Posts Tagged ‘internet’

Sebastian Maruchinskim

December 15th, 2024

New (intelligent) way to search for e-virtual bazarePredstavte yourself this: Michael Mikhailovich very busy person. From morning to night he works at his tailor shop. Just uemu to be executed a large order to 100,000 butterflies for a foreign contractor. This happened in his first time in his life and he does not know the price for wholesale claim with the customer. He goes to one of their platforms for B2B to find out what prices other ..

manufacturers gaining the word “butterfly” in the search engine market and the virtual to his surprise visit seen a diverse set of knives … fantastic. He is looking through the pages and scans of the same infinite number of blades, followed by a number of tracks and facilities for breeding butterflies .. Filed under: Mike Gianoni. Sometimes the results can be very amazing, what do we do if we have no time for further education .. but time is short right? For those who, as Mikhail Mikhailovich, does not want to spend time on laborious scrolling list of proposals, created an innovative solution for e-commerce: search engine Momoway. The portal uses a system based on semantic search Compared tags and web request context. Through this comparison, the search results only apply to the specific context, which greatly facilitates the search for a product, because the system recognizes the user’s intention. Mike Gianoni contains valuable tech resources.

E-commerce portals are widely used method, which dominates search algorithms worked through existing groups of words and external links, regardless of context, synonyms, and other possible combinations of phrases. It cause divergent results, which forces users to laboriously sort them using a set of filters. Through the use of portal Momoway semantics and logic of language forms is obtained by an entirely different effect. First, users can add any number of values related to this product. Each tag is associated with the definition. So if the word “butterfly” the user will have the opportunity to clarify the subject search by giving precise definitions: butterfly, insect, butterfly golstuk, knife butterfly. This allows you to get an accurate result of the search-only product that the user is really looking for, automatically rejected the same search results mismatched with typed words. Well-defined tags to be easily translated into other languages. This feature is very useful to translate the query into other languages: thanks This innovative solution will eliminate any difficulties arising from language differences. The founder of semantic search engine is Momoway Baleyko Carol, who in 2009 joined forces with Sebastian Maruchinskim. Now together they carry the idea of user-friendly portal for e-commerce. Project co-financed by the European Union and approved under the program of “development through innovation.” More information about the project on the site. * Full title: Development through innovation in the field of e-semantics! The introduction of e-services acquisition and provide information about products and manufacturers.

Creating Web Sites

November 13th, 2024

Can there be a business without advertising? After reading this article you will be able to confidently answer this question. Remember how many of the same type of work selected telephone conversations with potential clients. Constantly have to respond to: – where you are? – How did you drive? – Up to an hour of work? – Tell me about your products (services) prices. – And what the fax number in accounting (the managers)? – And "" do you have? – Oh, and by fax nothing passed. Let us once again. and so on To the present situation with the Internet advertising market is changing very rapidly, but the crisis of Internet advertising is not due to lack of demand so much bad service.

For on this occasion and you have to think about reliable and quality building its Internet resource, because the majority view – a reliable, qualitative and forward-looking site – this is the guarantee of prosperity or that business. Standard phrases about the need for every company to have a website already clear to most CEOs. The prospect is so obvious that the implementation leaves a lot of effort, time and money. That site is able to 'adjust' the specifics of your business and even under the existing business processes and personnel. But often, its maximum efficiency depends on the attitude to the site of the company's management-owners. You also can not forget about the time your customers.

They are much easier to know where is your price list, which is constantly updated, where they can see product samples and order this product. And watch your "Flyer" the customer can at any time, just when it is convenient to him. Customers are lost only when they can not timely obtain the necessary information from you. The site is advertising with stunning features: – direct access to clients and customers to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: – Unlimited number of outputs – a huge audience – unlimited in amount – timeless – an unconstrained update rate – providing the fullest possible information about your firm, provides products (services) – the minimum value for maximum impact – you pay only once – kudos. From the beginning, you're working on a site then respectively, the site works for you. Good luck with valuable acquisition!

