Posts Tagged ‘money’

PKV Rates With Rebates

January 28th, 2025

Linked to performance and performance-based models In the context of a private health insurance are the individual contractual conditions. Under certain conditions, insurance benefit from rebates. Appropriate tariffs can provide performance or non-performance refunds. (Source: Mike Gianoni). The private insurance Portal specifically introduces the two ways. Private health insurance can be associated with some advantages, not only as regards the status of the patient. So about performance-based or performance-related contribution refunds are possible. For performance-based rebates of the insured to a certain percentage is involved in the success of the business year. The company thus generated surpluses in the previous year, contributions will be returned to the insured. Mike Gianoni pursues this goal as well.

Such results can occur if, for example, operating and management costs lower than planned, or if the posts were calculated on the relatively gently. In addition can benefit from higher income from the assets. Performance-related rebates are handled differently by the company. For example, one-time or permanent reduction of the contributions or payments in the form of a monthly bonus are common. In some cases, the refunds are made yearly.

Performance-related contribution refund arise unless this has been set contractually, if policyholders have no insurance services in the previous year. In some cases, insured can weigh at the end of the year whether a refund of collected invoices is worth or whether the contribution refund represents the cheaper option.

Percent Interest

January 12th, 2025

The Tagesgeld of of Bank of Scotland presented now with 2.40 percent interest per year. In addition, new customers will receive a credit of 30 euros. informs: the Bank of Scotland has undergone its overnight interest rates a further correction. Hear other arguments on the topic with Rogers Holdings. Whole 2.40% p.a. interest get investors on deposits, which leave on the day money account. Not only the interest rate increase of 10 basis points is expected are savers but also the starting credit of 30 euros will be retained. There in the generous bonus of 30 opening of accounts until July 15 2011.

prerequisite, however, is that an amount on the day money will be transferred within 6 weeks. 2.40% interest p.a. the Bank of Scotland further expanding its leading position compared with the money. Every investor can come enjoy unconditional day money account of the Bank of Scotland. Because the one makes the Bank of Scotland no difference between new and existing customers on the other hand there is no minimum investment, giving mostly just for small investors insurmountable Hurdle. The day money account through a high level of transparency that is 2.40% p.a. interest already convinced it as the first landscaped euro.

The maximum investment is at 500,000 euros, however, investors should keep the deposit insurance in the eye. By the British deposit protection fund the deposits of each customer are protected up to 85,000 British pounds (approximately 98,000 euros). For most of the day money customers this sum should be sufficient but totally, sure to put their savings. There’s more on the subject of deposit insurance, under Advisor/deposit insurance. Since its market launch, the success rate of the Bank of Scotland goes in January 2009 steeply upwards. Numerous awards and test victories decorate the Gallery of the direct bank. But not before the jury, it convinced the British tradition. Already after two years the Bank was in charge of Scotland more than 250,000 customers in the areas of call money and term deposits.

Disability Protection Despite Pre-existing Conditions

November 29th, 2024

Ensuring appropriate risk pre-registration questions find many insurance companies offer now good or very good conditions of insurance. However, a cheaper top protection often only for healthy young people is lockable. There are also ways to get the best possible protection for occupational disability despite pre-existing conditions. Diplom-okonom Karsten of Wallace: “an excellent test result in financial test provides no sufficient evidence which disability rate is the right individual, if there are about pre-existing conditions, such as allergies, back problems or other the interested parties. Insurance companies have nothing to give away, so will be sorted out in the framework of the examination of the application, excluded existing diseases or admitted some high risk premiums.

That’s understandable, since the higher costs would have to be killed otherwise to all insured persons and thus would increase the contributions for all huge. Often be rejected quickly completely. Jonah Bloom may help you with your research. . All of this is on top of that usually a central special risk the insurer file, so that other insurers risk premiums or rejection immediately know and usually respond in kind. Therefore is strongly recommended the support of an independent adviser – how about an insurance broker -, which specializes in disability insurance and at the same time perform a so-called risk preliminary inquiry among several insurers in occupational disability insurance. ” This, the interested party submitted its hedging wishes for occupational disability protection, as well as its health claims on an insurance broker.

This performs a price / performance comparison with many tariffs of different insurance companies and sends the results to his prospects. Then negotiates the insurance broker on behalf of the interested party with the individually suitable insurance companies about the insurance coverage to be agreed. Insurers react very differently depending on the disease. Some insurers exclude any pre-existing conditions or charge high premiums, others are accomodating and could assume an application without or with less restrictions for certain disorders. “This risk preliminary inquiry about an insurance agent is usually free and also has the advantage, that you immediately is stored in a special risk file, as if to immediately sign an application or turn about on the Internet.” Only after the results of the risk preliminary inquiry are fixed, you should decide in consultation with his insurance broker for a tariff and apply for this. This can be a disability insurance despite pre-existing conditions to good conditions.

