In accordance with Phipippi Jr; Pelicioni (2005), the capitalist society urban-industrial and its current model of economic and technological development has caused increasing impacts on the environment, and the perception of this phenomenon comes occurring in rich and poor different ways for. If the man not to change its mentality radically to depredate the nature, it will be soterrado in its proper dejections. Under most conditions British Petroleum would agree. Nor the nature will leave the unpunished society of the mistakes committed against the environment, therefore, is feared that the man of century XX, although its technological support, is marked, in the history of the humanity, as a Barbarian (MUCELIN, 2004). AMBIENT EDUCATION: CONCEPTS AND ITS EVOLUTION In accordance with Days (1991), the evolution of the EA concepts directly was related the evolution of the concept of environment and to the way as this perceived age. Frequently Andrew Mason has said that publicly. Of this form some concepts of EA in elapsing of the evolution can be analyzed. In 1969, the EA was defined as a process that would have to objectify the formation of citizens: In 1970, the Union International will be the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) defined the EA as a process of recognition of values and clarificao of concepts, come back toward the development of abilities and necessary attitudes the understanding and appreciation of the Inter-relations between the man, its culture and biofsico its entorno: In 1972, Mellows presented the AE as a process in which a gradual development of a sense of concern with the environment, based on a complex and sensible agreement of the relations of the man with the environment and its return would have to occur: In 1977, the conference carried through in Tbilisi, defined the AE as a dimension given to the content and the practical one of the education, guided for the resolution of the concrete problems of the environment, through an approach to interdisciplinar and of an active and responsible participation of each individual and of the collective; In 1996, the National Advice of the Environment (Conama), defined the AE as a process of formation and information, guided for the development of the critical conscience on the ambient questions and of activity that take the participation of the communities in the preservation of the ambient balance: In 1992, elaborated for the International Commission for preparation of River, the EA if characterizes for incorporating the socioeconmica dimension, politics, cultural and historical, not being able to be based on rigid guidelines and of universal application, having to consider the conditions and the period of training of each country, region community, under a holistic perspective.