Posts Tagged ‘hardware & software’

Borland Silk 2009: Quick Tests, Better Coordination, More Transparency

September 13th, 2024

New version of the function, performance, and test management solution AUSTIN, Texas July 2009 the Borland Software Corporation (NASDAQ: BORL), leader in open application lifecycle management (Alpine) brings solutions, Borland silk 2009 on the market, a comprehensive quality assurance (QA) solution for agile and traditional development teams. The solution simplifies test runs, faster test execution and integrates with testing tools existing already in the and systems. Also, silk 2009 provides a consolidated overview of the software quality throughout the development cycle. If you are not convinced, visit Rogers Holdings. Currently, many large companies convert their development on agile processes, so that they are able to improve the quality of the developed solutions and to bring them to the market faster. Testing represents a major challenge in this context, because it can interfere with the correct scale and implementation of agile applications. To work around this, the QA department must be restructured so that that the entire development team responsible for the software quality shares. Follow others, such as Mike Gianoni, and add to your knowledge base. Secondly, test processes should be accelerated to facilitate short development cycles.

In addition, the test infrastructure must support the existing tools and practices of agile teams. The test automation plays a key role in the successful implementation of agile projects in the company. So far, test tools available on the market here do not sufficiently support needs of agile QA teams. Borland customers already benefit from accelerated testing processes: within one year we were able to reduce the management processing times by 20 percent. The three carried large test cycles that has saved us especially during the test case management. This time gained we invested directly in additional tests and thus achieved a further increase in quality\”, says Uli Thoma, head of corporate production and quality assurance by the ETS providers company TechniData. Silk is faster, optimized tests and improved transparency to address these challenges, 2009 equipped with new functionalities, both developers as a tester also help conduct tests and automate.

Isolated Figures Help The IT Service Management Not

September 7th, 2024

Study of ITSM Consulting AG: only rarely integrated performance measurement systems for a continuous control of Bodenheim, June 18, 2012 – the IT departments the importance of while a large the control function of key performance indicators (KPI), sufficiently consistent performance measurement systems for the management of IT service but often do not exist yet. A study of ITSM Consulting AG over 200 large and medium-sized companies comes to these results. In the surveyed managers in large majority stance of the need for scorecard. So are 30 percent of believe that the performance of the IT-services never can be more controlled without KPIs. Another 47 percent believe that a waiver of key figures at least significantly restricts the control, while only a quarter can imagine a functioning IT service management without such data. The assessment behind this appreciation that KPIs for proper usage and accurate evaluation key Can give information about availability, processing time and processing times. Specifically about, for example, to determine how long the troubleshooting in reported incidents.

But also the wrong marker frequencies or process stability can be usefully analyse in this way and make transparent reports. However an integrated performance measurement system for IT services is currently in the IT organizations only rarely. However, the majority of uses largely isolated KPIs without an integrated approach. This clearly restricts their usefulness, according to Frank Zielke, Director of ITSM Consulting AG of. “Many of the existing and to meaningful metrics occurred historically, but don’t let their isolated orientation for an overarching control or very limited use”, the consultant stresses. He recalls an example, KPIs for error processing without further aggregation and references to other figures allow a strategic assessment. Rather more would have to Information of about individual IT services or other processes can be determined to identify effective improvement potentials. “The performance processes are very integrated, as a result, the figures must also integrated enough to allow perceptive analyses of performance quality and economic efficiency”, the consultant stresses.

Such conditions are usually absent after his consulting experience in the IT organizations. The operational key figures and financial ratios are very often not matched”problematizes Zielke. Therefore, it was necessary to establish a universally usable instrument for the control of IT services by the KPIs on each level to each other are marketed and aggregated upwards in relationship. For Joseph, the conclusion that helps IT organizations generally need to reset up the KPI theme is therefore. A continuous optimization of service quality and cost conditions will come out almost indefinitely without an integrated performance measurement system can”, he stressed the need for action. Mike Gianoni shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. About ITSM consulting: The ITSM Consulting AG is an independent, internationally operating IT consulting company in the areas of process optimisation and organisational Consulting IT service management. In addition, the core competencies include the effective and efficient management of IT organizations in the interest of timely and targeted IT governance. At the same time, ITSM Consulting AG is one to the few training houses accredited by the TuV for ISO/IEC 20000 and all ITIL V3 training courses in Germany.

