Mental Leadership

September 3rd, 2013 by nathan Leave a reply »

There are many ways of influence: peer between different leader arouses positive emotions, has ability to influence the beliefs and behaviors of their followers. He is said of him that he has charisma. The charisma is ambivalent. You can create dependency, but When it gets to serve a good purpose is positive. Personal influence is leadership, not when it serves no more to enhance the leader’s ego diminishing of his followers, but Yes when it promotes the growth of supporters and the prosperity of the company.Moral dimension. To avoid the dangers of handling go to the ethical dimension of leadership.

Today is it much talk about ethics, in part due to increased fraud and corruptions. The tendency of senior management is spreading to systematically deny its responsibility. The blame is always lower steps. This disclaimer vitiates the very notion of leadership. Definitely add the Mental education school, which for Zaleznik (1991) the leader necessarily has to be ethical. After point out that in organizations has been forgotten by the human calls for new leadership, a leadership with three fundamental pillars: competition (knowing what is being done), influence starting staff at the service of the people and of the Organization, and the moral dimension. If we look at the second and third pillars clearly they’re alluding to that to the ethical component of leadership.

Enough with that leader learn the business, that is not good in the field that works, should be ethical. Very interesting also that discussed, consider the fact that new paradigms are calling for ethical leadership, if you ask the contributors also agree the ethical dimension as a fundamental aspect of leadership. When ask employees what ask a leader, above all emphasize honesty (was the quality most outstanding and much difference on each other). If you look at the other three characteristics we can see similarity with the other two traits that drew Zaleznik (1991) as well as the moral leadership. Employees want a leader with a vision for the future and that inspire them, who knows where you are going and encourage them to go in that direction. Zaleznik (1991) we spoke of personal influence aimed to make people grow and the Organization. A leader with a vision for the future that knows how to transmit it and involve partners from the same has a great personal influence. Furthermore, it is not lead partners towards where he wants but that it puts at the service of a vision that integrates the workers and seeks a better organization.


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