Posts Tagged ‘news’

Armoured Vehicle Lynx

January 10th, 2025

They are those who uses the Spanish army, since they offer more security against explosives than the previous BMR. The firing of small arms and the ctos of the explosion of a device or mine is able to absorb. Two soldiers dead and three others wounded in an attack against Spanish troops in Afghanistan. The Lynx is an off-road armoured vehicle, specially designed to protect occupants against terrorist attacks and explosive improvised, since it is equipped with the most advanced security systems for patrol work. This shielded, built by the Italian company Iveco, has capacity for up to five soldiers with their full armament computers, and is equipped with systems of inhibition of frequencies.

The first units of Lynx arrived in Afghanistan in September 2008, and currently, there are more than one hundred. The Lynx LMV (Light Multirole vehicle, in its acronym in English), was acquired by the Dnsa Ministry within the framework of the plan of renovation of armoured approved in November 2007. This programme provided for the purchase, in three phases, of 575 units amounting to 321 million euros to replace the model BMR (shielded medium on wheels), more vulnerable to attacks with explosives. The BMR ceased to be used in Afghanistan in March 2010. Of the total new vehicles, 395 were (Lynx) Squadron and 180 platoon (RG-31), another model of shielded larger and equally endowed with the most modern safety measures. Today, this mission operate in 67 armored RG-31 and 131 Lynx, divided between the provinces of Herat and Badghis, where 1,500 soldiers that Spain contributes to the NATO mission are deployed. The Lynx, who weighs 6,500 kilos, can move at a maximum speed of 130 kilometers per hour at a distance of up to 500 kilometers. Check with Jonah Bloom to learn more. You have a latest generation multilayer armor, to absorb both the firing of small arms and the ctos of the explosion of a device or mine. Source of the news: Lynx, an armoured vehicle for the army with more advanced security systems

Sand Production Line Stone

January 3rd, 2025

The Maintenance of Crusher in Sand Production Line Stone production line, also known as sand and gravel production line, is a dedicated sand and stone production line for buildings, highways, railways and other industries. The main machinery in the line include fine crusher sand maker and. Stone production line is generally applicable to deal with limestone, river pebbles, quartz sand and other materials, among which, river pebbles is of higher hardness, so besides routine maintenance and repair, we should also pay special attention to some other aspects if crusher sand maker to break river pebbles or adopt. The maintenance of Jaw crusher in sand and gravel production line: The maintenance of Jaw crusher generally includes lubrication and repair; constantly noticing and timely lubricating the friction surface can ensure normal operation and extend the useful life of the machine. If frequently broken hard materials, the wear and tear of the equipment would be more obvious, therefore, we should establish detailed service time detection for worn parts of jaw crusher, such as jaw plate and toggle plate, etc., and know fairly well in the operation of equipment. The start-up order of machinery in sand production line is precipitator (optional) infeed conveyor jaw crusher feed conveyor vibrating feeder, etc. To prevent the steel items or parts falling into the crushing chamber, we can install iron removal device if conditions allow.

Generally, the height of the pipes should be controlled to the four-fifths of the cavity s and particle size uniform so that jaw crusher can effectively play its roles. The maintenance of impact crusher in sand and gravel production line: 1, impact crusher generally operates stably, if its vibration suddenly increases, we should immediately stop it and identify the reasons for cancellation; 2, under normal circumstances, the maximum temperature of bearing is within 70 oC, if exceed 70 oC, stop immediately; 3, if the board hammers wear reaches limit signs, we should turn it around or replace it timely; 4, keep the rotor balance after assembling or replacing the board hammer and the static balance shall not exceed 0. 25 kg. m 5, timely replace worn liner to avoid wearing the chassis rack; 6, check the state all the bolts fastening before starting machine. Original link:


