Posts Tagged ‘noticias-actualidad’

Armoured Vehicle Lynx

January 10th, 2025

They are those who uses the Spanish army, since they offer more security against explosives than the previous BMR. The firing of small arms and the ctos of the explosion of a device or mine is able to absorb. Two soldiers dead and three others wounded in an attack against Spanish troops in Afghanistan. The Lynx is an off-road armoured vehicle, specially designed to protect occupants against terrorist attacks and explosive improvised, since it is equipped with the most advanced security systems for patrol work. This shielded, built by the Italian company Iveco, has capacity for up to five soldiers with their full armament computers, and is equipped with systems of inhibition of frequencies.

The first units of Lynx arrived in Afghanistan in September 2008, and currently, there are more than one hundred. The Lynx LMV (Light Multirole vehicle, in its acronym in English), was acquired by the Dnsa Ministry within the framework of the plan of renovation of armoured approved in November 2007. This programme provided for the purchase, in three phases, of 575 units amounting to 321 million euros to replace the model BMR (shielded medium on wheels), more vulnerable to attacks with explosives. The BMR ceased to be used in Afghanistan in March 2010. Of the total new vehicles, 395 were (Lynx) Squadron and 180 platoon (RG-31), another model of shielded larger and equally endowed with the most modern safety measures. Today, this mission operate in 67 armored RG-31 and 131 Lynx, divided between the provinces of Herat and Badghis, where 1,500 soldiers that Spain contributes to the NATO mission are deployed. The Lynx, who weighs 6,500 kilos, can move at a maximum speed of 130 kilometers per hour at a distance of up to 500 kilometers. Check with Jonah Bloom to learn more. You have a latest generation multilayer armor, to absorb both the firing of small arms and the ctos of the explosion of a device or mine. Source of the news: Lynx, an armoured vehicle for the army with more advanced security systems

Kermadec Islands

July 26th, 2019

The earthquake has taken place in the Kermadec Islands. He produced 48 kilometers deep. They asked the population kept away from the coast. The New Zealand authorities canceled the tsunami alert given as a result of the earthquake of magnitude 7.8 degrees on the open Richter scale that struck Wednesday the Kermadec Islands, about 800 miles to the East of New Zealand. In a message disseminated by television and radio stations from the country, the Civil protection service indicated that a threat is not expected by tsunami on the Mainland. The New Zealand authorities asked the population of the East Coast that is kept away from the coast, where it is estimated that the waves will be weakened and with a maximum height of a metre and a half.

David Coetzee, spokesman for the Civil protection service, told Radio New Zealand that is unlikely to cause damage on Earth. The spokesperson pointed out that the greatest risk once it reaches New Zealand will be for the ships of the docks on the West coast of the country, whose crews recommended security measures. The earthquake occurred at 48 kilometers deep and 12 kilometres from Raoul island in the Kermadec. The Center alerts of the Pacific, for its part, spread the warning of tsunami to Tonga and Kermadec Islands. Source of the news: New Zealand cancels tsunami alert after an earthquake of 7.8 degrees on the Richter scale

European Commission

November 3rd, 2018

The Ibex-35 fell more than 3% in the first few minutes of the session. Milan heads the losses from the rest of European exchanges with a 4% in red. The Spanish stock market closed the previous day with a nearly 5% drop. The main indicator of the Spanish stock market, the Ibex-35, plummeted to the 3.27% and fell whole 8.045,40 points barely an hour after the start of the session, weighed down again by the fear of recession that leaves no markets and that in the previous day made him give up almost 5%, the second largest crop yearin what already has been considered a black day for the world stock markets. The stock market Wall Street giant also suffered a day of big losses on Thursday and closed with a 3.68% fall that lost dimension of 11,000 points. Everything seem to be bad news for the markets. Bank Morgan Stanley lowers its growth prospects for the global economy and fears a possible economic recession in Europe and United States shakes investors. By other side, the announcement of the creation of the Tobin tax proposed by the European Commission for some of the financial operations carried out in the countries of the European Union seems to have not pleased the markets, especially to investors who kept their capital at banking values, even though they have already announced that the rate will be low but it afteracquired many operations.

European stock markets, in red in this way, according to data from 0950 hours, the selective rrencia in the market stock Spanish left is 272 points, 3.27% and fell to the 8.045,40 integers, so that annual losses were already at 18.40%. Frankfurt lost 4%, Paris a 3.99% and 3% towards London after one hour of trading. Again the European banking sector is one of the hardest in bag for the consequences that might have on its solvency of the eurozone debt crisis. Source of the news: the European exchanges opened with heavy losses after Black Thursday of the day previous.

Great Responsibility

April 5th, 2017

The officials of the Lagun Aro saturates two season in the Real Madrid club. Txus Vidorreta or Porfi Fisac sound like candidates to replace Laso. Coach Pablo Laso has closed this Wednesday his tour of four years in San Sebastian with a court that has recognized that it is a great challenge and a great responsibility to go to Real Madrid. The longer technical madridista has shown himself very excited, almost no time to assimilate the call of the white club, which took by surprise not only the own Laso, but also the Guipuzcoan directive and, by extension, a hobby that has not always been receptive to the trainer. Laso has wanted to thank the Lagun Aro allow you meet an exciting project that has the feeling of a step forward in his career.

Regarding his new challenge, vitoriano preparer has been considered important the support of Florentino Perez to carry out a winning project for the basketball section. As for his memories of San Sebastian, Laso said that you can’t put any but to breath received from Harrow and affirms that it has received expressions of support from fans who have congratulated him on the street after his move to Real Madrid in the last hours. In the acknowledgements section tried not forget anyone and he has cited policy players like David Doblas, Uriz, Andy Panko, and people that helped this project go forward and also to employees who have been in the day easy doing his job. He has recognized that today was a difficult day so assume farewells and, in any case, it has considered this as his press conference more complicated especially in trying to put in order the many images that crowd in his mind after four long years in the Guipuzcoan capital. Without a doubt, one of the best would be promoted to ACB, also have a match at Zaragoza that helped us to achieve permanence in remembrance and, above all, daily contact with people who have been wonderful with me, has declared the now former Lagun Aro GBC coach.