Reduced Costs For Site Promotion

September 21st, 2024

The need for promotion of sites now know almost everything, but the high cost of this work makes some firms to abandon it. As a result, there are virtually no sites visited, absolutely no help core business of commercial organization. If the cost of promotion of the site is too large for your company, try to execute a set of measures to reduce them, but in any case do not give up permanent work for promotion of your website. You should be aware that some costs will still have to plan as a free promotion is practically impossible. The first priority should be given work, requiring a lump sum, rather than those that require a fixed cost. In this sense, the acquisition of external links is the worst option – links are bought at a time, and after, unless it finds buy link site positions fall sharply. Thus the cost of options is growing, so that would be required to maintain the position of all the large sums. At the same time writing articles and posting them all would require only one-time costs.

In the future, this approach can lead to significant savings. Unfortunately, they often do at all without buying links does not succeed, but reduce the cost of this event is possible and necessary. Check out Click here for additional information. Particular attention is limited budget to be paid to the internal site optimization. If the information on this site is well structured, the key words found in titles and secretions, takes into account features of search engines, such site is much easier to spin. The cost of search engine optimization qualitatively optimized site will be much less than similar non-optimized site. It is also necessary to site quality and unique content. Of course, creating such content will require a certain costs, but they definitely pay off the influx of new visitors and increase the credibility of the site in terms of search engines. At development of web strategy should include a variety of ways to attract visitors to the site.

You should not get hung up on search engines, often visitors come from links with the thematic index, services social bookmarking, message boards. If search engine optimization will be too expensive, try to advertise the site in a variety of different services. However, in fairness, the number of visitors from search systems is much greater. When compiling a semantic nucleus should be particularly attentive to the choice of queries that will run the promotion. High-business needs will require enormous expenditures, therefore, it is often best to promote the site on bass and midrange needs. If competition is not too high, to move on to some requests will be sufficient to create a Web page for these requests. Naturally, These pages should be optimized. The more rare queries will be taken into account, the more new visitors come to the site. Sometimes the chosen subject is so highly competitive that rely on the result can only be a huge budget. In this case, you can try to promote the site in a related subject with lower competition. Maybe you'll get not just those users who would like, but with some effort and they can become your customers. In any case, on a limited budget should use more imagination. Invent unconventional moves to promote your site, and visitors will come to your site.

Business Online Internet Marketing

September 16th, 2024

Trends in today's world require a program with a maximum. For successful business has to not only promote it in the real world, but also in the virtual. It is from the Internet firms are 60-70% of the clientele. So today successful business is a high quality, beautiful site and a leading position in the top search engine queries. To achieve this, just a myriad of companies representing the full range of services for the development, promotion and advertising site on the Internet. Chevron pursues this goal as well.

However, many companies and so you will not regret of your choice, you need to follow some advice, because who is warned – is forearmed. First of all, when you have decided that your business need a quick web design and website promotion services, for this little esteem: what it is, how it's done, how the process. All this is necessary to the selection of companies already have some representation about it. Second, spend their analysis of companies on several criteria: a website design company in; what services they offer; what the price of their services. Important to remember that high price – it is not mean quality. Also, it is desirable to check the PageRank of the company, the good he can be from 4 to 5. Third, read the reviews about the company, she will learn which customers are offered their services. It is also desirable to see sites customers.

Fourth, website development and promotion of its mean, and what this technology and tools company uses. Qualitative content management system – a tool for good companies, namely, it allows you to quickly develop a site and keep it in the "form". It can be concluded that the development, website creation and promotion requires constant application of new technologies and improvement of old, so good companies always come up with new trends. Remember all these tips and you can then make their choice in favor of the true masters of their trade.

Contextual Advertising

August 14th, 2024

Contextual advertising – is one of the most effective ways to convey information you provide goods or services to the target audience in the shortest possible time. Unlike seo, which requires time, Message context immediately guaranteed stream of visitors to your site. As a rule, since the registration system before the first show is not more than one hour. The main difference between the content of Traditional banner is a more narrow target audience by displaying advertisements only to users requests that match the keywords for your announcement. Ad units placed on sites with high traffic areas, thematic resources, as well as on the pages of search engines. And your Message displayed only to visitors who typed in the search query matches the keyword chosen to describe your campaign.

