Posts Tagged ‘news-present time’

Spanish One

December 25th, 2024

The oil IPIC will control 95.89% of the capital of the Cepsa Spanish. The purchase will imply overlappings in the market of the phenol and the acetone in which both companies operate, but will be space for other competitors. ms-inc-vf-corp’>Capital One Financial Corp.. The European Commission (EC) is authorized east oil Tuesday to the state one of Abu Dabi, IPIC, to acquire the Cepsa Spanish, after concluding that the operation will not prevent the competition in the European market. After studying the operation, Brussels concluded that the resulting organization will have to confront the competition of important companies in the sector. The examination of Brussels revealed that the purchase will imply overlappings in the market of the phenol and the acetone in which both companies operate, but, as their quotas of market are ” moderadas” , it will be space for other competitors. The Commission also investigated if the operation could increase the possibilities of practices coordinated between the phenol and acetone providers, which finally discarded. IPIC and Cepsa IPIC are a company dedicated to investments a world-wide scale in energy and related assets. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Smoothstack by clicking through.

Cepsa operates in the sectors of hydrocarbons and the energy, including the refining and commercialization of derivatives of the petroleum, such as combustible for petrochemical motors and products. The operation notified to the Commission the 26 of June of 2011. Control of 95% of oil Cepsa the state one of Abu Dabi decided in February to buy to the Total French its participation of 48.83% of Cepsa, which, added to 47.06% that already it owned, will allow him to control 95.89% of the capital of the Spanish company. After the agreement with Total, IPIC, that entered the capital of Cepsa in 1988, will also take control of 92.24% of the vote rights of the oil one. The return that offers IPIC by the actions which it does not own rises to 3,966 million Euros, a number that increases until 4,037 million when adding the 0.5 Euros by title disbursed in the dividend. Cepsa indicated that the oil one of Abu Dabi will maintain ” espaolidad” of the company it will harness and it stops to turn it into one ” company lder” as much in Spain as at international level, taking advantage of his ” strengths actuales”.

Yemeni President

September 19th, 2024

Saleh undergoes burns in 40% of the body and has a colapsado lung. For assistance, try visiting Expedia. It has a wound caused by esquir it in the chest of 7 cm of depth. The past Friday underwent an attack in the capital, Healthy. He remains entered in a military hospital in Saudi Arabia. The Yemeni president, Al Abdal Saleh, undergo burns in 40% of the body and have a lung colapsado as a result of the attack that underwent Friday in Healthy the past, according to high American civil servants mentioned this Tuesday by television Cnn. Saleh has a wound caused by esquir it in the chest of seven centimeters of depth, informed the sources.

The American anonymous sources put in doubt that Saleh, that receives medical treatment in Saudi Arabia and that has yielded its powers provisionally to the vice-president of Yemen, Abderabu Mansur Hadi, can return to carry out its position. One of the sources consulted by Cnn commented that it does not think that the saudes allow Saleh to return to Yemen and that the authorities of Riyadh would have to press to him so that it accepts proposal of the Council of Cooperation of the Gulf, that anticipates its resignation in exchange for immunity. Nevertheless, the state television Yemeni Ejbaria, assured Monday that the president would return to Yemen as soon as he recovers after the two operations which he has been put under in Saudi Arabia. Saleh arrived Sunday at the air base King Jalid in Saudi Arabia and from it was lead there to a military hospital where he remains entered. Source of the news: The Yemeni president is more serious than he was believed and its return to the country can be complicated