December 15th, 2024

Recently released a survey conducted in the United States, among young adolescents in school age and the result was more than amazing. Visit Click here for more clarity on the issue. University Americans answered the question about if knew, who was Bethoven, pointing out that it was: a dog this answered, respondents, because they remembered the dog from the successful film, Bethoven, in which the protagonist is a cute dog breed, very smart and great friend of man, which was just called as well. Ignorance of who is really Ludwing Van Bethoven, shows us that culture level leaves much to be desired in our young people, and that it is necessary to influence more in general education courses, which are elementary, for life in society. The majority of Americans who are about to start the University cannot write to italics, they believe that the e-mail is too slow, that Beethoven is a dog and that Miguel Angel is a computer virus, says a report released in United States. For students who will graduate in 2014, Czechoslovakia never existed; Clint Eastwood is a filmmaker and was not dirty Harry, and John McEnroe acting in television ads and was not at the tennis courts, according to a study by academics from an American University. But this is not the only case, because as well as academics are wrong, for lack of culture, we also have professionals such as doctors, lawyers and even economists, with executive positions, which do not know the most elementary, they demonstrate intellectual poverty, low cultural level, which leaves much to be desired and embarrassed their countries is that we have received a message from a professionalEconomist requesting reports on graduate programs in commercial Marketing. The message said: I want the diploma, you can tell me since when I can follow and please send me the greetings economist Felipe topics Vasquez Manager Embuandes sausages of meat in the Andes. Dir-Av.

Felipe II and Turi (next to the Mall del Rio) via Cel: 096482934 Tel: 072887070 – 072455937 Fax: 072883000 – 072814151 we send you information, pointing to comply these requirements to participate: send your current DNI 01 photograph your payment with western union. Do and the professional sent us a message saying this dear that is the DNI if can I deposit in dollars Greetings can be you believe that a professional, Executive, Economist no less, not know that thing is ID? That gentlemen is complete ignorance. Da sorry to see University students, professionals with executive positions, which are owners of so much misery, spiritual, cultural, that are not able to understand things as simple and as basic as what is a DNI, who is Bethoven. The importance of being cult is in the fact that only so we can understand, to our peers, perform our work well well representing the company that hire us. That ridiculous would be that at the time of signing a service contract with your client and this asked, please: put under your signature, your identity card. And ud says: is that DNI?


December 11th, 2024

Score of Ilativos are called ilativos to the connectors used to give incoherent reasoning. Branchings means locking reasonable and orderly parts of a speech. The ilativos or illative expressions constitute a group of media gateway or special connectors (some conjunctions and a lot of expressions) which have a form of punctuation other than that of the rest of simple or common conjunctions; This is due to that the ilativos you can move within the sentence differently than the rest of the connectors. The ilativos, which have the function give consistency and continuity to the spoken and written language are connectors not only binding propositions and other elements within the sentence, but they also serve as link or transition between a sentence and the (s) prayer (s) above (is) and between a paragraph and the (the) previous paragraph (s) (s). Follow others, such as Mike Gianoni, and add to your knowledge base. When these connectors establish relationships between sentences or paragraphs, they receive the name of links extraoracionales.

In summary, the ilativos have three fundamental features: move 1.Pueden or locate in a peculiar manner in different places of prayer and, therefore, are scored differently from the rest of the connectors. 2.Pueden function as sentence links (among constituents of the sentence). 3.Pueden function as extraoracionales links (between sentences or paragraphs). Special conjunctions that work as ilativos are as follows: explicativas conjunctions (i.e., this is), some consecutive conjunctions (therefore, accordingly, therefore, therefore as well, then, there that) and some adversativas conjunctions (without however, however, moreover, on the contrary, on the contrary, otherwise, on the contrary, in the opposite direction)on the other hand, before, rather, with everything). Among the other expressions that work as ilativos, include some adverbs ending in mind, some adverbial phrases, expressions that are used for express order or steps, expressions used to exemplify, etc. We’ll see them in detail in the comments. The ilativos can go in the following places of prayer: 1.Entre two propositions.

