Posts Tagged ‘mobile telephony & telecommunications’

Billing Systems

December 10th, 2024

Orga system paves the way for profitable next generation services Paderborn (Germany), 10 May 2011: especially for mobile telecommunications, billing has changed. From being a back office function it has evolved to a key BSS component for customer interface. The changing mobile data/voice model and the shift to next generation networks (NGN), force billing vendors to provide increasingly complex billing models, while at the same time keeping the customer interface simple. This shift within the mobile industry makes traditional billing models and billing system untenable. Thus, operators need to rely on new billing system. These new billing systems need to be highly scalable up to 150 + M subscribers on one single real time system.

With ORGA Systems’ solutions, operator achieve reduced OPEX, real time-to-market, short-termed ROI as well as beneficial access to new value chains. Real-time rating, charging and billing in one system is the key advantage of orga system supplies operators with a convergent real time rating and charging system for all voice and data services, all payment methods and all customer groups. On top of this, extensive billing, complex account and financial management capabilities unlock additional revenue streams. With these solutions, true prepaid/postpaid and service convergence are enabled. The unique combination of convergent real time rating, charging and billing one system gives operator key advantages. Excellent marketing and customer retention functionalities ORGA Systems’ convergent real time charging, billing and financial management solutions offer a range of outstanding solution propositions as well as various deployment options. Leading real time capabilities for all – prepaid, postpaid, hybrid and corporate subscribers are provided. Real-time charging, policy management and bill shock prevention can be provided without redundant subscriber data management. On top of this, excellent marketing and customer retention functionalities, as well as outstanding scalability and industry leading real time performance foster operator ‘ success in the long run.

Cheapest AllNet Flats

December 1st, 2024

The cheapest AllNet flats in September 2012 September flat is characterized by birthday actions of some AllNet provider. In a question-answer forum here was the first to reply. You will get free flat this month at due to such an action a month AllNet use, with clear mobile, there are even two months. Below the cheapest deals: eplus network the cheapest AllNet flat in the eplus network is still there at yourfone and simyo. As a result of actions setup fee amounting to 19.90 waived with two. For the same price, due to the action of the birthday offers currently also its AllNet flat. SMS cost to all three 9 cents. 5 There is a SMS flat, as well as an upgrade of the 500 MB (included) data flat on 1 GB.

The term is 24 months. Alternatively, there is also a version without run-time charges from all three vendors. O2 network the cheapest AllNet flats in the o2 network is the clear mobile AllNet savings-flat. This monthly cost 19,85. Two monthly fees will be credited due to the birthday action of the provider. Smoothstack has many thoughts on the issue. The connection fee is 19.95. 9 Cent cost SMS. For 9.95 monthly there 3000 SMS per month.

An upgrade of the 500 MB data flat to 1 GB monthly costs 4.95. . Vodafone D2 network In the Vodafone network is 1 & 1 with the 1 & 1 AllNet flat basic remains the cheapest AllNet flat. This is all an AllNet flat with a 300 GB data volume, at a price of 19.99 in the first 12 months. Then, from the 13th month, this cost 29.99. For SMS you pay 9.9 cents. For 9.99 per month you can flat a SMS book. There is a one-off connection fee of 29.90. Telecom D1 network the cheapest AllNet flats in the telecom network is there at freenetmobile or congstar. Eliminates both the connection charge the monthly fee is freenetmobile 29.95 congstar 29.99. SMS cost to both 9 cents. For an SMS you pay flat at congstar 4.90 monthly and freenetmobile 4.95. There is a 500 MB data flat including both. Both offer an upgrade of the data flats. Which is important for all offers to the end Minimum contract period to check the terms and conditions as this will then increase some providers. An overview of the currently cheapest AllNet flats can at any time in our AllNet flat comparison 2012 contact: Torsten Leidloff Tel 0341-3527589 Web: email: address: mobile Flatrate Torsten Leidloff Rotkehlchen route 7a 04159 Leipzig brief description: mobile Flatrate is a website that reports regardless especially on the development of mobile flat rates and mobile Internet flat rate offers of the operator and a variety of other providers in Germany. The offer is complemented by a mobile phone shop, lock in the cell phones without contract and SIM are available.