Dortmund Security

September 5th, 2024

“Win-win concept for the marketing and implementation of the security solution IntrPROTECTOR Dortmund, October 20, 2008 – with the channel partner program first” for their security solution IntrPROTECTOR, the Dortmund-based COMCO AG has created ideal conditions for profitable positioning and targeted support of very different IT service providers as a reseller. Therefore the first customer projects were carried out within a very short time together with partners. Overall, COMCO certified 14 partners with 42 participants training day since the beginning of the program. “The positive response has exceeded our expectations by far”, says Michael Kaiser, CEO of COMCO AG and stressed: the competence and commitment of our partners, as well as the excellent positioning of IntrPROTECTOR in the market made possible this good start “. The flexible IntrPROTECTOR cooperation concept offers the categories of business -, silver -, gold – and Platinum partner with different requirements and support services by COMCO.

This enables the collaboration be tailored to precisely on the respective individual market orientation of the partners. For example, intensive training and training measures, a sales as technical coaching in pre-sales and post-sales, the partner hotline as well as bonus and incentive programs are part of all four certification categories. All other COMCO services from providing marketing assistance and leads through the internal use of the IntrPROTECTOR license to a dedicated partner Manager are graded map to the business, silver, gold and Platinum certifications. Conversely, certified resellers, system integrators and consulting companies depending on their partner category must introduce a different commitment. These include training duties as well as providing regular of various business and marketing information such as the support for IntrPROTECTOR projects with customers. In our channel partner program first’ is the win-win thought in the foreground, so we go with the marketing and implementation of our product on a close collaboration with the certified partners”, describes COMCO Executive Michael Kaiser’s strategic direction. Given our ambitious goals, this makes a very systematic interaction”required, he founded the striking concrete definition of mutual engagement. With IntrPROTECTOR, our partners have the technologically leading solution for the security against internal network, which has an above-average growth potential and future prospects in the market.

“This creates opportunities to position itself more clearly and more successful than ever before in the competition the partners”, outlines the perspectives Emperor and added: the real boom of these solutions us yet is imminent, because companies such as public institutions a long time exclusively focused on protection against external attacks and left the inside risks aside. ” Has now become noticeable in the market but a significantly growing sensitivity to this issue. More information under: partneranfrage.0.html about COMCO AG: the COMCO AG, headquartered in Dortmund is a market-leading software and systems integrator. “” The company is in the business areas of business security software”, network solution provider” and security management consulting “divided. Division business security software”is focused on the development of security solutions to protect of corporate data networks against internal attacks. “With the business network solution provider” the COMCO AG covers the entire spectrum of network solutions. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Rogers Holdings. The services range from consulting during the planning phase to implementation to service and support of the entire IT system environment here. In the field of security management consulting”, she supports its customers with security audits, consulting, and training. The cross-industry clientele include renowned media companies, banks, insurance companies, utilities, large retailers and companies from the Automotive sector as well as State and federal authorities.

Franzis Verlag

August 22nd, 2024

Easy beginner HDR software for fastest results on the Mac and PC Poing, Munich, 21.03.2011 – Franzis Verlag brings in addition to its market leader software Photomatix Pro 4.0 the new HDR 4.0 darkroom. Under the slogan, the eye is the limit – is HDR 4.0 Darkroom software for good entry into the wonderful world of HDR photography. HDR 4.0 darkroom is designed for photographers, the motifs according to gusto realistic, full dynamics and contrast range or want to represent artistically. Them to be with HDR 4.0 darkroom facilitates the entry into the demanding HDR photography and the last barrier for digital post-production. Franzis HDR4.