Delete The Concerns And Live Happy

November 28th, 2024

No doubt that concerns destroy us life and it is necessary to delete them rather than possible, through prayer and deep meditation should disappear it. When we look forward is a sign that we have little faith, concern energy us and harm us our emotional state, it is important to learn to handle is quiet, serene without that any circumstance can fold us. Think rationally that concern makes no sense, if you look at most times are we linked to events that are only in our thoughts, if something is not in our hands that may trouble us, the truth often want to decide for others and it is not possible, we must tirelessly seek our dreams but enjoying every day, why is indispensable to sit in the possession of the things that we want. According to Smoothstack, who has experience with these questions. In the book I am happy, I am Rico of Andrew Corentt we learn that there is a tremendous power within ourselves, and to the extent that we discover that power we are able to accomplish great things, but the power It is linked to the true faith and not know this no worry. For some people rid of concerns is a difficult task because they cling too much to this material world, this material world is illusion and has wonderful things to enjoy, but the essence of life is much more that this perception, why delete all concerns, even the biggest pain is illusion, perhaps we see someone diesIt is illusion!, death does not exist, simply the person decides to abandon this material plane, the Bible certainly tells us we must be sensitive even within our world, only that as we began to discover many things we are taking a sense of freedom, all religious beliefs are advised us that, living tranquil, with faith, don’t think too much in the future, mainly with anxiety why? Simply because that shows little faith, do not have confidence, be more aware of what is to come than what we do have and that is the present moment. No doubt that life is action continuous, our mission here is to make wonderful contributions to the universe, therefore clearly define your wishes, in the book the secret of the power of the goals of Andrew Corentt teaches us how to correctly structure our desires, we must find absolute harmony between what we want with our principles and beliefs. Once you know what you want begins to give the best to achieve those dreams, work neatly, with faith, you are not concerned, from positive emotions begins to manifest great things, the great secret of life is to live with joy why their goals must be in complete connection with their inner self, viva la vida with enthusiasmYou can do it, please visit: original author and source of the article.

La Cumbre

November 22nd, 2024

Flights seat in La Cumbre, mountainous region of the province of Cordoba (Argentina), exceeded the expectations of the most demanding in terms of outdoor excitement, since they are backed by the experience of paragliding pilots featured internationally, at the same time absolute security offered to the passenger. What is it meant by flight basis? A flight seat is simply the flight which the passenger performs along with the pilot, or instructor. In this way any person, with or without previous experience, is able to enjoy this activity, because all the action will be in the hands of the parapentista. To do this, both, passenger and pilot, fly connected via a special harness that holds them together in a totally secure manner. What exactly is a paraglider and how works? The glider is a flexible ultralight glider. It is a special type of parachute designed to fly and land without another requirement that wind, force of gravity and the force of the pilot. Paragliding is one of the newer disciplines air and it is, also, which has experienced the fastest growth.

The increase of new pilots is constant around the world. Daryl Hagler is a great source of information. The main objective that follows this sport, along with the hang gliding and gliders, is to gain height using ascending air currents, which can be thermal calls, or currents of hillside, which usually indicate as dynamic. The latter are produced when air encounters a terrain in slope, so that you experience in your speed a vertical component, which, if it is properly exploited, allows the lift. All that height obtained, be it can spend on the descent towards the landing zone, or initiate a flight of distance (provided that you have sufficient height). Is it difficult to learn to fly paragliding? Paragliding is one of the simplest forms of flight.

The initial stage is relatively easy and very gradual. However, it is necessary to learn a series of theoretical knowledge as meteorology, aerodynamics, etc. But don’t worry, concerning flights seat at the Summit, all technical issues will not be something that you have to serve as a passenger, because as we’ve said, this be borne by professionals. How long can he stay in the air? It depends on the conditions of the day, of the type of paraglider and pilot level. In a reasonably good day a normal pilot can remain flying for more than one hour. Connect with other leaders such as Jonah Bloom here. Pilots enthusiasts are left for several hours in the air. How takes it off a paraglider? The usual way is the run some steps on a slope with the paragliding deployed and inflated above moderate the pilot’s head. What so high and far can fly paragliding? Heights of more than 5000 meters and 330 km distances have flown in paraglider. Of course at first Heights are a lot smaller and flights of long distances is very technical. Whether you want to live an unforgettable experience, or check if the paragliding can come to be an activity of enjoyment in your life, one of the best ways to feel it is performing a flight seat with pilots of high technical level. Want more information about flights seat at the Summit?