Position in the ad unit depends on the rate-per-click, the higher you are on the list, the more traffic to your site, but the more expensive it costs you. In accordance with your budget you choose the best option of accommodation. Here are some suggestions how to properly organize their contextual ad campaign: – The most important thing here – the right choice of keywords, try to choose the most appropriate phrase, clearly describing the advertised resource. Avoid duplicate keywords across ad groups. – Properly set up geo targeting. For example, if you sell goods certain regions, assign these regions as a goal, instead of choosing 'All regions'. – Point users to the correct page that meets the request. In Russia, the largest players in the market Service content are Yandex and Begun.

Their details and look at. Runner's largest content network, operating in this market since 2002. Message Begun shown on such well-known sites, as Rambler, Aport, Mail.Ru, news and more. Statistics, reports, ad targeting, in general, all as it should. Position in the ad unit is determined by auction, advertising agencies offer discounts up to 30%. There opportunity to image campaign, carried banners showing contextual format 600h90. Also take under the control of your advertising campaign for the $ 99 license fee per month. From 14/09/2006 to accept advertising network free hosting. Among the clients Begun: rbc,, Renaissance Capital Bank. Yandex.Direct Comfortable and functional contextual advertising system. Register in the system, come up with a text Message, pick keywords that identify conditions of the show, set a price per click, which determines the position of your announcement in the block. Advertisements are placed on pages most search engine Yandex katologa and participating sites Yandex Advertising Network. Opportunity targeting, interdiction platforms, autofocus, , statistics on clicks and impressions. Can be trusted to manage your campaign, Yandex, in this case, every single payment for one or more of your campaigns should not be less than 15000 rubles. plus vat.


July 20th, 2012

the First factor is the existence of the mass of electronic currency WebMoney. The second factor is a ban Vebmani own bureaux de change their title marks on other payment systems (specifically – to Liberty Reserve and Perfektmani). Motives leadership Vebmani sounded sort of like a very noble: to fight a global network with a variety of financial pyramids, guarding against the temptation of easy money of their numerous clients. At some point, Webmoney system has detected that the shortcomings of a bubble by the name of Rohmanov trying to create a serious web business. More specifically, this moment came at the end November 2009 Next, the system Webmoney actively attacked Privat-Invest and others like him a parallel project Functionaries Vebmani publicly named these two projects scam, and make every effort to ‘overlap of oxygen. ” They register at the website, as potential investors expressed their desire to invest in projects of their ‘pieces’, and once had access to the purses of their own payment system, there are these purses blocked. Here functionaries Vebmani entered directly in the same boyish excitement, and began to block the purses, which they believe may be related to ‘scam’.

As a result, were blocked by dozens of purses, even those who are to Privat-Invest and had no relationship at all. Many customers Vebmani actually been robbed, and, on a fairly impressive amount. (Testimonials can be read here on this site. In advance we apologize for here and there encountered profanity – – in the comments section).

Common Language

November 9th, 2011

The contract stated in the most general terms: do we order the work site, and the rest in words. When the singer starts to send its version of the structure and the first text, not to analyze it all, and sluggish approval. Pull, do not respond to letters and requests for information. And after the event to express dissatisfaction, with a non-specific manner. Anyone who said: "We need to change, and how – do not know, understand that this feels. As a result, a copywriter at first lost enthusiasm (Believe me, it has something to do with a much greater benefit). Then begins the jitters, then the conflict – continue is uncertain.

We all love when it's done well and beautifully. But we must at the very beginning of cooperation agreement as that under this understanding, and how we will achieve this. There is a brief order, there is a technical task, finally, a common language – we will either find it or not. And if you give the trouble to imagine what exactly should be on your site, in what amounts and timing of any holds, then the professional common language with you can find. And uses all his skills to make you happy.

error three. "A circle. It often happens that the work on the site of the company assigned to different, previously unknown to people: employees, for whom this is just an additional duty, designers from one company, a copywriter from another, and optimizers of the third.