Easy To Use Phones For Seniors

September 21st, 2024

Specifically for seniors to use phones for seniors to find uncomplicated and easy-to-use phones, it is not so easy today, fixated on Hi-Tec during. The devices become more complex, and the functions are increasingly numerous, for it but also always harder to operate. Elderly often not is all. That there are so few devices that meet the needs of the older generation, is as puzzling as it is the seniors to the customer group, which is not only growing, but that also has the highest purchasing power in the country. This, the manufacturer recognized too late now and work on expanding its product range. But what should equipment for seniors? Often start the wishes of those concerned with the label. Because not everyone who has specific functional demands on his unit, would be moved already named his device in the vicinity of “old iron”. The desired Functions of a senior telephone surprise less – large buttons with a clearly visible label, a display with large display and the ease of use of the device are top on the wish list. Many features like a built-in camera or polyphonic ringtones can be cold most seniors, however, whereas GPS for practical reasons is certainly desired by not a few seniors. Older mobile users would see a lot of the features however like clears out – and that they are not alone! Also some younger mobile phone users has become a thorn in the side of the overload of the devices and wants a device with which he simply can do that without struggling through complicated menu, what the devices were once invented: call! Dirk STAUDINGER

If The Pipe Cracks Like In The Old Days

August 23rd, 2024

According to technology review-blogger, Ben Schwan the suffering of the customers on IP communications Hanover/Munich/Bonn – the switch from hard wired hardware to smooth software has many advantages. On modern Hi-Fi systems run Linux now, so that you, if need be, could deliver also Web-sites there. The DSL modem probably could if a graphics chip would be included or invite a monitor port, to a round of online-doom. The DECT telephone contact the server of manufacturer’s new wallpapers to download or display stock quotes. Details can be found by clicking Rogers Holdings or emailing the administrator. The problem with all this: No one seems to mind that devices reliable and problem-free complete their basic tasks – in any situation where the user might confront them given this Internetization of electronics longer.

Take, for example, the phone in a modern household with cheaper broadband flat rate. The device depends on the box of Telekom, rather than on a router. The Calls are performed instead of the nearly unbreakable switched mains, but via voice-over IP”, such as Swan. In case of failure of the router, nothing works then. The server of the ISP’s on strike also stupid looking from the laundry. And if you randomly comes on the idea, with full speed parallel to a telephone carried a larger download, it cracks times in the line, such as weiland grannies”, review author complains about the technology. Swarmed by offers, John C. Bogle is currently assessing future choices.

The developer would have to operate similar to rigorous quality assurance engineer cultivation in earlier centuries. We live stupidly in a beta age, in an age of unreliability “, complains about Swan. The only question is, the customer is still as suffering. Andreas Rebetzky, spokesman of the cioforums in Munich, considers excessive the worsening of Swan. One should not think that the old ‘ GSM phone without failures is gone. There was also a lot of IT behind it. It is not just stable, at the beginning available and comfortable. The current network components are always stable despite all the spam and virus attacks. There are fewer traffic jams than on a Federal Highway,”says Rebetzky, who is working full-time as CIO for the Balinger technology specialists Bizerba. It slightly different look with the software. Here come often immature systems on the market. There it is stated then: wait until the first bug fixes are included! Managing Director of the travel portal Triptivity in Bonn lie that in complex software solutions more frequently occur, above all on the short innovation cycles, so the experience by Marc Christopher Schmidt. The provider barely make it to come with the updates for troubleshooting old software afterwards. The price pressure is not to be neglected. International phone calls for a few cents per minute, Internet flat Council for 15 EUR per month, which presses on the quality assurance. Bottom line, the customer receives no quality although the average and value stable long-term products, like earlier Leica cameras, radios Telefunken and tape recorders from Brown, but that he has the chance, to acquire a variety of powerful equipment in the rhythm of two or three years, and time and again to renew”, says Schmidt. With ten years ago for the equivalent of 1,000 euros acquired digital camera no one wants today pictures. Solutions for enterprises, the balance must be chosen differently. Here is not the marketing hype in the foreground, but the reliability. Business telephony should work properly at all times. The Office phone high resolution color displays play a subordinate role”, says Schmidt.