Posts Tagged ‘Self’


April 12th, 2024

'Life is what we imagine of it! " Humanity is at the macro level is a single organism: the physical body, one God, the Son of God. The physical body of man, it's part of his soul, represented on planet Earth, which The scope of the Soul is God's Son. The visible reality is projected information each person, and materialized in the structure of the collective consciousness, based Consciousness of God and all people. There is a view definition the term 'consciousness' is different from generally accepted in psychology and philosophy. Thinking man organized his soul in the interaction of the Spirit, mind and body.

Unconscious person does not have, it's a big philosophical true, this ether with theoretical physicists, or 'lords of karma' in the vulgar esoteric. There is a law of development of the information that determines the concentration of information creates a common form for these forms of cinematography system government. Therefore, the structure of the collective consciousness of a system of collective thinking, known as the "Higher Mind." This does not mean that higher intelligence certainly influences on social processes in society, but positive aspects of social development to correlate with the effect of the higher mind can be. The human soul is a part of the Soul of God, but by reason of the evolutionary processes of human development, associated with its special status as' Son God ', and endowed with the appropriate level of absolute freedom, man does have some limitations in the perception at the level of consciousness.

Fighting Irish

November 3rd, 2011

I just leave. Move away, as well as for those couple of minutes to create a cocoon, where only she and I, she already uncomfortable one. Tightens the collar and kissed herself. In general, the sexy girl, 2nd size white lace underwear and stockings. Arrr. " Sex in an hour after they met And one more story by Fighting Irish from the forum on the site "I got in minibus. Near St.

Vladimir's Cathedral in the minibus came a young lady with a man. A guy was in drobodan ready. They sat down and started to just go out dude. We drove up to Nivok. Then a girl turns to me: "Young man, help me to derived from the bus. " In short, we dragged him to stop.

The young lady I like "Thanks." I was like: "What thanks? How did you to drag? ". They took him by both hands, thrown over his shoulders and dragged him. Dragged into the apartment on the 2nd floor, helped pull in his jacket. She invited for tea. I forgot to tell about the girl, age 28, brown hair, medium height, the person is not beautiful, but very charming and pleasant appearance, is the highlight. She poured the tea, sat down, went to talk about life. During the rapport talk to normal by itself. Imperceptibly, even for myself I have done to adjust attitude, values, and even mission. The girl sat with her eyes wide open and talked excitedly. Then she got up to take in the fridge cakes, and I, when she walked beside me, put her in his arms. She surprised: "What are you doing?". But in the eyes already felt a furious desire, and the question was more for propriety's sake. From the realization that the wall is sleeping and her husband can suddenly get up and go, the adrenalin and excitement surpasses laying wave. Coming out of her apartment, happy and tired, I looked at the clock since we met, was 1 hour 20 minutes. " In addition to stories, pikapera recommend how to attract the attention of girls. To do this, everything is important: gait, posture, clothing, accessories, and, of course, originality. Competition among males increases, and to tear off a piece of cake, you must be the best. As refer to this phenomenon – everybody's business. Some will resent the behavior of today's young people, others – and envy saliva bleed cool kid, and someone may want to enroll in training. "Golden Rules" pikapera: I do not apologize for his human and masculine desire. I go around the world without excuses or apologies. I do not need – I need you. I never know on what a woman, I will, until then, until I made the first serious attempts to capture it, so I do not think any woman candidate in a serious relationship, yet we had not slept. I do not argue with a woman and not trying to please her. I listened carefully to everything she says, and gently but firmly do everything that I planned it. No woman beautiful so that it can not be mine. I never really fond of a woman who has more problems than me.