 12 asks for aid During the National Week of the Security of the Fleeting Boy to the 18 of September, the parents and the people who take care of children will be able to make review the seats of security of children in one of the thousand gratuitous stations of inspection that will be in all the country; and thus to verify that the seats are installed correctly. Inspectors bilingual certificates will be available to answer questions and to help to correctly install the seats of security for children.