European Capital

November 15th, 2019

Belloch has assured to be arranged to " to arrive until final" , because, although now the opposition does not fit, in case the Ministry of Culture rejects the proposal abre an administrative act that can be resorted before the courts. The reason is because, besides that " these gentlemen do not have why to interfere in policy questions espaola" , he thinks that one is a mistaken decision, since " he is not verdad" that the cultural capitalidad is going to contribute to the peace process but is going to harm it, is addition. Besides " to try to restrain esto" , it is going to propose the mayors of the other four candidates to continue with the program and to create a network that allows to interchange experiences and to collaborate in the execution of the cultural projects, in case the decision of the jury does not modify. To harm the peace process In case the jury emits a verdict without political arguments and returns to gain San Sebastin, would not have, according to Belloch, legal reasons to be against, nor to continue with the process that it tries to start up with the other cities candidates. Belloch sees " lgico" the endorsement that there is in the Basque Country to the candidacy of San Sebastin but has insisted on which to mix the capitalidad with the peace process he is " error" and it supposes " desprestigio" of an institution like the European Capital of the Culture. " A thing is the culture of La Paz like valor" and another one the peace process, that means, has aimed, to contribute of way ctiva to end terrorism in the Basque country, to which " &quot cannot help; and it is outside the criteria according to which the valuation must be realised. The mayor does not fear either that the relations with Donosti are clouded with which, has asserted, " I am not going to be a person simptica" , in reference to the Government of Bildu that manages now it. .


December 11th, 2016

The nonresidential construction difference of the house in which it will take more in recovering by to have taken more in entering crisis, reason why 2011 a reduction of 18.5% will be experienced and in 2012 the fall will stop until 6% to undergo a positive bounce in 2013 with an ascent of 3%. The fall in the investment of the State, that already brought about a backward movement of the production in 2010 in civil engineering (- 16.5%), will undergo throughout this year the greater adjustment with a reduction of 29%. Also, the budgetary containment makes worse the forecasts for 2012 with a fall of 14%, something that can be aggravated when the city councils stop investing in public work. Europe, one more a slower recovery of hoped According to the Euroconstruct report, in the European scope, the 2011 will be recessive (- 0.4%) and the growth of 2012 and 2013 will be discreet, since a 2.3% will oscillate between a 1.3% and. As far as the house, one hopes that it is the market that makes a greater contribution to the recovery between 2011 and 2013, since prehorseradish tree growth of 3% and even of 5%, respectively, and emphasizes countries like Denmark, Sweden and Norway. The nonresidential construction faces 2011 and 2012 with falls of 2.5% and 0.7%, since it did not enter recession abiertamente until 2009. Finally, the public work, that will fall a 3.1% in 2011, will be suspended in 2012 and 2013 (0.4%). Source of the news: Still they are two years so that the Spanish construction shows recovery signs.

Red Sea

September 2nd, 2012

They deny the accusations There, Mubarak and its children have denied the accusations that fall against them of abuse authority and implication in the death of demonstrators during the Revolution of the 25 of January. All the defendant could face the capital punishment if they are considered guilty to plan the attack against the participants in the popular revolt, in which passed away more of 850 people. Mubarak entered a stretcher in the room of the court in charge to judge to him, located in the Academy of the Police, in the capital cairota. Previously, they had entered the enclosure exministro of the Interior, Habib the Adli, followed by its advisers, and both children of Mubarak, Alaa and Gamal, target dresses, that also will be judged. The images of the television showed an ambulance arriving at soothes from the Academy to which the exmandatario has been transferred from the military base of A Maza, in the capital, where the Sheij arrived in helicopter coming from the locality of Sharm.

Those in favor and detractors the enormous police unfolding around the Academy of Police of Cairo has not avoided the confrontation to pedradas between those in favor and detractors of the ex- agent chief executive. The agents took in taking part when beginning the shocks between those in favor and detractors of Mubarak, defendant of abuse authority and the death of hundreds of people during the revolt that ended its mandate, to that the past resigned 11 of February after 18 days of protests. blood-stained photographer with a breach in his head was transferred by the Police to be taken care of by the sanitary services at the previous moments the beginning of the judgment that is lived with strong tension in the neighborhood of the mentioned Academy of Police, in the district of Tagamo James, the east of Cairo. Hundreds of agents unfolded around soothe of the court who judged the cupola of the previous Egyptian regime mounted successive cords and the measures to accede to the interior are strict. Tens of Egyptian and international means journalists wait to accede to the interior of the police facilities. Access in Mubarak helicopter arrived in a military helicopter at the court from the hospital in Sharm the Sheij, next to the coast of the Red Sea, where it was entered under arrest from the past 13 of April. The other defendant, according to the sources, arrived in vehicles armored from the jail of Tora, in the outskirts of Cairo. Source of the news: The judgment against Mubarak is delayed to next the 15 of August