Currently, it is certainly possible to talk about the totality of human capacities, pooling of expertise in the field of psychophysiology, creativity and gifted person, a general concept "Social intelligence", as the principal factor determining the success of human life. This assertion is confirmed by numerous scientific studies conducted both abroad and in our country, the results which gives full voice and with full responsibility to make such statements. What is this ability and how realistic these abilities to develop to the desired level? It is about man's ability to successfully adapt to environmental conditions and effectively to build productive relationships with other people. In addition social intelligence includes the ability to understand and adjust, as their emotional reaction, and the emotional reactions of others, and at the same time, the ability to use these abilities in forming interpersonal relationships. Some researchers that area, the ability to manage emotional sphere are allocated separately and identifies them as emotional intelligence.
Both of these concepts – "social intelligence" and "emotional intelligence" – are so intertwined that their separation, in my view, it makes sense only in terms of scientific detail. From the standpoint of determining the ability of determining the success of human life, such a separation is not essential, and for this reason, this article will be considered in context the definition of social intelligence. In the light of existing research results, it appears that the perception in society for a long time to view the that the success of a man identified with his abilities as measured by tests on iq, was not quite wealthy, rather undergone a significant correction. Sure, we can not exclude these abilities from the list factors necessary for success. However, how many people would not have been high rates your iq, you simply will not be able to demonstrate, if your ability to build relationships with people will not at the proper level. Moreover, the available research suggests that often people with high iq have significant difficulties in communicating and establishing contacts with other people. Recall, for example, their fellow students – many of those standouts, who predicted a bright future teachers, currently occupy in the life of the positions that are traditionally considered to be successful? Highly doubt it. Such People, if succeed, then most likely it is a success in any highly specific narrow area, usually does not require the establishment of multiple contacts with other people.
And vice versa – those who differed from his childhood open character, was the soul of the company, in most cases, and in the adult period in his life, retain its leading position. Often, they are effectively managed and held various management positions, despite their past behavior and unsatisfactory for many academic subjects. Also available is compelling evidence that the ability of defined iq, are laid down in man at birth, and in many ways defined circumstances, formed in childhood. The ability of social intelligence are formed and perfected throughout a person's life on the basis of the acquired personal experience. By There are some data, these abilities in the natural favorable development, reaching pronounced in age, roughly, about thirty-five years. A conduct purposeful work on development their skills of social intelligence as a foregone conclusion the results of research, it is productive, perhaps at any age. And the sooner you realize this and begin to move in this direction, more you will have the chance to secure the welfare of present and future success.