It would have been from very badly taste that Israel had continued the offensive against allowed Gaza and that alternated the images of the pomp ones of the taking of possession of Obama in Washington with obtained bloody images in Gaza. The Israeli Government conscious that, if not outside by the limitless aid of all type that continuously receives from loyal American friend, he would be himself incapable to continue clinging at the beginning of exceptional nature, tacitly is accepted by many countries since the State of Israel was created. This principle establishes that a town that has undergone the Holocausto in a hostile world is free to fulfill the international legislation whenever pleases to him. Until the moment, no supranational organism, including the United Nations, has been able to countermand it or to put it in judgment fabric. The operation Cast Lead (fused lead), suspended unilaterally not to dim the washingtonianas celebrations, would be equivalent to that a boy stoned an automobile and the conductor responded with bursts of submachine gun against author of the vandalism and to the friendly that surrounded to him then.
Still more: remembering the destruction of several facilities of the UN in Gaza, he is possible to imagine that to the angry he undertook it conductor to shots with the ambulances that had arrived to take care of the malheridos children it would set afire and them later. He is not worth the trouble to repeat the old woman arguments: the main reason for the Israeli attack, more than in preventing the firing of the Palestinian rockets is in the military requirement to make up for of the failure of year 2006 in Lebanon and to reaffirm the war potential, dissuasive and overwhelming. Also they have influenced the electoral interests of the Israeli leaders who struggle by the power and the convenience of presenting/displaying before Obama a completed fact, to prove their reaction and to estimate until where they can arrive with the new agent chief executive of the White House.