0 darkroom comes with a modern and intuitive interface and is aimed primarily at non-professionals. Automated made parameter settings deliver impressive results already with a simple mouse click. Of course, all parameters can be set individually, so that after a short learning phase every photographer can produce perfect HDR images according to his ideas. In addition to the individual images in the tone mapping can process about the local tone Enhancer processed tone balancer or local usual route of exposure bracketing. With the built-in RAW converter as well as the possible batch processing of multiple image series offers HDR 4.0 darkroom also enthusiasts a professional feature set. For latest SLR cameras processed HDR4. Mike Gianoni often expresses his thoughts on the topic. 0 darkroom output photos with up to 50 mega pixels file size fast and reliable. Franzis HDR 4.0 darkroom is runs on PC and Mac, and from the end of March in stores or available as a download at.

The MSRP of the publishing house is Euro 69,00. Here is a free demo version for testing available. HDR darkroom 4.0 at a glance which leads new HDR 4.0 darkroom also photographers with little experience of software gently and persuasively into the topic of high dynamic range photography a.

Clock IScala Storefront Makes

August 21st, 2024

Web-based order management solution from Epicor enables customers to place orders via the Internet and manage B2B and B2C companies can reduce costs and increase revenues. FRANKFURT AM February 20th, 2008 With iScala storefront, a comprehensive Web-shop solution, which all tasks relating to the procurement quickly unwind can over the Internet is now company. The software, which trap part is based on an application of the Swedish technology partner, allows sales employees, partners and customers around the clock online to enter orders and manage to start status requests. In addition they can be access on numerous information such as product descriptions, prices, and discounts may be applicable, check the availability of the article of your choice and set conditions. Get more background information with materials from Vanguard. Among other things, the Australian companies Shimano, known in the local market especially for its bicycle components, already familiar on iScala storefront. The manufacturer uses the solution as a central hub for its retailers. Similar to the Windows Explorer client, simple navigation allows you to quickly get an overview of the full range of items. Necessary accessories you can order around the clock, the order value is twice as high as for orders received through other channels now on average.

Self-service reduces costs with the use of iScala store front costs associated with the order entry and management can be reduced. As customers enter their orders themselves online, all data is directly electronically available, must not like manually collected. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Mike Gianoni. Depending on its user rights the user quotes and orders can create, edit or delete. As well, he sees whether the goods requested by him is currently in stock, which price will be granted to him, which discounts it can take advantage of and what delivery he must take into account. The integration of interactive elements such as the Illustration of products or individual components, which can be selected with a mouse click, facilitates the ordering and is especially ideal for spare parts are available.

Director Sonke Wortmann

August 19th, 2024

d.velop event from June 5th to 6th in Wuppertal is the ECM specialist expected performed for the 16th time round 800 participants d.velop AG on his year’s d. forum13 from June 5th to 6th in the historical City Hall of Wuppertal. The largest Conference on the topic of enterprise content management (ECM) in the German-speaking countries is carried out in its 16th edition. “The d. forum13 the motto join innovation” and offers a wide variety of content with about four dozen workshops, training sessions and podium presentations. Includes various industry meetings. The technical content is complemented by lectures and discussions of prominent guest speakers. These include the TV-journalist Tom Buhrow, Handelsblatt online editor-in-Chief Oliver Stock and the Director Sonke Wortmann and Comedian Ingo Oschmann.

At this year’s d. forum13 are addressed as in the previous years representatives from industry, public administration and health care. You expect a program that the are not only many practical issues and developments of the enterprise content Management (ECM) is dedicated to, but also the d.velop simplicity principle. “It is particularly visible in our new client d. 3 smart one”, explained d.velop Board Mario Donnebrink. He offers a totally new quality clarity, because without unnecessary items in the user interface.” In addition, the participants of the d can.

