Posts Tagged ‘The work of’


November 22nd, 2024

Labour market these days, was referred to as the "War for Talent", it is equally true of themselves "warriors", ie recruiters. Or, as they are sometimes romantically called "bounty hunters". (As opposed to cornell capital). One of the major problems faced by managers is not a lack of applicants, and the lack of good recruiters. The most important step for the company is attracting and retaining the best recruiters. It is important to realize that Good recruiters are not in one step with the average. If you use the term "to find the workhorse," you can be sure that you will have to work just average recruiters. Does every man who calls himself recruiter and working at the agency, so is really? That you will not receive a diploma in any university. All you can show your status, a business card and the opinion of the "witnesses", ie Your customers.

Chris Forman, President of AIRS, aptly remarked that: "A good recruiter is worth a thousand times more expensive than the average recruiter." I totally agree with that. For example, in a very large western company estimated revenue per professional Recruiter international level. This income amounted to $ 20 million And here's a very bad recruiter can significantly reduce the revenue of your company and not only damage the brand of your company, and miss or flush out the best potential employees. Recruiting the best recruiters – that's most important task of business leaders! Therefore, both the clients and the heads of agencies, and those newcomers that come into this business must be clear about the differences between good Recruiters from the average …

Construction Industry

May 15th, 2014

The rapid development of construction industry leads to a sharp increase in demand for highly qualified personnel. Today, virtually every construction company is experiencing staff shortages, and it is not entirely for workers, but also for engineering professionals. In addition, the nature of the construction business "from project to project" leads to the fact that often the completion of the project, many experts are "not at affairs "or lose their income significantly. The problem of finding skilled workers exists at many construction sites. The most scarce and in demand professions in the building include bricklayers, cement workers, installers of utilities, engineering and vocational education departments estimate and contract, planners, designers, and professionals such as giprochnikov and handlers of plastic pipes, which are quite rare due to their specificity.

According to recruitment agencies, today in the construction industry is experiencing a shortage of qualified superintendents. As you know, the foreman is the key person on site. In fact, it combines the functions of working and head, as he coordinates the entire process and ensures interoperability of personnel on the site. The specificity of the profession is that the foreman can not be profiled construction education, but this is compensated by the presence of practical experience. Today, only a fifth of all superintendents have an appropriate certificate, which must necessarily take into account the human services. Improving the quality requirements construction leads to an increase in demand for highly skilled engineers. Development of new territories leads to an increase in demand for professionals in the field of engineering systems.