USP Raquel Rolnik

September 1st, 2018 by nathan Leave a reply »

Let us take here the example of the use of the automobile in the great cities. The people are opting each time more to the individual transport, in detriment of the public. It is a complicated question of if deciding nowadays, therefore the great cities are turning a chaos, with much racket, pollution and deaths. ' ' It imagines if a way of transport was created not-polluting agent, a teletransportador helmet, for example. With certainty all would be happy and premiariam the inventor. But, we go to assume despite, when was to receive the distinction, it disclosed that the machine is moved the meat human being, who consumes ten people per day.

It certainly would be imprisoned. But the same he does not occur with the cars, everybody aceita' '. This is a definition of Pablo Saldiva, the College of Medicine of the University of So Paulo (FMUSP), in interview to the Fapesp Agency, on the use of the automobile and its acceptance for the society. What we perceive is that the cities had also passed to be considered in accordance with the necessity of the cars and its drivers. In interview granted to the Frum magazine n 82, the teacher of the USP Raquel Rolnik remembers that, ' ' in Bogota, Columbian capital that is had as example in terms of urban model, the interventions made for the public power give priority for the collective transport and the pedestrian, in contrast of that brasileiras&#039 occurs in So Paulo and other cities; '. In this interview, it counts an experience that had, visiting Bogota: ' ' Vi that the urbanization of the periphery started making the sidewalk with tree, woody, illuminated, pretty, ciclovia in the public sidewalk, equipment, school, library, etc.

and alone later it paved the way. Pavement is 50% of the total cost of an urbanization. The things that really necessary people, sidewalk, school, square, tree, cost less than the pavement.


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