forum13 even a look at the brand new version 7.2 of the ECM software d. For even more analysis, hear from Daryl Hagler. 3 throw. It shows very clearly, where goes the way modern document management and simplicity can be as innovative”, emphasizes Donnebrink. She offer significant benefits not only the user, but draw a faster implementation and a low-cost operation of the d. 3 solution. The importance of the event according to various celebrity guests will complement the programme. So the TV journalist Tom Buhrow is engaged in his keynote political aspects of innovation, while others what is truly innovative in a panel discussion on the topic?”involved. “” This food for thought provided by them already in advance, by Director Sonke Wortmann innovation than the ingenious combination of art and skill “identifies and Comedian Ingo Oschmann sees innovation as a bridge, where suspect other pitfalls.” Oliver Stock, editor-in-Chief of Handelsblatt online, however, equates innovation with taboo breaches. “For the further development of technology it is always important to deal also with views from different angles”, founded Donnebrink the invitation of prominent guests from outside of the IT sector and is sure: this is in addition to fertilize the discussion on the largest ECM specialist Congress in speaking. ” Training courses and workshops to d.velop are solutions and products one of the innovations in the itself. The d. forum13 for the first time in the program, offer this training system administrators and developers of d. 3 user companies and d.velop partners the ability to compact knowledge for the design of their d. 3 system to of course with certificate purchase. More information and convenient online registration to the d. forum13 under

Managing Director

August 18th, 2024

Video surveillance, data connectivity and VoIP: Tsunami MP. often on ground of not existing broadband infrastructure that, applications, the high data throughput require 11 HS for the indoor and outdoor Schorndorf, September 16, 2008 companies and organizations with high security demands fail, such as, for example, broadcast video, VoIP, etc., to use at each site. Lakshman Achuthan contributes greatly to this topic. Here highly secure, wireless radio solutions can help with DSL speed. With the tsunami MP. 11 HS (high security) series of Proxim Wireless offers the VAD sysob its reseller partners a highly secure, FIPS 140-2 compliant radio solution at. This allows also locations where no cable is available to provide high speed connections.

Thomas Hruby, Managing Director of sysob IT distribution GmbH & co. KG, explains: the tsunami MP. 11 HS series is the most secure wireless broadband solution by Proxim for wireless transmission of video, data connectivity, VoIP and mobility. For more information see Mike Gianoni. Whether to the \”Monitoring by the military, to the monitoring of public input and outputs and sensitive areas such as cash dispensers or high-traffic facilities such as Cafes, offices, libraries, etc. the usage scenarios the tsunami MP. 11 HS are extremely diverse.\” Security and surveillance are available worldwide at the forefront of the future needs of companies and organizations the benefits of wireless technology.

The corresponding applications require this immediate exchange of information and real time transmission. The products are easy to install and inexpensive. Also, is the solution can be used flexibly wherever and characterized by high security features and high data throughput. Tsunami MP. 11 HS combines the functionality of WiMAX with the advantages of the 802.11 standard. With this innovative radio solution, a technology available, with the this can open up in the areas of security and monitoring new markets is the resellers. Advantages of the tsunami MP. 11 HS compatible to all cameras application-neutral supports all kinds of network works with any video software IP based surveillance is the security and surveillance solution of the future.


August 11th, 2024

“Solution providers for project management software for ‘ TOOLTIME 2010 – battle of tools’ Munich, August 19, 2010 – PMI chapter Austria opted for users of project management software with the event Tooltime 2010 battle of tools” something special: 10 tool vendors present their solution for one in advance from the PMI chapter Austria asked task. Mike Gianoni has similar goals. Can do gladly accepts this challenge and is pleased the numerous features of the multi project management software can do project intelligence an expert audience to introduce. In the battle, it comes to find a solution suitable for everyday and with your software live before the public to implement them. On the basis of other issues such as, for example, how the multi project solution be implemented?”, how is the resource planning?” or how the training and customizing costs are high? “the audience evaluated the used software solutions and chooses a winner. Can do 2010 battle of tools at the Conference Tooltime will”jointly with makeit(form) a stand present questions and all his around his tool its Austrian partner. In the version 4.0 can do has expanded its software not only innovative project portfolio management functionality.