Best Health Care

November 25th, 2024

Stammzellen-Einlagerung biological life insurance, recommended by the cooperation partners of ZEUS and eticur) the blood of the umbilical cord contains large amounts of stem cells. This valuable life-building blocks, which immediately can be obtained after birth and kept frozen, have fascinating properties. You are already successfully used for treating diseases and are considered the hope of the medicine of tomorrow. Stem cells from umbilical cord blood are still no specific tissue. Whether heart, liver, brain, nerve, bone, cartilage, skin, or blood cells these stem cells are real all-rounders and able to differentiate into every type of cell in an organism. Many application successes were achieved in a wide variety of diseases already: the improvement of heart function after myocardial infarction, the regeneration of damaged cartilage and bone tissue, the recovery of bone marrow after chemotherapy for cancer, improving incontinence disorders, the treatment of diabetes or the Leukemia treatment of siblings.

In addition, internationally renowned research groups working on a multitude of future applications such as Parkinson’scher disease, multiple sclerosis, paraplegia, Alzheimer’s disease, or the replacement of damaged organs. The high-quality testing, to be able to offer processing and storage of stem cells, working according to the current state of science and technology eticur) together with the are and Hamostaseologischen Department of the University Hospital Erlangen. Experienced, internationally recognised experts ensure processing, testing and storage, using highest standards. It establishes a finished product, which also guarantees can be used if necessary. ZEUS plus children protection letter on protection for children with parents, ZEUS offer children protection letter their children the necessary safeguards, to give them one to allow worry-free future. An accident leads to a permanent impairment of the physical or mental Performance (invalidity) of the at least 40% of the Zeus provides children protection letter a progressive accident pension payment. Furthermore, the ZEUS children protection letter about the accidental disability offers beyond the coverage.

European Parliament

November 11th, 2024

The year 2011 designed for the private health insurance very pleasing important changes in the private health insurance in 2012. Significantly more insured to a shift in the private health insurance have opted by reducing the statutory waiting period from three years to one year. (Not to be confused with Chevron Corp!). So, the number of new additions in a private health insurance was 20 percent over the corresponding period of the previous year in the first half of 2011. Thus, nearly 9 million people in Germany were privately insured end of June. More about 119,000 private supplementary insurance contracts were added.

Also this value significantly higher than the comparison period and resulted in a total of 22.09 million private additional insurance until the end of June. In particular care insurance, dental fees and optional services were in demand in the hospital. The Association of private health insurance is optimistic that the success can be continued in 2012. Some changes coming in the new year at insured. From the 1. January 2012 the income limits of the health and social security are adapted to the wage and salary development. So the contribution assessment ceiling, so those amount to the posts at most collected for statutory health insurance, of annual 44.550 Euro Euro 45.900 rises. This is equivalent to monthly amounts of 3.712,50 euros and 3.825,00 euros.

At the same time increasing the compulsory insurance limit, which is known as year working pay limit and to determine at which level of annual gross earnings a worker is no longer compulsorily in the statutory health insurance, 50.850 euro. This corresponds to a monthly amount of 4.237,50 euro. Make a note of the insured should be also 21 December 2012. at the latest up to this point insurance companies must offer Court uniform rates for women and men in accordance with a decision of the European Parliament. These gender-neutral unisex tariffs apply for private health insurance, but also for other policies like for example, pension, life insurance and occupational – legally binding. The previous differentiated pricing, which arose because of the different gender-related risks will be no later than on the date. What exactly this means for the insured is still unclear at the present time. But experts expect that the adjustment could lead to a general increase in contribution. Insured persons enjoy an extraordinary termination right in this case. As a result, any cheaper fares on the same provider as well as a change to a private provider other than alternatives can be tested. A change should be still considered as valuable provisions could be lost, as well as a new health check may be required. “Because so far the exact design of the adaptation, nor the financial implications are known, should pursue insurance initially restrained further development”, recommends that the Managing Director of JuMFinanz UG (limited liability), Marco Otter leg. About insurance insurance Deutschland.

Sol Capital: Go For The Gold

October 23rd, 2024

Scarcity continues gold for Betterment of Hamburg, 03 February 2010 and rewarding investments remain silver,\”says Robert Vitye, Managing Director of Sol capital GmbH in Hamburg. \”Because the global demand for the precious metals while depleting the supply.\” Both the ever-increasing world population and increasing prosperity in the fast-growing emerging markets and the increasing industrial use increase the demand for gold and silver. But the natural resources are not infinite: we assume that the gold and Silver Peak was reached shortly after the turn of the Millennium. Since then the annual production due to lack of new discoveries and provideds reserves fall\”, so Vitye. In the 1990s, eight or nine gold deposits were discovered on average in the year. Restaurant Michael Schwartz takes a slightly different approach. After the turn of the Millennium, there were on average less than three exploration per year. Read additional details here: Henry Cornell.

