
April 1st, 2017 by nathan Leave a reply »

The Convention 169 recognizes the aspirations of indigenous peoples to assume control of their own institutions and ways of life and their economic development, within the framework of the States in which they live. The Convention based on the conviction that indigenous and tribal peoples have the right to continue to exist without loss of their own identity and with the power to determine for themselves the shape and pace of their development. 3. The observation of the Committee of experts of the ILO demand the Government a set of urgent measures, including: to ensure the participation and consultation of indigenous peoples respect for rules and public policies applied and that affect them directly. To identify situations urgent attention, related to the extraction of natural resources, which it puts at risk the institutions, people, goods, cultures, work and environment of indigenous peoples and that the measures quickly to safeguard them that constitute the State institutions needed to ensure the implementation of Convention No. 169 and will equip them with resources.

By virtue of the exposed, demand that the Peruvian State: full respect for the Universal Declaration of human rights and of the Convention No. 169 of the ILO concerning indigenous and tribal peoples. The immediate cessation of violence, which have meant the loss of human lives and the cruel confrontation between fellow countrymen, as well as the clarification of the number of civilian casualties. Engage in the construction of peace, defence and respect for the life and dignity of all citizens, uniting us to request by the dialogue of the Episcopal Conference of Peru, the Office of the Ombudsman, the national coordinator of human rights, of the Enlace Continental de Mujeres Indigenas and other organizations. We respond to the request of the Presidency of the Permanent Forum for Indigenous Affairs of the UN on the situation of indigenous peoples in Bagua.


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