Workflow Of The Month To Win

September 14th, 2018 by nathan Leave a reply »

Ogitix campaign under the slogan ‘simple process automation experience making’ Cologne, 14.06.2010 – Ogitix Software AG specializing in solutions for simple process automation starts in June a campaign with the draw of IT professional or business workflow. She performed until the middle of next year, monthly. Per month will be provided a workflow designed according to individual wishes free among the participants. He contains everything that is needed for the practical application from user-specific design of the process about the necessary technical platform for automated process control including the implementation up to the complementary consulting on-site. The time is usually only a day or two, the process remains in the company and can be modified at any time as. Only a registry with short description of the desired workflow is necessary for participation in the prize draw. This campaign aims, on the one hand the attention to the need for the Process automation to draw and on the other hand their feasibility of simple practical experience to make”, founded Ogitix Board Ingo Buck.

He thus refers to the results of a recent study according to which most only have companies a low degree of automation of IT processes, although they mostly see a great need for this. Because only 27 percent call their current level of automation as sufficient. There is widespread fear that a process automation leads to very complex and lengthy projects in practice. This represents a very significant decision hurdle. By providing free workflow users to experience free of any investment risk, that this fear is unfounded”, Buck explained. The draw takes place for the registered participants of each calendar month. Each participant can participate only once every six months, also repeated participation only with a new workflow request is possible.

She implemented Software for process automation remains permanent and royalty-free license for the concerned user companies. About OGiTiX Software AG OGiTiX Software AG is the specialist for process automation. It strengthens the role of a responsible IT in the company, which actively works with on the objectives of the company and thus contribute value to the company as a whole in its philosophy. With this approach, the OGiTiX Software AG has already supports a number of well-known companies. think factory group Wilfried Heinrich Pastorat Street 6, D-50354 Hurth phone: + 49 (0) 2233 6117-72 fax: + 49 (0) 2233 6117-71


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