IT Concierge

January 7th, 2025 by nathan Leave a reply »

A new base of the nationwide IT-service-net he can do it too, because his strengths lie in the customer service, he has practiced that long as a service technician at one of the largest providers of communication. “His slogan is we are pleased, if we can help”. This means simply the preventing and solving problems in the entire IT/TK area. He has all necessary certificates and in addition a perfectly equipped service vehicles. Where a poorly prepared technicians must drive times quickly in the company, father has all the necessary tools and parts, which saves the customer naturally considerable costs.

He is supported by his wife that takes him from all administrative work. So Dad can concentrate fully on the satisfaction of its customers. His performance is complemented by membership in a nation-wide network of experts. Thus, V-com can offer fast and affordable help. Especially for small companies, professional help is urgently being often the operating computer to little attention.

The consequences can be severe, ranging from data loss to the failure of the entire computer. After consultation with the clients V-com therefore offers an IT and telecommunications service. Medium-sized companies often have no employee who is well familiar with EDP. In these cases, father replaced an expensive computer administrator. In larger companies, he strengthened the performance of the it Department. This service is provided by common agreement, which protects the customer’s wallet. The performance spectrum ranges from maintenance agreements, regular backup, to the training of the users. The IT specialist knows very well, providing emergency aid, performs repairs and ensures the computer security. The computer must be on the cutting edge, it’s often little things that inhibit the operation, but not perceived by a layman, lack of experience, but. We call this IT Concierge service of the IT-service-net a proven full service with current priorities. For example, Green IT “here Father also takes care of the health in the workplace. Printers and copiers up to eight cubic feet of air to recirculate and thus emit particulate matter. In this, pollutants are caused by toner. Attaching of filters, regular cleaning and the use of special Toner reduces this risk to zero. But also the much needed Internet keeps lots of dangers. Right at the first contact the calculator can be contaminated. The specialist know how this is to prevent long. Above all, V-com offers everything from a single source. The customer need not a PC technician, a network engineer, a printer technician and a telecommunications specialist, at V-com, the customer gets everything, that saves time, money and aggravation. Because he knows the demands of its customers it is available outside of office hours for emergency operations. As a partner in the nationwide IT-service-NET, he has the support of nearly sixty colleagues to competent and inexpensive to conduct his work and he also practiced it. First You will find information on his Internet site due to the growing importance of the issues of health and safety the network strengthened its ranks and providing jobs. Interested parties are informed and trained to provide an optimal service in the target group of small and medium-sized enterprises. First non-binding information and assistance provides the network and its first on-site partner, they are slightly below the Internet address: to find. Father/ITSN


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