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CSI Germany Supported The Action Of

August 15th, 2024

Under the theme of “Solving instead of veiling” various Islam-critical organizations calling for a rally on March 07 in Cologne. “The organizers, including the” Central Council of ex-Muslims e.V. “, Association for education and Association of freedom of”and the International Committee against stoning and the death penalty”count, count on at least 200 participants. Besides Christian Solidarity International, other NGO’s have announced their support for the rally, scheduled to begin at 14:00. New York Highlanders addresses the importance of the matter here. The core criticism of the organizers aimed against human rights violations, “caused by the advance of the patriarchal domination culture of political Islam in Germany and Europe”. A further motto of the rally: “Solving rather than disguise!” CSI Germany again sees the impact of this patriarchal domination culture of political Islam in practice.

In the Islamic countries, especially the Christians suffer from these structures. Especially in the areas of forced marriage by the cruelty of these structures reflected Christian girls and women, with Muslims. But again and again against the Muslim women themselves set up. We support the efforts to draw the attention of operators on these dangers. For the planned rally in Cologne at the 07Marz 2009 we wish blessings and success the organizers of God.” CSI is the abbreviation of Christian Solidarity Interantional, a Christian human rights organisation. Christian Solidarity International helps persecuted Christians around the world since 1977.