However, to take care of the demands in the educational area it is necessary to catch the practical professional in the qualification process, analyzes Almeida (1998) distinct for each particular necessity of new expression in way of capitalist production, performance of the Social Assistant before the educational context has not been visible. The Law of Lines of direction of the Education, law 9,394 in its Art 1, 2: The education pertaining to school will have to associate the world to it of the practical work and to the social one. We verify that the education is tied directly in practical the social one in its function of intermediao to develop human beings and in the practical professional in the world of the work in diversifying professionals as Social Assistants who are on in this mediation between the society and its formation. The school as one ' ' novo' ' field of performance of the social assistant, in which if it does not have exclusiveness, demands beyond many mediaes between the reality of the pupils and its interventiva contribution of practises professional, therefore as it affirms Iamamoto (1998: 20) One of the biggest challenges that the social assistant lives in the gift is to develop its capacity to decipher the reality and to construct proposals of work creative and capable to preserve and to accomplish rights, from emergent demands in the daily one. At last, to be a propositive professional and not only executive. However, in what he concerns the investigativo character and interventivo the Social Assistant has that to display action proposals to deal with the effective demands its respective execution in the proposal of its relevance by means of the confrontations to the answers of the demands in which it is directed. 3.2 The PERFORMANCE OF the SOCIAL ASSISTANT To the FRONT OF the EXPRESSIONS OF the SOCIAL MATTER IN the EDUCATION Being the school a place that if find the varied types of social relations e, being that the schools have its white public: children in process of formation of the character, adolescents in processes of changes in its physical aspect and emotional, and adults who already come with histories of traced lives.