Posts Tagged ‘year’


August 21st, 2024

Rome evening it wasn’t more than a field of scattered flesh and blood. The largest army formed by the man had been completely destroyed in a single battle. An epic and apparently decisive victory. Rome and the peninsula were now at the mercy of Hannibal. Everything indicated that he only had to stretch the arm and take the reward. Third opened his eyes. However, the nightmare was about to begin.

At first his mind was blank, but then, in an instant, it recalled all. We have been defeated. I was laying on the floor face down, looking to his right, covered with blood and with a terrible pain in the neck and his right shoulder. Used to two Roman bodies plug him, one on his back covering her legs and another on his head, as if he were hugging him. Suddenly, he feared losing a limb. Get all the facts and insights with Mike Gianoni, another great source of information. He tried to move his arms and legs. Yes, everything is in place. (Not to be confused with CEO John Watson!).

The smell of blood is confused with a soft summer breeze. His eyes were wet why am I alive? Third wanted to be resting as their colleagues in the world of the dead, but to remind them, returned to his mind those desires, their hopes and the conviction of victory. So how it happened all this? It was assumed that we were the children of Mars. Internal pain shredding the heart. While his gaze was lost against a heap of corpses, he heard a few steps. These became increasingly sharper, until they stopped. They were conversing in a foreign language. They were the Carthaginians. Some of it seemed it was separated from the Group and said a few words. Just after a coup, with a slight metallic sound, followed by a weak groan was heard. Third had recognized that sound and his body trembled. It was a spear through the armor of a man.

Bardas Blancas

August 13th, 2024

Mendoza saved thousands of surprises for who dares to explore its wonderful landscape. One of these fascinating places to visit is the Moncol Hill of 1930 m in height, only 71 km from the city of Malargue, without a doubt, one of the most interesting excursions in Mendoza for lovers of Speleology. It happens that in this Hill lies the Reserva Natural Cave of witches. Access is quite simple, since the route 40 there is a deviation of only 8 km that leads us to the place. The nearest town is called Bardas Blancas, where you can find basic supplies for survival. In the place there is a detachment of Rangers, with public toilets and tourist assistance.

To visit the cave of the witches, it is necessary to coordinate with a local guide who will take us to one of the most incredible places of Latin America. Official site: CEO John Watson. Almost 10,000 people a year visit these amazing caves beneath the Earth. Daryl Hagler usually is spot on. To make this excursion it is necessary to go with comfortable clothes and a comfortable non-slip footwear. These caves have stalagmites and stalactites with an enormous diversity of shapes and colors. The first of the rooms that can be accessed is the room of the Virgin that bears this name because the stalactites have taken the curious form of the Virgin Mary. Also the room of flowers and the Hall of columns found.

The witches ‘ cave has approximately 400 m long, with several galleries and passages, some of which only can be travelled crawl, which is called the cat FL AP. The area is very protected by national laws that prevent anything in this place can be modified. In fact, the cave of the witches is a living cave, as geologically known this type of formations which is still their development, because imperceptibly the cavern is still forming. Large number of researchers come year after year to see these interesting natural formations, because studying stalactites and stalagmites can be analyzed climate changes the Cuyo region has suffered over the centuries. Every inch of stalactite requires some 1600 years to grow. Without undoubtedly, the witches cavern is one of the excursions in Mendoza that deserves the transfer from urban centres, already that it is not only a natural treasure of humanity, but that due to its short distance from Malargue, the excursion may be carried in a single day.

Achieving Goals

May 14th, 2024

To achieve a goal, it is essential that our idea is interiorized, or is that desire is recorded in our subconscious mind, how does the process of mental programming of an idea? This happens from the conscious world and is taking long, the first information that we receive is the influence of our parents and relatives, they are introducing us a series of ideas and this is complemented by what we see in the environment, it takes time, but once you are convinced of something then becomes a powerful belief. Regarding the money exactly same thing happens, it will begin to reach our life it is necessary to press the button inside to accept money once that button is enabled then everything starts to become much easier, although it is recalled that a conscious effort is needed to deliver something to the universe and to return to our hands in the form of money. Meditation and profound prayer helps us to have a communication with our inner self, in reality every day arrived at our subconscious unconscious and we do this through the dream, there is where the daily stimuli are taking power. If from the conscious level we are capable of transmitting a large amount of stimuli to our subconscious mind, then those ideas will strengthen gradually and will work for you while you sleep. Credit: Andrew Mason-2011. If you want money you must observe all the benefits that this be granted, imagine walking with his family in his new car, going on vacation to spectacular places, buying the home of your dreams, giving the delicacies that has always wanted, this is not a game, it’s true power, because you is by associating their feelings to the good use of the money. An extraordinary form of achieves something is through observation and continuous thinking, think and observe a special plate of food on an ongoing basis and will see as manifested. There are specific techniques that will help you achieve earning easy money and these are the powerful subliminal videos, with these videos you send messages to your subconscious mind that wants money fast based on continuous repeat you will schedule in his mind the richness and will be implemented. On many occasions we have been manipulated by various sectors of society, by inserting us ideas about someone, a product, institution, etc..

Increase Traffic to Blogs

August 20th, 2013

Well today I decided to talk about how to carry segmented traffic to your blog, I have said this on several occasions but in view that continue to arrive worldwide Toyko messages the same I decided to post it on the blog. The question most frequent that receipt is how do I get links to my blog?, for this I want to be as explicit as possible. Well, on the internet there are several ways to build links that can do you in directories, directories, articles, social bookmarks and blogs. Put links in directories is not recommended since the search engines are clear that this type of pages receive millions of pages daily in their records which looks as if they were pages garbage. Clear that if you are just starting with your page you recominedo you leave your URL in the directories more important that there are, this for Google and other search engines index your page quickly and show up in your search results. There are to the social bookmarks sites such as, which allow you to place your Favorites online.

Here you must take into account place pages having direct links towards your page. Another way of getting links to your page website or blog are articles directories, with them you can write an article where at the end of the can leave your active link to your site, here multiply the links according to the number of articles that you leave. business ideas the second thing that makes you add links from this method, is that people can copy your article as is but also on their web sites should be put the source link in the article, which in this case is your blog. Finally winning links with blogs is the forms more easily but can be boring, commonly know that leave comments on blogs in the same niche works, ok, I agree. But the best way is to create microblogs on free platforms in order to put the link of your main website; The issue of this is that you must put content related to your website or blog main leverage to work and your new blogs are not marked as SPAM.