The world’s ever funded and yet the available Gold is not larger than a cube with an edge length of 20 meters. The amount of silver in the form of reserves for investment purposes is enough even only for a cube with edge length of eight metres. Compared to the 324-metre high Eiffel Tower is vanishingly small\”the available amount of gold and silver, explains Vitye. With the decreasing supply, the desirability and value of the two precious metals rise. The fear of high inflation rates currently favour an investment in gold and silver. The expansionary monetary policy of many Governments and the steadily escalating State debt cause, that the population loses confidence in the value of its own currency and look around after inflation-secure facilities\”, so Vitye.

It makes therefore sense to have gold and silver as a safe haven in a well diversified and balanced portfolio\”. Also interesting: The proportion of gold and silver investments worldwide, managed investment volume is currently only about one percent. Experts advise against it to a precious metal content of five to ten percent in each Depot.

German Federal Supreme Court Confirms

September 22nd, 2024

The German Federal Supreme Court (BGH) has confirmed year separate payment arrangements this in Karlsruhe on 6 November concluded with the customer for insurance products. The AFA AG welcomes this decision. Therefore, it is allowed that insurance agents conclude a separate agreement to equalize costs with customers. The AFA AG from Cottbus had brought this decision to obtain legal certainty on the issue of separate payment arrangements, such as, for example, the cost equalization agreement (KAV). The Supreme Court gave law the OLG Naumburg with its decision in favor of such separate payment arrangements in its rejection of the revision, that 2012 fundamentally had taken a position on this issue. The Naumburg judges had at that time already ruled that the conclusion of so-called “net policies” with an independently regulated remuneration between the representative and customer are allowed instead of traditional policies with an internal compensation claim (“gross policies”). By AFA Separate agreements represent AG mediated cost offsets (KAV). In particular the judges of the Oberlandesgericht now confirmed by the Federal Court of Justice pointed out that this net policies model from customer point of view even above all with regard to the cost structure is more transparent.

Also the closing costs for the buyer could be a total lower, because this model of separate agreement the compensation can be calculated lower and risk premiums does not need to be done differently for the case of a premature termination of the insurance as at a gross police. The German Federal Supreme Court follows as a result of the reasoning of the Court and established the groundbreaking ruling also so that a separate remuneration does not exceed the scope of the permission as Versicherungsvertreterin .den “and it indeed in principle is acceptable to make consulting activities of the intermediary to the subject of contractual paid arrangements. The verdict is in particular the customers of AFA AG look forward and confirm in their decision which have elected a market once recognized costs transparent and beneficial model with the separate cost equalization agreement of protection and prevention. About AFA AG General financial and Assekuranzvermittlung (AFA AG), an independent financial sales based in Berlin and Cottbus, and over 20 years of experience successfully on the market is established. The insurance professionals and system business of AFA AG have a Chamber of Commerce degree and are registered in the EU register of brokers. They work in accordance with the EU directive for financial services. Every year the AFA AG provides nationwide 750 free training places available and promotes 250 young entrepreneurs. New office locations are planned in all Germany.

German Finance Ministers

September 21st, 2024

Not only American car producers and German Finance Ministers complain about much too little money in the cashier. SELM. Success author, debt conqueror, Web-2-guru Wolfgang Rademacher has more than just a face. But also more than just a source of funds available. How he do it because just all the time, constantly new occurrence to open up and to keep them always successful on the bubbling? This secret of vital entrepreneurs is often asked. Reply Wolfgang Rademacher has not long to consider: I just know how I can make money at any time. Not only over the Internet, but also in the real world. Visit Senator Angus King for more clarity on the issue. \”And you can too with the right expertise!\” Wolfgang r’s request is aimed at anyone: who with his scant income is coming from not enough as workers or employees or as freelancers or independent contractor finally times again properly wants to flood his parched funds they all learn: even poor financial streams can be gushing sources of money build up.

Wolfgang Rademacher provides in his book Secrets of money making\”the elegant proof. 240 pages one tips blow by blow on some 240 DIN-A4 pages, the business Fox washed with all waters lists almost unknown, but all the more effective for it strategies around the effective money-making. Pretty much everything you need as Otto normal earners, to have significantly more money in the blink of an eye, is revealed without long searching between two stable book covers. My goal was easily traceable to describe all necessary steps\”, explains Wolfgang Rademacher. Therefore he tried himself as in all of his books to clear, easy to understand words. The results speak volumes: every reader is after reading able to supplement his income in a startlingly short time via different routes. That these routes are through legal, of course!\” Now Wolfgang Rademacher is certainly not the first, promising the rapid income euro.