In 90 years, Russia has a lot of new phenomena: the Internet, cellular and … the vending business. True, if the Internet and cell phones we are not lagging behind the west, here's a vending late by as much as 100 years! During this time, the U.S., Canada, Japanese vending machines have become quite familiar and even commonplace. As for us – on the contrary: the emergence of a new series of machines is raptures of the population, which promises high profits of the vending business people. All new Russian buyer in joy. A new in vending will be a lot more. So, the 20th century in Russia was marked by the birth of a new promising type of business – vending business 1.
He brought great profits to initiators, consistently high profits for most of the followers. And now the vending business – a business with a capital letter. There was a new time – a time of vending machines. In Japan, the United States and other countries, one in five (!) Purchase accomplished through vending machines. Vending machines are everywhere – from the parking lot to the store – a service, goods and services. Vending machines in developed countries bring their owners billions of dollars (!) Profit.
The total global turnover through vending machines is many hundreds of billions of dollars. What caused the rapid development of vending in the world? Bringing the 300-500% profit per annum from the investment, vending machines for your life paying off 30-40 times. Est. Every day in the world there are thousands of new vending machines. All that man can sell – and can sell the car. Furthermore, in contrast to the usual vendor vending machines – are equally "polite" with everyone. Machines are not "sick", do not rest, in other words – open 24 hours a day. Coffee Makers delight of many, many customers around the world. And in Russia is becoming every day more and more diverse retail machines, each day grow sales through them. Of course, our country is developing in this area is somewhat slower than foreign countries, but this is the perspective of the business: the constant development, constant work, constant profit. To date, the rules have already been formed vending business, the laws of success. Our encyclopedia will be useful to those who are going to discover a new trend in business equip trade area, make a small but promising investment. Vending business in Russia is in its infancy, and that you can take a leading position in the city, region. Vend – (from Lat. Vendere – sell). Vending -Sell, sell (at retail). The word used to refer to the retail trade, primarily through street vendors. As the goods sold can use a variety of products, generally not very large in volume, size – cigarettes, drinks, magazines, candy, etc.