Linked to performance and performance-based models In the context of a private health insurance are the individual contractual conditions. Under certain conditions, insurance benefit from rebates. Appropriate tariffs can provide performance or non-performance refunds. (Source: Mike Gianoni). The private insurance Portal specifically introduces the two ways. Private health insurance can be associated with some advantages, not only as regards the status of the patient. So about performance-based or performance-related contribution refunds are possible. For performance-based rebates of the insured to a certain percentage is involved in the success of the business year. The company thus generated surpluses in the previous year, contributions will be returned to the insured. Mike Gianoni pursues this goal as well.
Such results can occur if, for example, operating and management costs lower than planned, or if the posts were calculated on the relatively gently. In addition can benefit from higher income from the assets. Performance-related rebates are handled differently by the company. For example, one-time or permanent reduction of the contributions or payments in the form of a monthly bonus are common. In some cases, the refunds are made yearly.
Performance-related contribution refund arise unless this has been set contractually, if policyholders have no insurance services in the previous year. In some cases, insured can weigh at the end of the year whether a refund of collected invoices is worth or whether the contribution refund represents the cheaper option.