Latin American Markets

January 22nd, 2014 by nathan Leave a reply »

By Horacio Pozzo Hay a Colombian company that has great opportunities of investment at the moment to carry out, and that is looking for financing with this aim. The company has considered the possibility of looking for fresh bottoms in the Colombian market of capitals, but it is not too much convinced of it. It knows that in a market of capitals like the Colombian, little deep and of short liquidity, it will find limited financing, and will have to face a too high financial cost for his expectations. In addition, in case of abrir its capital to stock-market of values Colombian, the little liquidity of the same could generate the great volatileness to him in its quote that would not agree with the real situation of the company and that would generate unwarranted doubts on the health of the same. It is for that reason that, after a detailed analysis and before the multiple disadvantages that it represented to quote in the local market, this Colombian company decided to try to prove luck in the North American market of capitals. Many Latin American companies before the best conditions of the foreign stock markets, they decided to quote in these markets and not to do it in the local markets. In this sense it is that, for several years that the Latin American bags are looking for the form to gain in amplitude and depth, to recover to these companies that decided to prove luck in the stock markets of the first world, but also not only to stimulate to many others, or they are great, small medians or to enlist themselves and to increase the supply for the investor. Thus they have advanced, among others things in the regulation of the same and the incentives to quote and to assure liquidity in the subscribing papers. Another one of the strategies that they look for to make specific, is to obtain the integration of the Latin American markets.


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