Free advice for start-ups in the first year of the independence of former employees set up a business as a entrepreneur. For this they have done a lot of preparation. You have thoroughly thought about their business idea and kept forecasts for their economic success in the business plan. It shows in the next few months whether the concept is viable. Years ago, IBM conducted a study to determine which criteria are decisive for the success of the business.
The result was surprising. Contrary to what many people believe, knowledge isn’t the guarantee of professional success first and foremost. 10% of your success will depend on the knowledge and skill. 30% of success are due to a good self-marketing. Even the greatest product sells only if others know that there is this. Please visit Mike Gianoni if you seek more information. 60% of your success will depend on contacts.
Who has a good network and uses every opportunity to become known, greatly increased the chances. Medium and large companies are aware of these relationships. You regularly invest in marketing activities, sales training, public relations, etc. According to estimates of the American Metrix global companies in 2001 has is the economic result after coaching measures more than quintupled. (One speaks of a return on investment of 529.) Experience shows that founder whose Eltern have a business or who make their passion into a career, have fewer problems. You thus already know some situation as entrepreneurs and have seen in practice that is quickly make changes. The majority of the new entrepreneur is missing”this experience and the Adviser to the family, supportive stands to the side. Entrepreneur mostly previously worked as a clerk and gained enormous expertise. The sales approach to strengthening entrepreneurship and the business area, there are the so-called ESF coaching for some time. This means: free coaching in the first year of the Foundation for all entrepreneurs, the State support. Everyone else at the Grundercoaching via the KFW Mittelstandsbank up can participate for the 5th year after founding and consulting grant 50% received one. What can entrepreneur from coaching expect? Together with the consultant, first analyse the Status Quo: what is already good?, where the young entrepreneur sees difficulties?, what is made for the acquisition?, such as the external presentation of the company is?, as are structured processes in the Office (offer-invoice reminder taxes), how the entrepreneurs responds to possible changes in the market?, what work can be simplified?, then the target, the target State, will be formulated and started to set milestones directly with the implementation. The coach is a partner. He has the task of making the company economically successful and provide immediate assistance. MarketingKommunikation advises small and medium-sized Companies mainly in the area of sales. In collaboration with the Agency for work and as a consultant of the KFW Mittelstandsbank, MarketingKommunikation start-ups and entrepreneurs at startup in the independence and then in sales activities coaches. Margit Winkler owner MarketingKommunikation hohenstrasse 59B 64732 bad Konig