Highrise Construction

August 5th, 2015 by nathan Leave a reply »

High-rise building in the capital can be viewed from different sides. Here we must weigh the pros and cons. Positive elements of this construction is: a huge saving land; Low cost and savings funds; More modern architecture of buildings, creation of vertical dominants in the architecturally significant parts of the city. Since today the cost of land in Moscow for building a measure of the cost of the building, a construction site has a huge potential. From everyday promoting scientific and technological revolution in construction, high-rise steel on a few points more reliable, more comfortable and durable. Moscow – a metropolis, one of modern cities in the world, so the elite and modern high-rise buildings have become an integral part of it. Of course there are some unpleasant moments in this business: We need more accurate, is deeply analyzed and volumetric calculations in the draft skyscrapers; Must be a hundred percent utilities and housing characteristics that is lacking our glorious engineers; skills of our workers and engineers mismatch necessary standards with all its consequences; Well and, accordingly, require expensive construction technique, which, unfortunately, we must buy abroad. Despite all this, the new government's program to build high-rises give us reason to hope the success of the construction process in Moscow.


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