Inhomorim Village

September 9th, 2019 by nathan Leave a reply »

All these factors had made with that part of the commerce of the Iguau Village was dislocated for Inhomorim Village, that gained status of city in 1846. All the points of the Lowered one converged to the city of Rio De Janeiro, as much through the fluvial ways as for the terrestrial ways. The increasing production of coffee in the Valley of the Paraba, and the constant problems of entulhamento of the rivers and canals of the Lowered one became the fluvial transport in the incipient Lowered one. Moreover, the limitations of the transport for mules, also do not delay to appear in the coffee period. Exactly with the pavement of some ways, these continued precarious and citizens the traffic interruptions, mainly in the period of rains. Then, the constatao of the precariousness of these fluvio-terrestrial ways had taken the search of new alternatives, of which if it detached the elaboration of projects of railroads.

In this way, together with the beginning of the railroad age in Brazil, diverse railroads are constructed in the State of Rio De Janeiro for the draining of the coffee production, which many of them crossing the Of the state of Rio de Janeiro Lowered one. Although the construction of the railroads to have been the main factor of decay of the village-ports of the Lowered one, however was not the only one. Other factors as the agricultural competition with plateaus, in accord with the fatigue of its lands, epidemics of clera, smallpox and malaria and the abolition of the slavery had come to crown its processes of decay (SILVEIRA, 1998). Moreover, the disinterest for conservation and cleanness of the rivers and canals of the Lowered one, stimulated for the dissemination of the railroads, had culminated with the construction of diverse bridges on the rivers of the region, locking up in Lowered Of the state of Rio de Janeiro its related economic cycle to the fluvial transport.


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