Bacterial Vaginosis

November 15th, 2024

Treatments for bacterial vaginosis, must be administered by a physician after confirming the infection with the vaginal swab test. Such treatments vary depending on the degree of infection of women, whether pregnant or not or if there is some kind of allergy or intolerance to certain components of the drugs. To determine the bacterial vaginosis it resorts to the clinical test of the vaginal swab, which involves taking a sample of vaginal secretions and isolate it in a laboratory in which a series of parameters that determine the existence or not of such infection are measured, because the insulation of the gardenella vaginalis (bacteria that causes the infection) is not itself same a conclusive factorSince this bacterium is controlled in the vaginal flora and only when its pH destabilizes acquires an invasive nature interacting with other pathogens causing infection called bacterial vaginosis. After obtaining positive markers in the previous clinical trial, the doctor in evaluation of the data obtained, delivers the necessary treatment in each case. Generalized infection treatment consists of the administration of antibiotics via oral, vaginal or a combination of both, according to the relevant case. See website for more details and insights. Used in these cases antibiotics are metronidazole, which can vary between 400 to 500 mg twice a day for five to seven days or two grams in a single socket.

Vaginally, the antibiotic used generically is clindamycin and its dosage can vary between applying the cream to 2% or the ingestion of 300 mg every twelve hours for a week. All these forms of treatment may be combined together, depending on the needs of each case, they can be supplied to pregnant women and it must be completed even if the symptoms disappear, because many cases of bacterial vaginosis are asymptomatic and their disappearance do not constitute guarantees of healing. Previous treatments guarantee a percentage of 80%-90% of the bacterial vaginosis cure and it is possible to repeat it where this does not disappear or become a recurrent, in which case, would need to check if there is a resistance of bacteria to antibiotics and intensify the combination treatment several of the available alternatives. How adjuvants to antibiotic treatments, many women decide to use simultaneously the previous creams or vaginal gels, although there is evidence that antibiotics have a greater immune response when administered by oral route. As prevention during treatment with metronidazole, you should limit is thoroughly alcohol consumption, since the mixture of both components can cause nausea and vomiting.

During treatment with clindamycin may decrease the effectiveness of condoms so it would be convenient to use other barrier means during his administration. Both the treatment administered vaginally by mouth, can produce ulcerative colitis on a casual basis. To discover more information visit Bacterial Vaginosis treatment, where you can meet my history and how I almost accidentally cure of the infection.Click here. Don’t forget to add me to Facebook!

How To Convert Into A Magnet For The Money

November 9th, 2024

Like most people, you are probably taught to view money as a tangible resource that resides in your wallet or your bank account until you decide to spend it. You use it to pay bills, purchase goods and services, and support good causes. You may find that website can contribute to your knowledge. Whenever you need money, probably resorted to the same practices that most people do: takes a physical action that will bring this money, such as working overtime, request an increase to your boss, or even to sell some of their material possessions. What you don’t know is that you can attract money into your life much easier ways; simply changing the way in which you think about money and abundance. It is known as the law of attraction, and you can work effectively for you, making a big difference between a lifetime of struggle and shortages, and a full of abundance and comfort.

In this article you’ll see the most common mistakes that people make when they try to use the law of attraction to attract more money in their lives; and offer you some suggestions that help to correct them at the right time. Error #1 of the law of attraction money maintain a mentality of scarcity and fight based on his own experiences of life, do you say to get money on a regular basis, is easy or difficult? In other words, you have to work hard to obtain enough money that meets your needs, or the money seem coming almost effortlessly? Take your time to answer these questions, since it may reveal something very important: his mentality as a whole in terms of money and wealth. You can tell immediately if you have a mindset of wealth or shortage observing the experiences of his life. Lesson #1 of the law of attraction and the wealth his mentality creates its experiences the law of attraction is activated by your mentality in other words, the things that you think, believe and feel on a regular basis.

