On the Stock market Family, Clear Maria Axe (2010), in article for the site of the MEC: ' ' The program takes care of families with monthly per capita income of until R$ 140,00 with direct transference that varies of R$ 22,00 R$ 200,00. The intention is to fight the poverty and to improve the life of the future generations for the accompaniment of the pertaining to school frequency, the agenda of health and from action of work generation and income. To assure the participation in the program, the parents need, among others requirements, to keep the children in the school and to guarantee that they receive cares basic from health, as the vaccine application. The Ministry of the Education is responsible for following the pertaining to school frequency of the pupils atendidos.' ' . This is ' ' Investimento' ' of the government in the education of the future generation of professionals of the country. R$ 200,00 Reals. A prisoner today, in our country, receives from assists reclusion more than the double of what established for the Stock market the Family. Data this, reflect.
Which the type of ' ' profissional' ' the government has financed for its formation? It is impossible that only this irrisria amount is capable to keep a pupil in the school and guarantees it a quality education that it will lead to adequate a professional formation. Beyond that, as said previously, the pertaining to school frequency does not guarantee the same quality of the exploitation and performance of the pupil, who is what the most important the least would have to be considered, thus, the government continues neglecting the quality of the education. The PBF has a proposal admirable, however, it needs to be I coat in many aspects, however, biggest the proposal of the government it would have to be the financing that considers an increase in the quality of the education, and unhappyly what we have seen it is that the evil ' ' investimento' ' it has been the reason of much corruption in the sector of the education.