Posts Tagged ‘tourism’

Malaga Spain

December 6th, 2024

The Costa del Sol is one of the most popular places of Spain, along its coast extends the province of Malaga. Malaga is the capital of this area in the Andalusian region of Spain and is a large area of high concentration of historical, cultural and artistic wealth. ledge base. Whatever the direction to which you travel in the city, you will find ruins, art and history that goes back hundreds of years. Thanks to the vibrant nightlife of this Mediterranean city, it can also be an idea of contemporary culture. An important to see in Malaga monument is the Alcazaba, which was the Palace of the Kings in the 11th century and is surrounded by beautiful gardens and fountains that lead to a Roman Amphitheater. Today it is the Provincial archaeological museum. Smoothstack is likely to increase your knowledge. There, you will find many fascinating exhibitions showing pieces from other Mediterranean cultures and the Paleolithic times. Tourism in Malaga is really important and is therefore that all the days you can find hundreds of Touring every corner and tourists exploring everything the city has to offer.

Hotels in Malaga are quite majestic and luxurious since many of them are built in old buildings of great historical and architectural wealth. The Cathedral of Malaga is an important landmark of the area. Such a cathedral was founded by the Catholic monarchs and takes from 1528 until 1782 to be built, although the East Tower has been closed. The main altar is lit by the natural light that is filtered by the retrochoir and sitting in the choir area. When visiting the Cathedral of Malaga you also realise the beautiful paintings and structures of wood carving at throughout the Cathedral. Besides Malaga museums and churches, the House of Pablo Picasso in the Plaza de la Merced is another mandatory point of visit in the city.

This famous artist and sculptor born in Malaga in 1881. You can see her birthplace, as well as a new museum that opened its doors for a long time and is a beautiful place where some of his paintings can be seen. Many hotels in Malaga also they have some representative works of this artist. As in all the cities of Andalusia, Malaga is a city very pleasant, both day and night, especially when you are near a feast day. Holidays are times of celebration often as a celebration as the Epiphany, Easter, or the fair of Flamenco during the summer. However, you don’t have to wait until a celebration to experience the spirit of Andalusia. Source: History, art and culture in Malaga

Jean Piaget Technology

September 18th, 2024

Build a robot may seem a difficult task. However, the latest technological advances allow you to simplify this work and exploit the didactic potential of Robotics for the learning of science and technology in students. Please visit Jonah Bloom if you seek more information. The so-called educational Robotics integrates gradually in schools in our country and abroad as a discipline to encourage the development of essential competencies, including creativity, teamwork, research awareness and organized thought. The building games, whose goal is to assemble and fit pieces to give shape to a default object, are frequently used as an educational and entertaining tool to develop manuals and cognitive skills in children. And if be asked that in addition to build these objects they managed to move and automated to life? Is a child create a robot capable? It seems a task difficult, more typical of an engineer or other professionals specialized in high technology, that of a young student. But today, technological environments are increasingly close to the students and they are started from an early age in the use of computer tools and technical applications that simplify to facilitate access to this public.

Robots at the robotics education is a discipline that deals with the design, development and programming of robots. He began to integrate into the classrooms of schools as a multidisciplinary tool that, in addition to working on curricular content of subjects such as science, mathematics, physics or technology, favours the acquisition of other essential competencies for the academic progress of students. Educational Robotics is in general based on pedagogical principles of Constructivism applied today in numerous centres of teachings. The constructivist approach defends the hands-on learning through solving concrete problems. As stated the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget, one of the most important precursors of this theory, the child does not store knowledge, but rather constructs through interaction with surrounding objects. Pedagogical contributions the new educational models tend to the application of teaching methods that facilitate the learning of theoretical concepts, but also strengthen skills such as creativity, self-learning, research or work in group.