Habitus, Field and Capital the focus of this summary points with respect to the Habitus concepts, Fields and Capital, central offices of the workmanship of Pierre Bourdieu. For in such a way, I worked with texts of some books of this author: The Symbolic Power, Questions of Sociology, the Masculine Domination, Said Things, the Misery of the Written World and the book of Education, organized for Maria Alice Nogueira and Afrnio Catani, with texts of Bourdieu that not yet are available in Brazil. The interest in understanding as the author always used and developed its theories using these three concepts was what it guided this work. The field is a space of game and fight between new (dominated, pretending) and the dominant ones. It is a structuralized space of positions that are objects of disputes. The positions independem of its occupants to exist. Each field possesss properties its differentiates that them of the other fields although to possess laws that do not vary.
The dominant ones create the rules. Each field possesss one doxa, that is, implicit rules and truths that are known for the dominant ones of the field and that when being desveladas by the dominated ones they guarantee some possibility to them to impose new doxa. The rules are fight object. One of the logics of the field is that the involved ones possess interests in common. For example, in the scientific field all the involved ones have interest in being cited, beyond having scientific publications in magazines and periodicals; thus it has the reificao of that such doxa express the truth and in such a way imposes in a flow ' ' natural' '. The wealth that exist in the field are increase of capital. For each field it has a specific capital that it must be similar gathered of that its detainer can assume the dominncia position.