As for the relationship between components staffs of the teaching process learning and categories object of analysis is not appreciated a more direct relationship between the levels of assimilation and the content, insofar as possible, the levels of cognitive performance they have results measured by the assessment, which articulates with the entire system of the components of the teaching-learning process. Therefore performance not sight only to the mode in which has assimilated the content, also envisions the ways in which students have appropriate methods and procedures and means to operate with content based on the goal and solve the problem. Performance levels enable more dynamic control of the entire process and compare the results in its relationship with the problem, objectives, content, methods and means. Similarly to insert in an essentially bilateral process (learning-education) levels of cognitive performance of students favor establishing a causal correlation with the level of professional performance of teachers and consequently facilitate, attributing the causes of successes and failures of the teaching process of bilateral and democratic, form both in students as teachers, to be the fundamental actors in the educational process at the school. MEASUREMENT OF LEVELS OF COGNITIVE PERFORMANCE. Traditionally, the performance results have been presented in terms of percentage of correct answers. In order to facilitate the understanding of results, at present, the interpretation of these results should be taking into account some exceptions listed below. The average percentage of hits indicates what is the percent average success of students in the items of the various tests.
It should not be considered 50% of correct answers is approved. If the same students had answered another test slightly easier or harder they could have obtained mean values of different hits. It is wrong to identify some value of the ratio of hits to the failure or success in a matter.