These days I have received lot of information measures and actions of good practices of public policies on road safety carried out in friends Espana.mis show jubilant these initiatives, in such a way that there, both the State and society has taken seriously the national road safety Plan, to the point that their concerns have crossed the European borders with initiatives, postulates and Ibero-American principles in defense of life.The proposal for the creation of the Iberoamerican Association of road safety that will be in force as from next February in Madrid, under the auspices of the Ibero-American General Secretariat and other institutions, brings with it new hope with the implementation of a regional strategic plan to encourage the heads of State and Government to put greater attention to this problem that significantly affects economies of the towns of low and middle-income.The Spanish Government recently ordered more than 1.2 billion euros in its consistent investment program in improvement and maintenance of the road infrastructure for the next three years.This decision is part of the European Regional Plan to reduce accident rates by circulation. So that not only the Iberian Peninsula, as recorded in Spain and Portugal, also all the countries of the old continent have as a priority, in particular in its road map, safety Vial.Prueba of which, will be convened soon in Russia, the so-called Ministerial World Conference on security in the Vias.entre actions entrusted to the Ministry of public works and the General Directorate of traffic of Spain, lists: correction of accident concentration sections; installation of new light networks; the reprogramming of existing traffic lights; placement in major signs of all kinds of safety barriers; until the rectification of dangerous curves in roads and implementation of a programme of illumination.Not be if in throughout the Spanish territory contemplates not build new roads in the coming years as it has occurred in some major provinces, but whether to invest in repair and recovery of existing routes, and especially in the improvement of the operation of the infrastructure; in audits of roads and on advances in management and traffic information.This information I bring to collation that serve as a reflection, and see the large significance which has the theme in recent times for Governments around the world.Dominican Republic does not escape these evils of transportation and vehicular traffic. Additional information is available at Dow. . .
Posts Tagged ‘informatics’
Ministerial World Conference
November 24th, 2024Juliette Binoche
September 6th, 2024The Truth and Reconciliation Commission, created by Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela (both Nobel laureates) has managed to be the architect of numerous miracles, within an area in which Western science criminalistics and psychology for centuries is swimming without getting results. The so-called rehabilitation of the professional as well as pave the way for reconciliation without resentment or exemplary punishment. For that it is necessary to first explain the term ubuntu, which, by one of those ironies of life in the twenty-first century, is best known in the community of Linux developers, open source. This is because his main patron Mark Shuttleworth (South African) appealed to it to disclose them, and with it of course also its philosophy. The word ubuntu is Zulu and Xhosa origin. Means, broadly speaking, humanity, sense of community and also understood as a universal bond that binds all human beings. The literal translation of Ubuntu is: I am that you are should be said that the African concept of the universe the relationship between human beings and their environment is rooted in a holistic view of the cosmos.
The human being is part of everything and does not exist, as in most Western cultures, a highly developed concept of the individual as something that separates the world. Based on the definition of Ubuntu, which commits a crime, therefore, departs from humanity, or ceases to be human. But at the same time that action has an effect on all human beings are part of the cosmos. Therefore the only way to restore balance is to humanize the perpetrator in the film in my country based on the book of radio journalist Antje Krog "Country of my Skull" starring Juliette Binoche and Samuel Jackson, described the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Although framed in the Hollywood production which does not lack his usual ingredients, conveys the idea behind the process. With the theme of truth in exchange for amnesty, urges all those white, mostly belonging to the former Apartheid regime that practiced that had been reported as perpetrators of torture and murder, to appear before a court to which family members could also attend of the victims, to give his version of events. The condition: It must be the truth. In heartbreaking scenes and brought to the screen with chilling realism the perpetrators tell relatives of the victims the last moments of life of their loved ones.
However, for many of the stories, several of the perpetrators themselves are realizing the scale of its actions and begin to show feelings, are prey to fits of crying and unfeigned repentance. Is this process might be called the re-humanization? The fact is, it was shown that after such an experience, both perpetrators and victims can then look back again in the eye without hate. In some cases, the children of the victims agreed to be adopted by the perpetrators. Although it sounds to fantasy and fairy tale, there is no greater eloquence than the truth. And the fact that this is feasible and should be a real cause for reflection rather than doubt and distrust Desmond Tutu said in his speech to the opening of the processes . . is a new worldview, a new conception of life that is born in South Africa for our times. Simply relying on it.