Posts Tagged ‘personal development’

Hearing The Heart

June 11th, 2024

Question: What to make when everything that we want it is everything that we cannot have? Reply: It stops of drama and it starts to want what you can have! Which is? It is not guided by its heart because it can be deceived, but guides its heart and the things, good They will not be more easy, however less complicated. It knows why? The heart has craze of wanting what it cannot. There you with the colloquy come that ' ' I go to make what corao&#039 says mine; ' , then it starts since already if preparing to be a NOTHING! To make NOTHING! You pray! Its heart does not speak. if spoke, would lie sufficiently. Here it is what it must be made (in my conception, with which nobody it needs to agree rsrsrs): It wants little and it acts more. Nothing does not advance to want, to want and to want, in the end of the accounts this goes to be everything that you will have made. There you question: the dreams? Where they are in this its pessimistic vision of world? There I answer: The dreams cannot make nothing for you. The dreams do not go to study you there to be doctor, lawyer that is what he will be that you want to be when to grow.

The dreams do not go to buy that car that you want nor the trip that its wife in such a way desires. The dreams, my friend, do not go to write a book and public – lo for you. Not exactly. It is not a pessimistic vision, and yes, realist (In the truth, this it is the excuse that all pessimistic uses not to say that it is pessimistic. It is not incredible what a disillusionment, or two, makes with people? The world starts to have another color.

Points Process

July 21st, 2020

That they find, by means of the o egocentrismo and the individualism a detriment of the rich collective reality in humanistic values in a estigmatizado paradox, for the capitalist society. To this paradigm, associated the process of longevity and the relations, whose discrimination this imposed in the diverse scopes of the society, and related to the process of natural maturation of the man. Ahead of this picture of social and ethical crisis, the society delineates divided enters the limitations of the body and the coherence of the experience, the figure of? old? appraised as estagnada and reverted between discriminatory, it comes to dialogue with the social model, that walks by itself for the saturation if not supporting. To coexist to the biological factors that involve the maturation process, and its structures of organic systems and fomenting the reality of the body, that takes the individual and its body to the natural decline. To this process of the nature and its context we evidence proposals, concepts and textualizaes that they aim at to characterize the longevity of the aged one. Considering the points consensuals of the text, we analyze that optimum process of maturation is that one that points the aged one, as a being intellectual and capacity to discern on the reality where this inserted one. Physiology of the aging To defy the nature of the body, the ticket of the time I accumulate or it of biological events, are factors that science and the new technologies come developing to promote a reality that objectifies the quality of life. To these abilities the new technologies and the functional areas of the organism, the process comes to benefit to the aging, providing improvements in the aspects, cognitivo, psychic and physical, favoring still more the longevity. Contributing so that aged if adapte its new condition making possible improvements in the social scope and contemplating the individual to ambicionar its functional independence, therefore, in the physiological process of the body the consequence most frequent is the loss of muscular or sarcopenia mass, among others stories as the miopatia and the neuropatia modifying the physiological system of the body in result of the reduction of physical activities.


October 17th, 2012

She has as many reasons to read, but lately the people do not enjoy more than this, they place the excuse in laziness or the lack of time. To appreciate a book is so magical, the secret is to enter in history, to imagine the scenes and to enjoy the pleasure of the reading. Hunter lobato says that ' ' Who does not read, badly speaks, badly hears, but v' '. is not really? The reading engrandece the soul, increases the vocabulary and knowledge, and I say who it, of the much pleasure, the secret am to read something that if likes, nor that it is the periodical, I contend its notice or the magazine counting fofocas, to read is essential, makes with that is possible to extend our knowledge in relation to as many things. Lately the reading comes being substituted for hours in front of television or computer, but if to stop pra thinking it is in all the place, it only depends on us to open hand of some minutes and to read something. Who already only read a good book knows amused quo is, has that one surprises that you at an end not waited, that one that you are curious pra to know as everything goes to still happen and what devora you of the beginning to the end, but this to happen must be known to choose the certain, adequate book to our gostos. When we discover the taste for the reading, the book turns a company, we dive of head in the words, we identify in them and we coexist the personages, in them we become abetters, we live history and when we perceive we arrive at the end with headquarters of more, and then, it comes an emptiness, as if a part of us had been pulled out, and wanting that history continued, it remains in them to break pra another adventure in a new reading, after as &#039 says this thought; ' The reading and the trip of who cannot catch one trem' '.