Non-ABI studies hard and satisfying the offer as further masters studies requiring no theme-related Bachelor’s degree as a base – but experience is constantly increasing. The database of the University Conference lists over 350 courses of this type. Many of them are designed as online course, so Weiterbildungswillige must take no break in the job. How open is the access to higher education for the professional skilled in the individual federal States, regulate the respective higher education acts, which additionally supplemented by special regulations in most cases. The individual Lander shine”by considerable differences in the nature of the authorisation procedures and admission requirements. Access to higher education opportunities for professionally qualified: Direct college access for professionally highly qualified Applicants can begin a degree a master exam or a comparable degree without special tests or procedures.
Access to higher education via an entrance examination. Who has graduated no more training after training, but can demonstrate at least three years of professional experience is subjected to an aptitude test. This tests the study ability of the applicants without university entrance qualification. The control carried out by the universities access to higher education through a sample study. Professionally qualified applicants are admitted to the study, after they have – successfully completed a trial study usually two to four semesters. Access to higher education on the promotion of the gifted students.
Professionals acquire the Abitur by passing a special examination. In contrast to the college access via an entrance examination”, which entitles only to study at a particular University or in a certain State, allows the unrestricted access to higher education the gifted exam. Note: You should enquire (distance learning without ABI is also possible) at a selected College, College, or University, what are the requirements for admission consist of the desired course. To take into account is in any case, that their own tenacity and perseverance in advance require study without Abitur. Learn more about the study without Abitur: info/Bachelor studies without graduate bildungsdoc’s education service and guidance for students, trainees, graduates, students, parents and adults. Find all here is simple and fast unbiased information on educational topics, education, training providers and educational institutions. Matching funding, including funding programs will be presented to many education at home and abroad.