Chilean Capital

December 11th, 2019 by nathan Leave a reply »

However the president of Chile Michelet Bachelet, discarded the possibility of tsunamis in Chile what she finished happening in Concepcion. It had said that it was normal that the waves are higher after an earthquake, but that it did not have forecast of giant waves. The information gotten for the international press were of that in the Chilean capital, stories had given account with that the building had trembled between 10 seconds and 30 seconds. However exactly after the earthquake, secondary tremors of changeable intensity had been registered in all the country, leading the Chilean authorities to ask for to the inhabitants who remained in its houses. Depositions of people in the city of So Paulo give account to have sensible the effect shake of it in Brazil what it finished being confirmed for the Civil Defense of So Paulo that confirmed the stories, but affirmed that it did not have damages or victims. The president of Chile Michelet Bachelet and president-elect Sebastian together Piera had acted the time all and me efforts did not diram to help and to help the victims of the earthquake.

After congregating itself with Michelle Bachelet, in Santiago, president Luis Incio Lula da Silva committed to send it a hospital of campaign of the Brazilian Navy, beyond professionals of health and rescue, for aid to the victims of the earthquake. During the sismo, he had the 300 400 Brazilians in transit in Chile. 30 of them had returned in 2 of March, in the airplane reserve of the BAF that it folloied the aircraft of president Luiz Incio Lula da Silva. The special assessor for International Subjects of the Presidency of the Republic, Aurlio Landmark Garci’a, informed that a Hrcules airplane of the BAF would follow for Santiago in the following day, in order to bring another group of Brazilians. Also the president of the Organization of United Nations the Ban-Ki-Moon in visit to the country announced the donation of U$$ 5 million. The American company Air Worldwide, specialized in evaluating the financial impact of natural disasters, as earthquake, for example, esteem that the total damage decurrent dosismo can exceed the cipher of the 15 billion dollar, considering not only the damages occurred in constructions, but also in the infrastructure as airports, electric nets and of telecommunications, roads and bridges. The biggest earthquake of the world to reach the country in the last century was a tremor of magnitude 9,5, registered in the city of Valdvia in 1960, leaving 1,655 died.


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