Media Vices

June 16th, 2018 by nathan Leave a reply »

Amongst the dramatical sorts we will detach the Tragedy and the Comedy, being that to that one it imitates the superior (the beauty) and this the inferior (the ugly one). These possess practically the same elements, with a small difference of that in the Comedy catastrophe does not exist, being that in the Tragedy it exists. The tragedy results in one catarse of hearing, and this would explain the reason of the human beings to appreciate to attend the suffering of the dramatizado man. The action aims at to in general provoke in the expectador mercy and fear, finishing of fatal form, as objective to provoke catarse. However, nor all the parts that are wide recognized as tragedies result in this type of final cathartics some have neutral or exactly dubiamente happy final ends. The Comedy is critical of the customs and the vices through the laugh.

As Aristotle (2005) defines: ' ' The Comedy is the imitation of bad behavior, not however, of all part of vices, but only of that part of the ignominioso that is ridculo.' ' By means of the exploration of ridicule and the weaknesses human beings whom if she looks to lead to a reflection on what a reform is transferred in the society provoking in this way them customs. Currently she predominates the satire, the favour and the theater of the nonsense. Inside of the Comedy the Opereta exists, that is a type of musicado theater, has led, scoffing, criticizing the society, and Comedy, also call of Burlesque, when it presents said parts and sung others. Exemplificando the tragedy we have the workmanship Greek of Eurpedes, ' ' Media' ' , that it presents the psychological picture of a loaded woman of love and hatred. As repudiated and foreign wife pursued, it if it rebels against the world encircles that it.


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