Posts Tagged ‘financial’

Housing Projects

September 7th, 2024

Not so long ago people were shocked by the new Ukrainian news – no longer issue loans to purchase real estate. That was a blow to many. And I must say, not only for buyers. But experts promise that gradually enters its course by the autumn and will fall into place. Real estate in Ukraine has always been sufficient demand. Angus King addresses the importance of the matter here.

But, unfortunately, the reality is that not all borrowers are willing to do so by the banks. It is not always exactly the person calculates its potential and eventually to repay the loan for some extremely hard. And what they say now if the problem is most home mortgages, is in fact a problem of no return. Large losses can not affect the policy banks. According to forecasts by the spring volume of such loans will rise very much. In addition, many believe that is inevitable collapse of prices.

But it said out loud, this collapse properly be called the correction which would not be exceed 15%. It is possible that the apartment a little cheaper this year, but only mortgages 'will stand on their feet' and it will fall in price, the price per square meter will start to grow again. Real Estate Agency of Ukraine a decline in demand, though not as he fell to lower prices by 40%. And then it is worth considering that everything is more expensive. Mike Gianoni is often quoted as being for or against this. It touched, of course, and building materials. And, undoubtedly, the salary increase was the builders. And it says in the first and foremost that it is impossible to link this increase with a decrease in property prices. It follows from this – this situation is temporary panic early. But in the current situation in order to stay afloat construction companies have cut prices to attract customers and their funds. And it will unleash a new wave of demand. If, however, specifically address the Kiev real estate, the numbers following – investment growth dropped to eight. It should also be noted that the developers have stare at sites outside the city, apparently, the capital market is oversaturated. Let's hope that the new year will bring changes for the better.

Moscow Building Complexes

May 21st, 2024

Recently, building complexes in Moscow actively involved in building commercial and residential districts. New sites for construction is getting smaller and smaller, so the cases of demolition by Construction is already functioning and buildings. The owners of such property to receive monetary compensation for the objects carried away. Specialists Consulting Group "Business circles" as an independent appraiser periodically invited to participate in projects to seize property from owners under various federal and municipal programs (construction of housing for the military, the construction of health and fitness complexes, construction of new roads, etc.). Therefore, we have gained unique experience in the market value of various assets – buildings, structures, communications and equipment. According to established practice, independent appraisers, engaging in such work, expect the market value of property for the purpose of compensation to owners of property on the date of purchase by the federal or municipal authorities. The value of compensation payments for seize the property determined on the basis of its market value on the date of redemption, the calculation is performed by an appraiser in the evaluation report. However, the owner of the property when it is deprived of not only the seizure of property, but and opportunities to earn income from the operation of such property (prior to the date of acquisition or construction of a new property). Therefore, apart from the market value of the property to be seized from its owner under federal and municipal programs, mandatory in the evaluation report is determined by the market value of the value of lost profits, ie magnitude of the revenue that the owner is not the loss of dopoluchit source of income (ie real estate).

The Builders

March 25th, 2020

And he was replaced. And he said that contracts are concluded not with him, but because either pay extra or take away your money and goodbye. Official site: Andrew Mason. So it might be worth to include in the contract item, the cost does not change and when changing the builder? If you buy an apartment in a huge residential complex consisting of hundreds of apartments, you must accept the fact that such complexes shall queues and a few years after your apartment will be built under the windows will go on building. Features of the contract in the company-builder: 1. You can not change any major item of the contract. 2. Any agreement the company sees as an investment, and therefore imposes on you bearing all the risks of construction of the house.

3. Remember that to solve the conflict with the builders in court is very difficult. Companies have contacts and have experience in driving the business. If you win your case, then the company has at this moment can not be on account of money. And to know the account number is difficult even for a bailiff. The most common conflicts already mentioned delay deadlines and registration of property rights are not clearly specified Questions furnish an apartment – the most frequent problem, but one must admit that it is not the worst. In my opinion, the scandals that have turned to real estate investors losing money, when there were: When building a house with many contractors can not count the money.

When To Buy Property In Cyprus

March 17th, 2020

Northern Cyprus – buy property now or wait "tomorrow"? glow of the negotiation process between the two sides of Cyprus gradually "cool", and few have faith in peacefully resolving the conflict, and reunification Islands in the near future. Judging from the development of the negotiations – they are clearly at an impasse and unable to find compromise solutions to the most pressing issues – property and land. Talks the leaders of two parties, which were waiting for the completion of before the end of the year, extended for an indefinite period, and meeting new leaders have been appointed to the future, 2011. UN diplomat, the special representative of UN Secretary General on the island, Alexander Downer, said: "We do not talking about what tomorrow will pack your things and run away from Northern Cyprus. We're talking about that in the process – trying to find a solution to the Cyprus problem, need to move forward and this should be pretty quick movement. " On Apparently, the UN and the EU is tired of Cyprus and its problems. Citizens, residents, residents, potential buyers simply tourists and investors are asking of Northern Cyprus is another question – what will this still is not recognized country? And more, all already interested in other aspects – what the status will be granted the North of Cyprus? More expensive real estate is and how fast? Will operate direct flights to Northern Cyprus, and when? Will lifted the embargo …? I do not think anyone – that is now clear answers to these questions. .

Land Of Earth – Start Your Success

October 28th, 2015

A plot of land can be the beginning of your success. Investing in the land – one of the most popular and profitable types of investment. This – not the recent market innovation, always has been. From time immemorial, people clearly understand absolute value of real estate, and more “immovable property” than the actual land, you can not imagine. At various times, the possibility of land ownership was restricted – the traditions of inheritance and power state regimes (Paradoxically, there are combined such bitter rivals, both the monarchy and the developed socialism: in both cases, the private owner is difficult to individually own the land). Nevertheless, today land purchase and sale of land in our country is allowed and, therefore, is in great demand. This is especially true in the southern regions, particularly in the Odessa area: the proximity of the sea and estuaries, the advanced culture of gardening and wine, a warm climate and relatively flat terrain makes the land in this area truly attractive product. To understand the situation in this market, it is necessary to clarify the following issues: – What is included in the cost of the land? – What factors make an attractive object or, conversely, unattractive, despite its price? – In which sectors of the region’s land is sold more than where it is cheaper and more expensive than where? Let’s start with basic: What is included in the price of the land? Imagine an ordinary plot. It’s just a certain amount of acres, more or less.