The Urim and Tumin were used, I reiterate, only for the translation of the given portion to Martin Harris, later the rest of the translation was realised using the Stone of Viewer. James E. Lancaster, Saints Herald, 15 of November of 1962. Also there is a copy of this letter in: Early Mormon Documents, volume 1, p.532. Ours first mix-ups: As I have already mentioned to them, I first writer who helped to Joseph it to translate, of way of which have been I have had the privilege to be the first person in writing sacred texts, many passages they have been engravings for always in my heart and have been the cause of my disagreements majors with the conduct of my husband.
Perhaps the image that they have of me, is the one of an ignorant woman and egoistic, who did not accept to fold me to the divine mandate, and that is possible that thus it is, but I will say some things to them, in company of these women who accompany to me, that perhaps helps them to include/understand to me better. In principle, I invite to them to read with me some passages of Libro de Jacob, always I have admired the bravery of this brother of Nefi to set out without hairs in the language all the deviations in which there were incurred nefitas, and the conceptual clarity whereupon warned on the true doctrine of Christ. Thus, Jacob spoke to them: But the word of God oppresses to me because of your more serious crimes. Because there am here, the Gentleman says: This town begins to increase in iniquity; it does not understand Scriptures, because it tries to justify his fornications, because of which was written about David and its Salomn son. I have here, David and Salomn in truth had many spouses and concubines, something that for me were abominable, say the Gentleman.