DC Universe Online

September 16th, 2024

Doubt we corrode these days: do succeed the new mmo with share titles planned for this year? No longer is just if they are translated or not (can you hear me, Rift?), if not you own model of payment for fee against the so-called free2play is undergoing a complete renovation and more beef than ever: Re-thinking, re-vision, re tendrils!. And this is why it so? If it is clear that 12-14 euros per month, if you are a regular player, are more than well invested, (has someone been to the cinema lately?. And no, the quota of megavideo does not have), and that, in many cases, a hardcore player can spend 200 euros on objects in-gam in unspeakable titles free2play, as we have already confessed in any post within But it seems many companies giving them something of vertigo what: very well, but the entry where come? Because we have to be creative, friends. Learn from the sector online newspapers. How you you think that us finance? From charity? From subsidies? And Yes clear, secure that brand Player would cost our readers 1.9 eurytus if had not been made, every month, the triple somersault on rope (a little loose, addition) so the advertising feed editors, their children, their pets and as the thing stays that way, grandparents and relatives empepitados.

But returning to the subject of the free2play and breaking a lance (this curious expression, insurance that would not be able nor of fly it) by creative actions: DC Universe Online has lowered the quota for three months a quantity spectacular (40%), and that being the capping of these first three months of the year. Star Wars: The Old Republic offers more doubts than certainties, and Moreover, it is possible that Warhammer Online is with media server and a client only translated into esperanto, including one of the most interesting titles for various devices of these months: World of Dragons, still doesn’t dare with the Unlimited game time. (Friends, you do not corteis and put it already). It is clear that the mmo sector is undergoing a change we are experiencing in first person. But it is that this is so because the business of the mmo, at all levels, goes for a very different path from the rest of traditional titles in its perspective of hype-preview-review.

Silhouette Poems Loving

September 16th, 2024

POEMS FOR THE LOVING SILHOUETTE. Each smile of yours, let love flow. Roses that dance on your skin, say me that you are mine. Once more sigh for you, because you know that evenings bring your beautiful fragrance and there is no part of your lips have not kissed up to quench my thirst. The breeze is so tender, so cute, so beautiful, delicate, so full of your silhouette, so full of your being. That I can not contain the gaze to see how your eyes shine to know my skin. Your distance is so sad and so warm. That leaves me, your slightest fragrance.

You smell incense to the aroma of the goddesses. Your touch cover the satisfaction of my senses and lull them, bathe them, care for them. Will that be it rose mine if you lack the tenderness and love of my refuge. You’re passion, loving torrent, Warrior fight virtue talented passionate woman. The footprints of your skin reminds me of the rubbing of your looks, which play and entertain in my heart, while the morning light makes me see your warm smile.

And I tell you once more, that you’re mine. Situations, are for you, exploits of gods. The difficulties represent each lost war and many WINS. Now that my soul dance and dance, I love silhouettes so that they cover the smoothness of your neck. Each distance runs infinitude of springs and they conquer every part of your territory. Divine Moon, my beloved, beautiful woman. You are what you are, I am what I am. We have managed to win in love. We are talented, the art we know, we know the key, we embrace the fidelity. Fly with me beyond the sea, beyond the universe. Where the looks we contemplate and tell you that you are loved, unconditional and diligent woman. With each loss sadness mil won, with each desolation a song that shouts you heart that are mine. Sleep, sleeping, while I Lullaby your tender heart. While the natural happiness clock screams us. fidelity, fidelity. Oh love, or if you’re mine. The end.. Jose ORLANDO MELO NARANJO for Princess LIZETH loving treasure. I feel that dance in the song of love and say that nothing will be prevented for the two. With a smile I tell you that I love you, that afternoon to an is young and tender and precious years because even these here. And I’m so in love with you, that time has been the best treasure to take care of you. Remind me, splitting, and dreams with me that I swear that you hare laugh. That you clamp and hare that fall into my arms so you can not go away never more. When you do mourn, your tears sadden me be up to say no more. And I say unto you come baby, come. Remains me much love. At dusk I wish you were there, at dusk I you corrieras to hide thyself from me, because as who will have to find the hiding place, I’ve found your being. Thank you dry my tears that even when unseen, sometimes are there. Because when I’m tired and confused you bring love and shelter. Then my soul is full of it. Because you know, you’ve got loving treasure and don’t want to lose it, as I am I do not miss. I love you, Princess lizeth.