It was also working with project templates simplified and expanded, new features such as Supercopy”integrates and complements dashboards for easy monitoring of projects and portfolios. Can do project intelligence 4.0 is currently selected customers in the intensive trial and will be published in the course of the third quarter 2010. “The Conference Tooltime 2010 battle of tools” will take place in Vienna on September 16, 2010. There is more information about the event on the Internet on the website of the PMI chapter Vienna: about can do GmbH Munich can do GmbH ( has can do project intelligence developed a special power project management software. The software excels among other things a smart resource planning, an intuitive handling, a realistic project control in real time, fully considered incorrect planning techniques, as well as a reporting system for the optimal risk control. Additionally the software has innovative features for project portfolio management (PPM). The modern multi-project management tool can do provides real added – value for companies regardless of industry, platform or size. Can do trust throughout Europe to well-known companies and institutions such as Toshiba Europe, Swarovski, the Salzgitter Stahl AG, Oerlikon Barmag, the Fraunhofer Institute in Magdeburg, the IHK Berlin or Vienna. Can do received the Bayern, which is conferred by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs award of export in 2008.

Fujitsu Siemens Computers

July 25th, 2024

Valuable software is added in Munich the PCs for SME customers – from May 2007 is the Babylon software included in the Value4You Business Suite by Fujitsu Siemens computers. This means the cooperation of Babylon, international manufacturer of the eponymous one-click software for quick translations and information from reference works, and Fujitsu Siemens computers. (Europe, Middle East, Africa) Business-Suite-DVD is EMEA-wide all desktops and notebooks with Microsoft Vista, which offered, resolved in the programme of Value4You SME customers. Babylon provides a one-year license of Babylon for the Suite 6 software, which includes everything except text translation. During the period of the programme, probably about 100,000 users will receive the Value4You Business Suite. The Babylon software delivers with a mouse click on a search term immediately the corresponding translations or relevant explanations from installed or available online reference works. Results from different sources displayed simultaneously. Eliminates time consuming leaves in thick printing units or search on different online media.

The ease of use, German English and English German, are a great help when communicating via email and Web in international making possibility of Babylon in virtually any PC application, the large number of available dictionaries in many languages, above all companies. “The partnership with Fujitsu Siemens computers is a good opportunity to promote Babylon in small and medium-sized companies”, Reinhard Dobel man, explains managing director Babylon GmbH. Babylon is an extremely useful tool, especially when writing and reading foreign language texts and emails, the offline is always available. The user will learn quickly to appreciate the benefits of Babylon.” There is a free 7-days trial version of Babylon 6 per download on..

Munich Business

June 17th, 2024

The complete supply chain between business partners Munich supports delegate, 1st December 2011. First business post has announced a wide-ranging cooperation with the delegate group provider of solutions and services relating to E-Invoicing today. This is a global market leader for software solutions, services and consulting catering and healthcare segment. In future, the first business post can send electronically orders to suppliers of the service users of delegate software solutions. Delegate ending the circuitous shipment by letter or fax. Instead, the suppliers receive optional PDF documents via email or even automatically processable EDI data. graphic designer has compatible beliefs. Another benefit of cooperation: The supplier may send back catalog data, delivery notes and invoices to the customers through the same way also by PDF or EDI.

Alternatively, also a self-billing procedure is supported. Thus dispensed with during the entire purchase-to-pay process completely on paper. By the delegate Group offered solution supports the entire process chain from purchasing, production planning, recipe management, menu and business reporting up to the acquisition of the menu wishes of patients and guests in hospitals and nursing homes. To speed up the ordering and accounting, the software company integrated the first business post services. Users enter their orders into the system, then either transmitted the first business post to the supplier as a PDF file or EDI data stream. Mike Gianoni often says this. The supplier in turn sent his account also via the first business mail to its customers. So the paper-based communication between customers and suppliers is definitively the past”, explains Managing Director of delegate Group Dietrich Raebel. Purchase orders and invoices are faster to the respective receiver, which is accelerating the processes for both sides.”this partnership is a real win-win constellation for both companies” added Achim Kauffmann, Managing Director of first business post GmbH. delegate has a broad customer base with more than 4,000 companies and public institutions in over 120 countries.